Pirate’s Brood Order

v1 Chapter 24: Horror Via

The waves were surging, and the water reflected the figures of the pirates fighting with their hair disheveled on the ship, and the shouts of killing covered the roar of the sea.

In the captain's room, Yaerlin smelled the salty and wet sea smell mixed with blood on the tip of his nose. The fighting outside seemed to have nothing to do with him. He calmly observed the display layout in the room.

A round wooden table with cut-away corners, a few messy low stools, a dim oil lamp, a large wooden bed, and under the wooden bed are piled boxes full of gold and silver, and wooden poles with clothes on them. It acts as a hanger, and there is a yellowed cabinet with some strange objects on it.

Yaerlin picked up the oil lamp and walked over to look carefully. The first thing that caught his eye was a **** birdcage. The birdcage was open, and a broken thread was tied to the iron fence.

Reaching out his hand to touch the blood stain, it showed a blackened coagulation, but it could be melted with a slight touch, indicating that the blood had not coagulated for too long. Yaerlin continued to look around, and several bottles the size of a human head were soaked in it. a specimen of an animal.


Yaerlin pursed his lips and continued to flip, and soon found a few interesting things. One was the blueprint of the Via. The yellowed and old blueprints clearly marked the various data of the ship, especially the long ones. Width and high distance are particularly careful.

In addition to using the unit of measure as a measure, the length is strangely annotated with steps, such as 37 steps and 25 steps.

"Normal people don't use stride distance as a measure." Yaerlin pondered, he put the drawing aside, and then glanced at another group of transparent silk threads.

"this thing?"

He stretched out his hand and pulled it away. The texture was similar to a fishing line, but it was surprisingly tough and thin, almost imperceptible to the naked eye. is often shed blood.

Taking a deep breath, Yarlin suppressed the suspicion in his heart first, blew out the oil lamp, and slowly walked outside.

In the dark sky at night, even if it is illuminated by fire, it is still difficult to clearly illuminate every figure. He moved slowly against the door wall, and his eyes were watching the battle below.

There were some pirates lying all over the deck, a few of them were out of breath, but most of them were crying. They either lacked arms or legs, or had a gap in their bodies that caused them to lose their ability to move, and spread out on the deck.

He squinted his eyes carefully, and after careful searching, he finally saw two sneaky shadows approaching the wailing guys, like big rats carrying grain in the dark.

A pirate whose ears had been cut off, with a **** chest on his chest, was attached to the slippery deck. His heavy breathing became weaker and weaker, and he looked like he would die at any time.

When he was confused, he felt a force from his feet, as if a black hand grabbed his ankles, and before he could react, the force from his feet dragged him suddenly, and he felt his face and chest rubbing against the deck. , a fiery pain, and another mouthful of blood stuck in his throat, but he was unable to resist, and could only be dragged away like a corpse.

The ship doctor carefully bent over and dragged the pirates under his feet. A pair of triangular eyes looked around, biting his teeth and using all his strength.

His movement was very small, and he was half-squatting to hide in the night, and he deliberately avoided the center of the melee, but he would not easily be noticed by the pirates in the fight. In fact, even if he was noticed, at this time everyone They are too busy to take care of themselves, and no one will distract him.

Of course, there was a pirate with short eyes that rushed over, and Fick, who was hiding not far behind him, would suddenly jump out of the corner and kill the opponent by surprise.

Fick wiped away the blood that was splattered on his face, he drew a knife and pushed away the pirate whose face was ripped apart in front of him, lowered his head and spat, then looked around and quickly helped the ship doctor to drag along.

In the center of the battlefield, Via turned sideways to avoid a pirate's sneak attack, and pierced the opponent's throat with a backhand sword.

"Impossible, how can you see it?" Lowe clutched his wrist in disbelief.

"Blind man? Haha~" Via sneered again and again, the sword was swaying easily in her hand, and the little drops of blood and minced flesh fell around like cherry blossom petals, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

"The last person who said I was blind was a few years ago. What happened to him in the end?" Via approached Rowe step by step, forcing Rowe to step back involuntarily: "Well, I remembered, I put him He took out his eyeballs, and when he was still alive, hehe~ chewed it up in front of him and swallowed it in his stomach."

Luo Wei's eyelids jumped, he quietly picked up a big knife on the ground sideways, trembling across his chest, "Via, I underestimated you, I admit it, you let us go, to the next An island threw us all down~lightnovelpub.net~ ship and gold to you."

"To be honest, that taste is a bit bitter." Via ignored Luo Wei, with a strange and cruel smile on his face, and said quietly: "But good medicine is bitter and good for the disease, what do you think?"

A little black light bloomed in front of Rowe's eyes, Via leaned forward and stepped on a constant distance, but dodged strangely from left to right. on the body.

Gan Sivir rushed out from behind Rowe, howling frantically. Via's footsteps kept passing by, and three blood lines were mapped on the heart, throat, and chest, respectively, and the blood lines burst in the next moment.

From Luo Wei's point of view, he could see Gan Xivir's feet were still rushing forward, but his upper body was eerily stationary in mid-air, and then three blood lights were split horizontally. End-to-end fell to the ground and stacked completely.


Before he could swallow and spit, there was a sudden chill in his arm, both arms were cut off at the same time, and they fell to the ground weakly.

It took half a second for the nerve of the reflex arc to transmit severe pain, Luo Wei howled shrilly, Via stopped his pace slowly, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the sword with his cuff, and then bent his right hand, which was covered with fine wound scars. , **** mercilessly inserted into Luo Wei's pupils like thin chicken feet.

"Crackling~" "Crackling!"

The screeching sound of flesh and blood was screeching, and the entire Via was suddenly quiet. After a while, Via pulled back two **** fingers, with two **** eyeballs curled on them.

"Ah...my eyes!!!"

Rowe, who was wearing two blood holes, wailed.

"Crack! Kakaka!"

Via chewed with a perverse expression.