Pirate System

~: text death advice

() "You are simply alarmist. The Five Continents have vast territory and abundant resources, and it is impossible to be threatened by those small countries at any time. M" Chen Shuyi said indifferently.

Tangke's hand holding the wine bowl raised an index finger and shook it twice, "You are wrong, nothing lasts forever, being strong now doesn't mean you can always be strong. Being weak now doesn't mean you will be weak forever. The times are constantly progressing. Thousands of years ago, people were just a group of primitive people who drank blood. But now people have all kinds of amazing power, whether it is the power of magic or the power of science and technology. In the same way, we can’t imagine what it will be like in the future. People look back at us thousands of years from now, just as we look at primitive people now. At that time, the world will definitely be born. A weapon more powerful than a miraculous might only need a small thing the size of a watermelon to raze a country to the ground! In that case, the size of a country can no longer measure the strength of a country, only military and financial resources can Be the benchmark."

Chen Shuyi changed color slightly, thought for a while, and continued to argue: "The world is indeed progressing and changing, but this has nothing to do with the sea ban. Even if we don't communicate with foreign countries, Wuzhou can be self-sufficient. Our territory is so large, We have everything that foreign countries have, and we have everything that foreign countries don’t have.”

"You're wrong again!" Tangke raised his voice and opened his arms, "No matter how big Wuzhou Kingdom is, it is not as big as the whole world! Smart people! In the era of great sailing, we can communicate with each other and get what we need. In this process, new sparks will continue to collide, and new occupations, new sailing techniques, and new hot weapons will be born from them. New politics Thought! The whole world is connected by air routes, and we will work together to move towards the future together. The five continents promulgated the sea prohibition order, and if they do not communicate with other countries, they will gradually become a backwater, and they will be left far behind by other countries. There At that time, other countries had advanced ideas and power, and Wuzhouguo was still at the current stage, how could it still be the opponent of those countries? Those who fell behind would be beaten, and those powerful countries would definitely covet the rich materials of Wuzhouguo. Fighting against Wuzhouguo and carving up Wuzhouguo. This is the final fate of Wuzhouguo after the promulgation of the sea ban."

"No, what other countries can invent, people in Wuzhou will definitely be able to invent."

"Can you die if you don't brag?" Tangke took off the small telescopic telescope hanging from his waist and patted it on the long table, "If I remember correctly, this telescope was invented by a foreigner. Only with the rise of the maritime industry did it flow into Wuzhou. This is just a small telescope. In addition to this, there will be more things that Wuzhou can not invent around the world in the future. He is like an old man in a deep mountain and an old forest. He has become ignorant of the outside world. When others come up with new inventions and aim at Wuzhou, Wuzhou can't even tell what kind of weapons people use!"

"This, this..." Chen Shuyi hesitated for a few words, but couldn't find any more excuses for arguing, and finally had to compromise, "Your words are not unreasonable. But the ban on the sea was promulgated by today's sage. There is room for change. Even if I agree with you. There is no way to change it."

Tang Ke stared at Chen Shuyi, his eyes were as calm and full of power as the sea, and he said word by word: "Wen die to remonstrate, fight to the death. When you put on this official robe, you should take your responsibility, don't take it" There is no way to use it as an excuse, if you have the will to change the Five Continents, there must be a way."

Chen Shuyi was stunned, repeatedly mulling over what Tangke had just said, considering the drawbacks brought about by the ban on the sea, the future and destiny of the Five Continents, and what he should do as a courtier. He swirled in the whirlpool of thoughts and gradually found his own answer. "I understand. After returning to China, I will find a few like-minded colleagues, tell them about this matter, and then join hands with them to play a performance, and ask him to change his holy will." He said decisively.

Tang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, he finally persuaded Chen Shuyi without wasting his words. As for whether Chen Shuyi could listen to his advice and convey this warning to Wuzhou, it was Chen Shuyi's own responsibility, and it had nothing to do with him. His expression returned to normal, he took a sip of wine, and said lightly, "Whatever you do is up to you. I came to you today to say these words. Now that I'm done, let's go."

Chen Shuyi got an expulsion order, but he didn't get up immediately, but wondered, "Why did you remember to say these words to me?"

"I just don't want some tragedies to be repeated. After all, my skin color is the same as that of the people of Wuzhou. I don't want to watch this country shoot itself in the foot." Tangke shrugged.

Chen Shuyi nodded and accepted this statement. Of course, people with yellow skin should go to people with yellow skin. He stood up, bowed to the end, and respectfully said: "Anyway, thank you for your kind words, and I will leave."

