Pirate of Darkness

Chapter 415: war

"The Dark Lord of the Pirate (!

After a while, all the soldiers in the entire No. 5 base died, leaving no one alive.

Among them, the stronger ones, or those who escaped from the fog, were easily killed by Gal and Nelson.

And most of the corpses that fell on the ground covered their mouths, noses, and even necks with their hands, sleeping in the mist and deprived of their vitality.

Gal and the others did not intend to support the No. 4 and No. 3 bases that were targeted by the other two groups, but directly focused on the No. 2 base.

The perfect cooperation between them and the displayed power gave them sufficient confidence, and the results of this time could be expanded much more than expected.

On the other side, Base Zero, the war has really started, the thunder is wrapped around the body, and Cronus wantonly destroys the base of the war.

The spreading thunderbolt caused the death of some unlucky soldiers from time to time.

The three battled at a height of 100 meters. Frieda released a repulsive force and a powerful impact. A gas mask with a diameter of tens of meters appeared out of thin air, and Cronus's body was violently ejected for thousands of meters.

In this way, the battlefield is moved to prevent further destruction of Cronus.

They are also old opponents, and they know each other very well.

Cronus yelled, waved his fist, and slammed with his repulsive force.

In the face of this terrifying force, Freda did not retreat but moved forward, with a strong repulsive force on his feet, kicking Cronus.

"Repulsive kick!"

Accompanied by a loud noise, the air exploded violently, and clouds of smoke continued to roll over.

While the two were fighting fiercely, "Double Thorn Spears!" The ice spear exuding cold air, as if to condense the air, quickly flew towards Cronus.

Cronus couldn't avoid it. Kuzan caught this opportunity very well. The spear pierced Cronus's body, but was easily resisted by Cronus's powerful physique and armed domineering.

But Kuzan's move was not that simple, the strong cold air spread along the spear like Cronus's body, and in a blink of an eye, most of Cronus's body was frozen.

This kind of ice can only limit the time of Cronus for a moment. In a blink of an eye, cracks have appeared in the frozen body of Cronus, and Frieda, taking advantage of this opportunity, quickly attacked. .

The figure flashed out of thin air and appeared directly above Cronus's head.

Cronus's unfrozen arm raised to resist, and the moment Freda shot, the ice on Cronus broke into countless pieces and fell from the air.

This foot of Freda caused Cronus's arm to sink, but it did not shake his body. Cronus possessed the powerful physique endowed by the fruit of Titan.

I saw Cronus' body sinking slightly in the air, and then he blasted up with a more terrifying force.

This punch directly hit a thunderstorm, and it erupted from in front of Freda, and with the terrifying power, Freda's face changed slightly, and he quickly used his ability, and the repulsive barrier stood in front of him.

The sea has been frozen, and icicles have risen from the sea. The general green pheasant stands on top of the icicles, and his figure leaps back and forth on top of the icicles. As the battle location shifts, more icicles are Condensed, looking for time to attack.

Kuzan is not good at air combat, but he can use this method to give Freda some assistance.

On the other side, without the ability of Kuzan to freeze the sea, the general of the army, "Grizzly Bear," who is himself a land duck, has received news of the invasion of other war bases.

He was riding a warship and was quickly supporting the No. 3 base.

And only halfway through, an uninvited guest came to stop him, and the phoenix Marco flapped the wings of the burning blue flame and turned into a phoenix.

The sharp claws blasted a large hole directly on the warship.

"Are you the only one?" The Grim Bear stared at Marco in front of him. Marco is not his opponent. "It's too arrogant if you want to deal with me."

"Haha, it's okay to block you." Marko appeared, and smiled as he looked at General Grim Bear. He was naturally aware of his own strength. He was not the opponent of Grim Bear, and his purpose was to contain Grim Bear. .

The violent bear frowned and saw Marko's purpose. In this case, he would not be able to support other bases. Anyone would feel troubled by Marko's ability.

But in the face of the enemy, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

"Huh! If you dare to come, stay here,"

The violent bear's figure flashed, his arms turned into beasts and turned into strong bear claws, which looked full of power.

Marco flew forward quickly, and the two collided like this.

The entire warship trembled violently, and the collision came too suddenly, and many soldiers accidentally slipped and fell from the warship.

