Pirate System

~: Rainbow Spring (Part 1)

Chapter 229: Rainbow Spring (Part 1)

After Tanke asked this question that was as hot as fire, he looked at Elizabeth with anticipation, and he was eager for the other party's answer. Although he saw love in Elizabeth's eyes, for some reason, his heart was still very rough, and his heartbeat was as fast as it was during the battle.

He hoped that Elizabeth could accompany him on his desperate journey in the future, so that his life would be much more complete. He is a greedy person, and in terms of love, he needs brotherhood as well as the love between men and women, both of which are indispensable.

Yes, or no.

It was a very simple answer, but in fact, no matter how Elizabeth answered, Donk would never let her go again. Tangke has developed a bandit temper. Even if he uses tough means, he must keep his beloved by his side. However, instead of forcing the love you get, it is better to be sweet.

The fiery gaze forced Elizabeth to have nowhere to hide, and she didn't want to show the little woman's twists and turns, but just met that gaze, thinking and hesitating in the intense heat. She did not answer immediately, because this is not a question that can be answered casually, and it is related to the happiness of a lifetime. Although she hesitated to move forward, once she made up her mind, she would move forward bravely, no matter whether the road ahead was paved with red carpets or thorns.

It was only a few seconds, but the time seemed to freeze, and it was a bit torturous for a long time.

Elizabeth's attitude finally became firm, her eyes were no longer impurity, and her expression was serious.

"I have a hunch that you will ruin my life, and my original plans will be disrupted. With you, the future must be full of danger. I am afraid, but I am not afraid of danger, I am afraid of that Sad ending. Tangke, the pirates are accompanied by tears and misfortune, but if I ask you to give up your identity as a pirate, you will not agree. Knowing this is the result, I should really refuse you."

When Tangke heard the word "rejection", his heart twitched violently.

"However, there is an irrational voice in my heart, shouting hysterically, let me forget about those concerns." Elizabeth smiled charmingly, "I feel my head is so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot. Let's be together. Like you said, be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks. Forget everything else, just be together. No matter where the ship under our feet sails, no matter what awaits us A warm harbor, or an enemy ship roaring with gunfire."

For the love wave that set off in her heart, Elizabeth gave up everything and chose to be with pirates, which meant that she would devote herself to the life of blood and fire in the future, and even face the torture called kindness.

Tang Ke finally waited for the answer he was looking forward to. He just felt extremely happy and everything in the world became better. He said excitedly, "Let's go to the end of the world together."

"Well, this lady who crushes the boat, I'm sure." Elizabeth nodded with a smile.

Tangke stared affectionately at Elizabeth's face and sipped that beauty. At this moment, he felt that Elizabeth was the most beautiful woman in the world, with eyes as bright as gems, skin as white as snow, and impeccable His face, his head that was as bright as gold threads... were deeply imprinted in his heart and will be remembered forever.

The two approached naturally, turned their heads slightly, and touched their lips. First, they tried a few times, and fell deeply into the sweet touch. Gradually, their desire for that wonderful feeling became stronger and stronger. The light kiss gradually turned into a hot kiss, from a light touch to a lingering collision. Elizabeth was dazed and ignorant about this, and just opened her mouth to ask for it by instinct. But Tangke attacked skillfully, creating pleasure between his tongue, which swam around like a small fish.

The whole world seemed to have disappeared, and only the two of them were left, embracing and kissing each other ecstatically.

The pleasure that comes from instinct gradually increases, mixed with the unique sweetness when a man and a woman just fell in love. This is an incomparably wonderful enjoyment, which makes people fall for it.

Elizabeth almost suffocated, she pushed away Tangke's entanglement, took a deep breath, her face was already red, and her lips were still stained with bright water stains.

Tang Ke still felt unfulfilled, and his eyes were still hot.

As if defeated, Elizabeth continued to push Tangke back and said, "This is my first kiss, for you."

Tang Ke's mind was swayed. Picking a beautiful first kiss is one of life's great joys. He smiled even more, and teased smartly: "This is also my first kiss, and I gave it to you too."

This kind of lie full of loopholes, the pig beast will believe.

Elizabeth took out a handkerchief and wiped her delicate red lips, stretched out her other hand to pinch Tangke's face, and said, "Hmph, let me pinch and see where your face has gone."

"Oh, pain, pain, pain... You are the lady who crushed the boat, you are strangling me and usurping my position as head of the regiment."

Tangke grinned exaggeratedly, and Elizabeth was amused by the smile, but she refused to let go. The two of them frolicked for a while before giving up.

After enough trouble, the two had to face the real problem. They are still in the sky, surrounded by a white sea of ​​clouds. There must be a decision on what to do.

Tangke took Elizabeth's hand and walked out of the captain's room together. The sun was shining brightly outside, and with the refraction of the white sea of ​​clouds, the light was very dazzling. Although the sun is very abundant, the temperature is still very low under the ravages of the cold wind, enough to freeze the water into ice.

"Are you cold?" Tangke asked with concern.

Elizabeth was still wearing Tangke's clothes. She smiled and shook her head. After more than a year, she is now a second-order swordsman, not as weak as ordinary women.

The group of stupid monsters are scattered all over the ship. They are not particularly obedient. Some of them are at the helm and control the sails. wrist. Because of the feral nature of these stupid monsters, the first thing Tangke did was to gather all the stupid monsters and told them not to hurt Elizabeth. The stupid monsters agreed with a bang, their poor memory can still remember a human face.