In the huge restaurant, only Tangke was left. He poured himself a drink for a while, and muttered to the clear wine in his hand: "Wuzhou Kingdom, accept the baptism of the new era, and grow up in the baptism. Come on. After Jewel Sea competes for the ultimate king, you will definitely set your sights on the farther world. Before that, you must have the strength to deal with it. It would be too embarrassing for such a big country to become a colony. "

After he finished speaking, he drank it, and the wine bowl became empty. He has done his duty.


The next day, the moment of parting.

Tang Ke stood on the boat and said goodbye by shouting. In the eyes of everyone in the navy, the two ships, the Black Pearl and the Wenche Yaoji, drifted away.

The two forces said goodbye and went their separate ways. Although their final destinations are different, they are all in the arms of home. The navy went to Wuzhou Kingdom, while the Evil Dragon Pirates went to Longchao Island.

Desperate to return home, the sailors worked very hard, frequently operating the angle of the sails, striving for the maximum wind. The Black Pearl released two dark sea areas, wrapped the bottoms of the two ships, and pushed forward with all their might, making the two ships look like they were sailing on the sea water stained with oil and oil.

In the sky, the eagle man and the swift eagle are soaring, playing with the strong wind, and accompanied by the white clouds. Under the seabed, the coiled snakes marched in twists and turns, dispersing large fish and sea monsters that tried to approach, and dutifully acting as the guards under the seabed.

This maritime force, with an aggressive attitude, moved fast towards the west, leaving the ancient east behind.

During the voyage, Tang Ke carried out hard training in his spare time, and flew into the sky with his sword qi wings, releasing the dark aura and Baal's demon phantom.

A dark red energy field enveloped a range of hundreds of yards, showing a regular circle, making a crackling sound, as if there were countless electric sparks moving inside. Tang Ke was in it, the outline of the figure became blurred, only a pair of eyes with white light were particularly clear.

He named his state the dark state, which was apt.

In the dark state, his stamina and mana will be rapidly consumed, which can only last for a short period of time. After testing, he learned that if he did not release any sword skills, the dark state could be maintained for about 20 minutes. If he continuously released powerful sword skills, the time would be further shortened.

Twenty minutes seemed like a short time, but it was actually enough. The battle of life and death does not take much time, and a sword and a sword can kill a person.

Every time he entered the dark state, Tang Ke would feel overworked, and this kind of overwork itself was a kind of cultivation. After exertion, his muscles will become stronger and stronger, and his physical strength and mana will also increase.

After many times of practice, he gradually became familiar with the dark state and mastered the fighting style in this state. In the first battle of Xingchenlou, he had just acquired this ability, and he was still very unfamiliar, and he had not been able to fully display the strength of the dark state.

During the cultivation process, he discovered another magical effect of the dark state.

If you use the "Chaos Cycle" secret technique in the power room of the Black Pearl in a dark state, it can greatly increase the training speed of the Warlock, which can not only speed up his training speed, but also greatly benefit the Black Pearl.

The potential of the Black Pearl is unlimited. As long as it absorbs enough shadow power, it will grow into a powerful fifth-order magic ship with more abilities!

The fleet is on its way home, and everything is on track.

Tangke once again had the idea of ​​hiring a sixth-order crew member. It happened that he had promised to tell the situation inside the Black and Blue Pirates. If he recruited another sixth-order crew member, he could explain everything, so as not to waste words.

Now that the reward points are enough, the difficulty is not knowing what type of crew to recruit.

In the pirate group, there are two strong swordsmen and two strong gunmen, there is no need to recruit again. As for some weak occupations, there is also no need to recruit them.

After thinking about it, Tang Ke finally decided to recruit a sixth-order powerhouse of the law system. There is currently a lack of such powerhouses in the pirate group~lightnovelpub.net~ There is no one who can lead the way.

One-on-one powerhouses are not as good as swordsmen, but they are better at being able to cast large-scale destructive spells. A large-scale spell can even directly destroy a fleet or a port!

The three most powerful and common legal professions are magicians, warlocks, and druids, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. Wizards are good at using elemental spells, warlocks are good at using some dark spells, and druids are good at using natural spells.

Tang Ke chose between the three, and finally decided to recruit a sixth-order warlock.

The reason for choosing the Warlock is to keep a Warlock who can station for a long time for the Black Pearl, so that the two can use the "Chaos Cycle" secret method to improve together. That way he's free, and he doesn't have to run around the world with the Black Pearl. And when it comes to combat power, Warlock is not inferior to the other two, it is really a good choice.

Tangke made up his mind, opened the recruitment interface in the system, and rummaged through the Warlock column. (To be continued..)

ps: I'm sorry, I was interrupted yesterday because of something, I'm depressed, I didn't work all the time this month, my little money...