The blue light was shining, and Marco's whole body was blown out, and he stabilized after flying dozens of meters.

The general of the army is stronger than him. This kind of power is incomparable to Marko. Compared with the ancient species of Serrated Bear, although his ability is an Eudemons, he does not have an advantage in the increase in power.

Moreover, the basic combat power of the violent bear would have been stronger than him.

The most important ability of Phrax fruit is the flame of immortality. Although the power of the violent bear is strong, it cannot cause damage to Marko at all.

The appearance of Marko is destined to be dragged here.

After several war bases were attacked, the navy headquarters had already got the news.

"Marshal, we need to send someone to support immediately." A lieutenant admiral slapped a palm on the table and said loudly.

"It's too late. The distance is too far. When we pass, the battle is over." The Warring States sighed and shook his head.

"Isn't there Polusalino? With his speed, he should be able to pass in a short time."

"Porussalino has already been sent to the new world, and the pressure on the new world is even greater, especially in the future, maybe the two generals are not enough." The Warring States period was very helpless. There was a change, and it seemed that he would have to take action next, the fierce **** Ares was still wandering in the front of the new world."

"Porussalino can't leave. This is the pirate's conspiracy. Once we leave, the situation we create in the new world may be hit hard and fall into a downturn."

In fact, the navy’s power in the New World has been severely damaged, so the two highest combat powers are not enough. If necessary, the Warring States Period plans to send Zefa to take action. If it doesn’t work, he will take action himself, or call Karp back.

Karp has been back to the East China Sea for a long time because of his grandson, but the situation is indeed a crisis and it is completely difficult to control. If you don't pay attention, you may fall into a dead end.

"Don't worry, there are three lieutenants in every war base, so there should be nothing wrong." A lieutenant comforted, this is also confidence in their strength.

After all, to be a strong lieutenant, where is it so easy to die.

Although now, except for Karp and Crane, the average combat power of the lieutenant admiral is somewhat stretched.

Over the years, the Navy has lost so many powerful men, and the newly promoted lieutenant generals have reached the level of lieutenant generals in combat power, but there are almost no lieutenant generals who possess the power of elite lieutenant generals and quasi-generals.

In terms of quality, it can't be compared with the previous navy lieutenants. In the past, the number of places was limited, but now they can only choose the tall one from the short.

Unless waiting for this generation of naval elites to fully grow up.

However, at the next moment, the door of the conference room suddenly opened, and a navy rushed in, "Report, it's not good, Marshal of the Warring States Period, Lieutenant General Zern's life card burned out."

This news is like a blow, the life card is bound to a person's life, and when it burns out, it means that the person is completely dead.

And now, how long has the news come? There was already a lieutenant admiral who died, who was still a lieutenant admiral.

However, before he could react, a telephone worm rang. This was a telephone worm of the world government and army. The telephone worm rang, giving the Warring States a premonition of unknown.

Turn on the phone worm, the eyes of the phone worm opened, and the voice rang directly.

"Warring States, how about Lieutenant General Zern? Is he still alive?" It was the third general of the army, the "White Ghost", who was also the strongest general. , Now he is sixty-seven years old.

The weirdness and power of the ghost fruit keeps him very strong. He is not far from retirement. In fact, he can retire long ago, but the person who can take over as the third general has not yet appeared, so he has been supporting him all the time. Has not retired yet.

Only when he is there can he suppress the generals "Grumpy Bear" and "Vulture". Otherwise, the Army will most likely become the battlefield for these two generals to compete for the marshal.

If the three parties check and balance, it would be better.

After all, the army is different from the navy, it is located in the red soil continent, directly belonging to the holy land, and the position of marshal is dispensable.

Bai Gui's words made the Warring States and their hearts tighten, and their pupils shrank.

"Could it be?" The Warring States period couldn't believe it.

"It seems that Zin also sacrificed. Guinness and Maderno's life cards were burned out just now." The white ghost heard a hoarse voice.

"How is it possible? How long has it been?" In the entire conference room, everyone couldn't believe it. This is not a lieutenant general, but three!

So sacrificed, even Crane couldn't keep calm.

"In other words, Base No. 5 has fallen." A lieutenant general couldn't help but say.

What does it mean to fall? They were very clear in their hearts, and they couldn't help but cast a layer of haze.