Regarding the matter of the Black Pearl, Tangke had just explained it, and Elizabeth did not ask any more.

The second thing Tangke had to do was to determine the course. Although he didn't know where to find the way back down, he had to try his luck. On the [Navigation Chart] interface, only the outline of the floating ice sea was recorded, which was the data obtained by Tangke by scanning the entity's nautical chart before. That is to say, what the system displays now is only the outline of the sea surface and 6 places below, and there is no description of the shape of this sea of ​​clouds. They are completely in an unknown environment, and it is so incredible here, there may be some danger lurking.

If it's just in danger, it's fine. What Tangke fears most is that there is no way to go back. Whenever such negative thoughts appear, he will try his best to restrain himself and stop thinking about it.

His [Exchange] function has been limited, and he has lost the unlimited supply of materials. The food and water on the ship are limited. In addition, there are more than 400 stupid monsters with excellent appetites, and the consumption of materials on the ship will be very high. sharp.

There is not much food on the Black Pearl. It takes more than four hundred mouths to feed, and it can last for two weeks at most.

Within two weeks, if he can't find a way to go back to sea, Tangke will face the risk of starvation. In addition, the stupid monsters who have nothing to eat will definitely riot, or at least kill each other.

Tangke made a secret decision in his heart to first reduce the food supply for the stupid monsters. If he couldn't find a way to return to the sea after a week, he would cut the stupid monsters on board by half and throw them all into the sea of ​​clouds. No, one week is too long, so it is more safe to reduce it to three days.

With such a decision, there is no doubt that it is a bit ruthless. However, he just used the stupid monster he created as a fighting tool, and naturally he would not show mercy.

Anyway, I don't know where there is a way out. Tangke finally decided to sail all the way to the south. If he can return to the sea from there, he can just continue south and return to the familiar sphere of influence at sea.

"Can you steer with me?" Tangke asked.

"Of course." Elizabeth smiled sweetly.

The two came to the bridge, with Tangk standing in the back, Elizabeth in the front, their chests against their backs, and they looked like glue. Both Tangk and Elizabeth's hands were on the sturdy rudder, and they moved together as if they were in a good mood. Tangke sniffed the fragrance on Elizabeth's body and felt the softness of her back. Occasionally, the raised gold would touch his face, itching.

The pitch-black sailboat moved forward by the crosswind, forming a sharp contrast with the white sea of ​​clouds, making it very abrupt. The sea of ​​​​clouds is white, and the cold wind blows, turning up layers of white waves. Being here is like being in an illusion, which makes people feel like they are dreaming. Because the sea of ​​​​clouds is very different from the sea, the ship's ability to create dark seas cannot be used, and it can only move forward in a normal way.

During the voyage, the two seemed to have endless things to say, chatting one after another. Elizabeth expressed concern for her sailors. Tangke didn't think it was a problem. He trusted the people of the Dragon Pirates very much, and those guys would definitely be able to handle things well. As Elizabeth chatted, it was inevitable that she would think of her comrades who had just died, and sometimes sighed. Tonke deliberately led the topic to other directions, so as not to grieve Elizabeth.

The dumb beast on the observation deck suddenly became agitated, let out a howl, and pointed to the southwest.

This proves that it must be the stupid monster who found something through the telescope, the first bird that Tangke thinks of, or even the beast. This idea is more reliable, and if there are beasts here, it can also add a food source, which is a good thing.

Tangk handed over the steering wheel to Elizabeth, and let the ship move toward the southwest. Through the circular field of vision of the telescope, he searched for a while in the southwest, and suddenly stopped. When he saw clearly what the stupid monster had found, he was greatly disappointed. That's not a useful thing, far less exciting than a bird.

"Tank, what are they showing?" Elizabeth asked from a distance.

"It's a pity, it's not a bird at all, it's a rainbow." Tangke put the telescope back into the claws of the dumb beast, and the loss was fully revealed in his tone.

"Rainbow? That's not bad. Let's go and see. I want to see what a rainbow looks like up close."

Tangke could hear that Elizabeth was very interested in this matter, and agreed, "Go and have a look if you want to see it."

The Black Pearl turned around and headed near the rainbow. If it was too close, it would be impossible to see the full picture of the rainbow~lightnovelpub.net~, so it stopped while maintaining a certain distance. The rainbow transitions from red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and violet in turn, forming seven colors of light, presenting an arched bridge in mid-air. The whole scene is quite pleasing to the eye.

The stupid monsters stood on the deck and shouted at the rainbow, which was quite damaging to the atmosphere. Tangke ordered to shut up, and those stupid monsters quieted down.

"It's so beautiful. It's the first time I've seen a rainbow at such a close distance." Elizabeth looked at the rainbow fascinatedly, and was obviously impressed by the beauty of the rainbow.

Tangke obviously lacked the eye for appreciating nature. He looked at it calmly. It didn't matter, he suddenly noticed something strange on the rainbow. He pointed to the other side and said, "Do you see something on that rainbow?"

"Something?" Elizabeth looked in the direction of her finger.

Without waiting for Elizabeth to answer, Tangk took off the mini telescopic telescope he always carried around his waist and looked over the rainbow.

At the top of the arched rainbow, there is a small spring that is jumping cheerfully. This spring is self-sufficient, and after the spray falls, it naturally returns to the bottom and circulates infinitely.