Pirate of Darkness

Chapter 452: the last star of death

This long-lasting and far-reaching war on the world seems to have come to an end, but in fact, the outcome has not really been decided.

The scale of victory has indeed shifted to the side of the pirates.

But the variables are still there. After so many variables, no one will easily judge whether the war is won or lost because of a little advantage.

The world government has not given an order to retreat.

Sora and the others did not admit defeat. With a burst of energy, they still persisted, like Sora and the others who had just joined the war, had just started fighting, and were far from exhausted.

For them, the battle has just begun, how can they admit defeat? He is still insisting, and he is still imagining that the world government will continue to send strong support in the future.

As long as they persevere, the victory of the war is still theirs.

They thought so, and still had hope for victory in their hearts. In fact, there is such a possibility, if the world government really sends its full force.

However, they could not imagine that they would eventually be defeated by their own people, and the Tianlong people were unwilling to let go of the power in their hands.

This made their perseverance in vain.

And Titch didn't expect that he didn't know how the world government would choose. In his guess, there is a high probability that a strong person will be sent to support.

The plan will not always be perfect, and it needs constant adjustment and change. It is precisely because of this that he will make a deal with Long.

If he could guess that Sengoku was leaving the Navy Headquarters, with his temperament, maybe he would have arranged outside the Navy Headquarters in advance.

Today's naval headquarters is absolutely empty, and when it is the weakest, entering the naval headquarters, destroying, killing, and looting will definitely cause heavy damage to the naval headquarters and cause a huge blow to the reputation of the navy.

If it is more ruthless, even the Holy Land will cause some riots.

Worrying about the support that the World Government might send, Titch wanted to end the war in a short time, forcing the coalition to defeat before the World Government's support arrived.

This is similar to the plan of the World Government, but with a twist.

But his goal is not to defeat the strong coalition army, it will take a long time, and then the flowers are all gone.

"The last resort, devour all your hopes."

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Titch thought to himself, and a trace of indifference flashed in his eyes.

His eyes were not on those strong men, but on the more than 100,000 coalition troops who were still fighting.

The pirates entered the defense and gradually retreated. This was Tickey's acquiescence a long time ago, just for this time.

What war needs is the army. Once the army is lost, the grassroots combat power is also the basis for ruling a sea area. The Dark Night Pirates have expanded on a large scale. If there are no ordinary members with a huge base, how can they control such a vast sea area?

The world government cannot organize such a large army to start a world-class war again.

In this way, Teach's purpose can be imagined, that is, to eliminate these coalition forces on the battlefield.

Due to the retreat of the pirates, the coalition army was overwhelmed, no longer so scattered, and all gathered together, which made it more convenient for Titch to use that trick.

The Devil's Claw has torn a cp0, and in a short period of time, it is the cp0 who has broken his leg, and the other three can't stop it even if they want to stop it.

The blood was dripping, and the neck of the man was pinched off abruptly.

Looking at the death of their companions, this made the gentlemen feel very powerless. They did not have deep feelings with their companions. As CP0s, they had no feelings for each other, and there were very few opportunities to perform tasks together.

Although he had already prepared for death, such a death was meaningless, and he couldn't even hurt the Dark Emperor.

Especially the look in Tiki's eyes when he saw the prey, they have always regarded other people as prey.

With a rapid attack, Tickey can always seize the opportunity, predict the future, perceive, and fight consciousness. The combination of these is combined with the ability of the secret fruit.

The black air was attached to Tiki's body like a flame.

The dark fruit has the ability to **** everything in contact with the dark into the dark space, and then compress and smash it infinitely.

But this premise is that it is inhaled into the dark space, and there is no such effect outside.

Maybe they know Tiki's ability, so they are very careful, for fear of being swallowed by the darkness, they are not devil fruit power users, so Tiki's gravity has little effect on them and has no obvious effect.

If it is an ability person, Tiki can completely **** him over, swallow him directly into the dark space, and then die under infinite compression and crushing.

With such a terrifying power, the power of darkness is naturally not a simple gas, and it can also bring a good defense when covering it.