"I have sent the vulture over, but at his speed, I can't make it in a short time." The army general Baigui's voice came, and he seemed to sigh, "Prepare, the loss should continue."

This is a kind reminder, and the most uncomfortable thing is the white ghost. Today, the lieutenant general has lost half of it.

There are not many strong men in the army, and unlike the navy, there are elite training camps that can train enough reserve forces.

For the Army, it's really broken.

After speaking, the phone worm hung up.

There was some silence in the navy conference room.

Although the Army General Vulture has been dispatched, they don't have much hope.

Base No. 4, Xi turned into a giant griffin, flapping its wings, releasing countless wind blades, and continuously harvesting the lives of the soldiers below.

Leaves a series of cutting wounds on their bodies.

The soldiers attacking the surrounding areas are all secondary, and the main attacks of Greece are on their main opponents, the three lieutenants of Cuevedo, Relie, and Juan.

Compared to Gal's side, the lieutenant to be dealt with here is much stronger in strength.

Quévedo and Juan are lieutenants in the army, and Ruilie is the lieutenant in the navy.

Although Quivedo's strength is ordinary, he is an animal type, snake fruit, and viper form ability, possessing the powerful vitality of the animal type.

Lafayette fought at the same time with Quevedo and Riley two lieutenants.

On the other side, the army lieutenant Juan that Yanbaojin faces is very strong. Although most of the army’s strength is average, there are still strong ones. Just like this one, the superhuman type has the ability to corrode the fruit and has the quasi-general. The combat power of the army is the key training target of the army. In the army, he has a high reputation. After the resignation of the white ghost, he is the third general in the army and has no competitors.

Juan’s powerful strength slightly suppressed the flaming embers, the powerful corrosive force, the pits and pits corroded throughout the ground, the corrosive nature of the corrosive fruit is more domineering and corrosive than the corrosiveness of the sour fruit. Ability is corrosion, and it is more direct.

Just like eating the poisonous fruit Magellan, Juan is a corrosive person. If he is touched without protective measures, the touched position will be quickly corroded if he is weak.

Even though Jhin had the special abilities of his own race, he didn't dare to care about Juan's corrosion, and he was very fully armed.

Lafitte mainly targets Lieutenant General Ruilie, Lafitte in the form of humans and beasts, ghostly figures, and slender swords, but every spot of light is a fatal stab.

Relier alone is not Lafitte's opponent at all. In this golden sea battlefield, Lafitte has the title of "Devil" but the fierce name, a pair of scarlet bat wings, the executioner on the battlefield.

Similarly, Quivedo is not Greece's opponent.

So the two joined hands to deal with Lafitte, wanting to deal with Lafitte first, and then work together to deal with Xi.

This result has led to the fact that no one checks and balances Greece, and Greece can hunt and kill other soldiers unscrupulously. When dealing with Lafitte, they also need to be vigilant about Greece's actions.

Compared to Juan on the other side, they were Xi's main target, with wounds on his body, which was caused by Xi.

Their plan was completely impossible, and Lafitte's strength was not something they could easily deal with together.

Even with one enemy and two, Lafitte was still at ease, and his absolute advantage in speed didn't fall into a disadvantage because of the combination of the two enemies.

At least in a short period of time, there is no problem at all.

Coupled with Xi's help, Lafitte is constantly looking for opportunities to attack. While Xi uses his abilities, he is always ready to end.

The two lieutenants had been completely caught in the hunting of Lafitte and Xi.

If this continues, the two will really die in the hands of Lafitte and Xi, as can be seen by some good navy or army forces.

He wanted to help the two lieutenants, but there was no way. Xi's wind blade would always take their lives, or die directly under Lafitte's blade, and he had learned a lesson.

The battle of the strong ~lightnovelpub.net~ They are like a burden, they can't be inserted at all.

On the other side, the battle between Lieutenant General Juan and Jin was even more so, the spreading corrosive liquid made it impossible for them to connect close.

Regarding the situation on the other battlefield, it is impossible for Juan to be unclear, a little anxious in his heart, wanting to rush there to gather with the other two lieutenants.

And Jhin, blocked in front of him tightly, and when he fell a little downwind, he attacked fiercely.

The key point of this war lies in Jhin's body, which can support and block this quasi-general-level lieutenant admiral before Lafitte and Xi can solve the other two or one lieutenant general.

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