After fighting for a while, Tickey turned his head and flew directly into the sky. The three cp0s were a little surprised. One Tickey wanted to fight them with the advantage of air superiority.

In this way, they will be much more relaxed, and they will not be able to hurt Titch, and there is no difference. At the same time, the biggest threat to them is Titch's powerful physical injury and huge attacks.

Every punch from Tickey slammed into their bodies, domineering infiltrated into their bodies, flesh and bones, causing internal trauma.

However, Tiki rose higher and higher, and soon the figure disappeared, the figure disappeared into the clouds, and came to a height of several thousand meters.

Tickey's sudden departure was very strange and attracted the attention of many people, and the three cp0s couldn't help but have an ominous premonition in their hearts.

In the high sky where no one was paying attention, Titch looked down alone, found a good position, and stopped.

He stretched out his hand, surrounded by black air, and the extremely terrifying energy was continuously compressed and condensed. In Tickey's palm, an energy ball shining with blue light appeared.

The energy ball condensed by infinite gravity contains a very terrifying power inside.

Outside the energy ball, the space is under extreme gravity, with a slight twist.

Star of Destruction, Titch intends to use this move to directly destroy the remaining more than 100,000 coalition members.

Unlike before, Tickey's ability to develop has been greatly enhanced, which can stabilize the energy in a short period of time, and does not need to delay its outbreak through the hard dark jade shell.

Therefore, without the dark shell, the azure star of the death star is very dazzling and beautiful.

In this regard, Tickey has already made psychological preparations, and his expression is only calm in addition to calm.

With a slight flip of the palm, the blue energy ball slipped from the palm and flew downwards continuously.

After Titch disappeared into the sky, Redyat felt a force that made the hairs on his body stand up. He seemed to realize something, and his face suddenly changed.

It's too messy, don't say anything in advance!

Redart scolded secretly in his heart, but he still trusted Titch. Since Titch was going to make that move, he understood Titch's thoughts.

This is the quickest way to end this war, but it is very violent.

Since Tiki made this move, it would naturally not affect the people on the pirate side, but this is the sea, and it is too dangerous to use this move in the sea.

Even Redart can't guarantee that nothing will happen.

Since Gu is like this, there is no point in continuing this war. Redyat directly gave up fighting with Arester and opened up the distance at the first time.

Aleister didn't know what Redyat was going to do, but Redyat turned into a giant dragon with a height of hundreds of meters. The thick voice echoed between the heavens and the earth, and people on the entire battlefield could hear it.

"All pirates give me back, back to the back, the farther the better."

Redart's voice was a little urgent, and the pirates who were fighting were stunned for a moment. As the commander of the pirate coalition, Redyat's words were naturally not wrong. Although he didn't know why, he just listened.

Redart was talking about all the pirates, except for Shiki and Long, he couldn't control them. Under his orders, all the pirates gave up fighting.

Gal who was fighting against Kuzan, Kronos who was fighting Frieda, Jhin who was fighting Vulture, Katakuri who was fighting fiercely with Bear, and other powerful pirates gave up the fight one after another. Cover the other pirates while retreating.

This is the trust in Redart.

"Quickly withdraw, the heavy objects that slow down the speed of the artillery are discarded, and it is important to save lives."

Redyat's words have reached such a serious level, those pirates who pushed forward with large arms such as artillery, shuddered, and ran quickly to the rear.

In the end what happened? There seems to be some great danger?

The coalition was stunned, not knowing what to do.

At this time, the top-level powerhouses, who are keenly aware, have already sensed the extreme danger and are constantly approaching.

"Don't stand, run!" Sora's voice sounded.

He has already felt it, as if there is a big terror coming. Combined with Redyat's words, he knows that there is a large-scale terrifying move coming.

Sora's voice resounded throughout the battlefield, and the coalition forces on the battlefield retreated.

The change in the situation is surprising, what happened all of a sudden? The fierce battle suddenly stopped.

Except for Sora and Shiki, Gaia and Long, the other battles stopped in a short period of time, and the war ended at once, and looking at the situation of the pirates and the coalition, they seemed to be fleeing?

It was too late, even running away was useless.

"Death Star!" A calm voice echoed between heaven and earth, like a sigh of a god.

The pupils of the person who heard this voice shrank, and people all over the world were shocked. Regarding the collection of images of the Dark Emperor, there is one trick that can be said to be a must-see and the most spectacular, and that is the Star of Destruction, its power can be said to be is absolutely terrifying.

Titch made this move, did he want it?

In an instant, thunder and lightning danced wildly, the wind and clouds changed color, and the celestial phenomenon in an area in the cloud layer changed, forming a sharp contrast with other areas, and this area was right above the entire battlefield.

Out of Titch's control, the Star of Destruction gradually became unstable, and the leakage of energy, even if it was only a little, was very terrifying and had a huge impact on the surrounding space.

A little blue light appeared from the clouds, falling continuously, and the blue light flashed like a star.

The reporter bird instinctively sensed the crisis, and while turning the camera on the star of extinction, he moved away rapidly, even if he could only see a light spot, it was enough.

Because it can be zoomed in, there is even a special telescope attached to the eye of the videophone bug.

The melon eaters watched the image intently.

Unlike them, the coalition members on the battlefield can't wait to have two more legs, hoping that they can run faster.

Death Star, who is it aimed at? Still need to say?

However, the landing of the Death Star seems to be very slow. This is just an illusion caused by the height. In fact, it only takes less than half a minute.

And at this time, where can they go?

The trajectory of the coalition army's retreat has long been predicted by Titch, so the landing position is almost in the middle of them.

As it landed, the blue ball of light expanded slightly, as if it would explode at any time.

"Come and stop it!" Sora shouted anxiously, a terrifying slash directly on his body, knocking his entire body into the air, and smashing his entire body on the ice.

On one side, along with this slash, the entire ice surface was directly cut open, stretching for thousands of meters, and a huge ravine appeared.

"Sora, you'd better take care of yourself, you dare to be distracted fighting with me." Shikey pointed his sword at Sora's neck with one hand and smiled, "But that guy has something."

Although it hadn't erupted yet, Shi Ji also felt the horror of that move, which made him a little scared, and more curious about the power that this move could show.

As soon as the words fell, Shi Ke directly attacked Sora, he would not let Sora escape from his hands.

block it? Easy to say, but how to stop it? The Death Star is like an explosion source, and it may explode with a little stimulation, detonating it in advance.

It would be great if the previous door fruit person was still alive, and he could directly send this thing into the different space, but unfortunately he is already dead.

Besides, Titch has only used this trick once, and they don't know what kind of core it is.

Seems like now, the only way is to let it break out?

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared, walking on the moon and quickly approaching the landing "Blue Star". Then, icicles continued to rise, one higher than the other.

The speed of the moon step is still too slow. With the help of Kuzan, the icicle will be shattered by the icicle with the help of Kuzan's foot.

The violent bear shot, constantly approaching the star of death, what does he want to do? Someone has already guessed that he wants to use his powerful physique to resist the Star of Destruction.

Can it really be done?

Redyat couldn't help sneering, looking at the stupid move of the bear, is that something that people can resist? Faced with this trick, the only thing you can do is run away, the farther you run, the better.

Others don't know, doesn't he still know how terrible this trick is?

The gravitational force that can distort even space~lightnovelpub.net~ The closer you get to the star of death, the more miserable you will die.

In his eyes, even detonating in advance is more effective than his method, only using a long-range attack without paying his own life.

"Is this a joke?" Titch couldn't help but be a little surprised, with a mocking smile in his eyes, "Do you really think this trick can be resisted by the body alone?"

When there is no other way, this is the most effective and the most stupid method.

But the violent bear is really shocking, to have such a consciousness, the consciousness of sacrificing oneself, is really impressive, it seems that the army is not so useless.

"It's a pity, but you will use your life perfectly to interpret how powerful this move is to warn the world."

As the creator of this move, Titch quietly looked at the approaching violent bear, and made his own announcement like a judge.

A mysterious color flashed in the depths of his pupils, as if he had seen the future.