Pirate’s Brood Order

v2 Chapter 160: Reflection under clenched fist

"And now, we **** finally got a little better. When we got something out, hey..." Jones Road took Hu Qi's words and imitated the yin and yang strangely vividly: "The guys in this department can't see it. It's over, I can't wait to jump out, and I plan to bite off a piece of meat from us."

Jones Dow blew his beard and stared, slapped the table vigorously, the sound of "bang bang bang" suppressed the noisy noise, he took over the rhythm of the audience again, and roared angrily: "You think that Smoker is just staring at Did he go to Colonel Yarlin? No, Colonel Yarlin was just a pretense he played. His real purpose was to come to the Navy Club, and to every member here. He wanted to step on the club's The ruined ruins also have your future interests, he is using any means to destroy our entire East China Sea collective in exchange for his promotion epaulette!!!"

Jones Dow stopped clapping the palm of the table, his fists clenched tightly, blue veins appeared on his forehead, and he slowly looked at each member who was aroused, and a murderous voice came from the gap between his teeth. It burst out from the middle, as cold as ice ballast: "Think about it, once those trumped-up charges are imprisoned on Colonel Yaerlin, when Smaller forcibly arrested Colonel Yaerlin, all kinds of early Just weaving the net of crimes may be detained on the body of the Navy Club. At that time, the club is bound to be bombed into ruins, and the Sihai Company will also be wiped out, and your shares in the Sihai Company and the quarterly distribution of the The dividends you get will be turned into a pile of waste paper.”

"This is far from the end, this price is not enough to dye Smog's military rank!" Snetti's brows were twisted into a lump, but the words spit out of his mouth made the hearts of everyone "smack". Going to the bottom: "The members of our club say it is better to say it is a community of interests, and to say it badly, it is a grasshopper on a boat. If the boat is overturned... Hmph, if Smoker succeeds, it will be a Bring out the radish and bring out the mud, one is dragging the other, everyone is a member of the club, and they cooperate and trust each other. Whose **** hasn't smelled a little shit, can you wipe it clean?"

These words were rude, and they were so blatantly explicit that the atmosphere of the entire meeting suddenly became depressed and dull.

"Hmm... Colonel Snetti's words are a little too far!" Jones Road frowned, and then sighed sullenly: "However, even if Colonel Yarlin is stubborn, he is reluctant to say anything under torture, isn't it? Will Smog stop weaving cybercrimes on other people's heads, at that time, who can guarantee that his mouth is tough enough, and who can guarantee that he will not get into a bad smell?"

The sound of gasping and exhaling, the hot and dry temperature in the closed conference room continued to rise, and everyone was thinking about their immediate interests.

"No matter what accusations Smoog put on Colonel Yarlin, I don't believe it. My life was saved by Colonel Yaerlin. It can even be said that if Colonel Yaerlin hadn't disregarded the danger, how many colonels would have been today? He was buried in the belly of the fish." A colonel said, "Smog wanted to throw dirty water on Colonel Yarlin, and I was the first to refuse!"

"That's right, I don't agree either!"

"Me too, can we at the Navy Club let Smoker **** on his head?"


In the echoing voices, Dickna suddenly said gloomily: "Who is not dirty, but isn't that the case with all the navies in the world, where can those guys in the Navy headquarters be clean? Anyway, my 202 branch gets it every quarter. A large part of the dividends went to the top, why didn’t Smog look at the top if he had the ability, instead he wanted to open a knife to us, isn’t this just bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, thinking that we are all soft-footed shrimp in the East China Sea?”

"When we were attacked by murlocs, several branch colonels died, and it is not likely that the headquarters sent people to offer condolences and support; in the past few days, the entire naval base of the 37th branch was given to a group of pirates called the Black Skull. It was bloodbathed, and no one was left alive. Everyone here should already know about this. It is ridiculous to leave such a group of vicious pirates ignored and staring at our naval colleagues. Laugh, is it funny or not?"

Perhaps in Smog's eyes, the harm of a group of vicious pirates is far less than that of a conspirator who is good at disguising ambition. The harm of the former is short-term and visible, and can be destroyed at any time; The deeply hidden poison has far-reaching consequences.

However, in the eyes of these East China Sea branches, there is nothing but a cold heart.

"I don't know about other things, but everyone here knows that Colonel Yaerlin hates pirates the most. No branch in the entire East China Sea can compare to the 153rd branch of the Navy's attack and suppression of pirates. If even a navy like this has to find thorns in its bones, then it really deserves the pirates who are rampant in this era of great pirates.

The 153rd Branch of the Navy’s attack on pirates is everyone’s eyes. Although, to a certain extent, the navy has been rotten from the root, fighting pirates will always be the first priority of the navy. To a certain extent, Yaerlin can be regarded as the pride of the East China Sea Navy.

"Since everyone has reached a consensus, it is for the sake of the club and also for our own interests." Jones Dow looked around and said, "We need to let Smoker and the people at the Navy headquarters understand that our East China Sea Navy is not one piece. With soft bones that can be handled by anyone, our navy in the East China Sea is a powerful whole."

"The colonels of the branch, I know that some of the colonels have the senior management of the headquarters behind them~lightnovelpub.net~ You are providing benefits to the above every year, so naturally you can't just focus on the benefits, and now it's all of you. It's time to make a complaint, we have to let others know that our East China Sea navy is not something that can be bullied at will." Jones Dao pulled a hair off his head and threw it off, and said loudly: "Our East China Sea Navy is not only a A united whole, we are inextricably linked with the headquarters, we must let some jealous clubs or people who should not have a crooked mind know that they will knock their teeth off when they bite the steel plate."

"Agree!" Hu Qi raised his hand in agreement.

"Agree!" Dickna, Snetti and others raised their hands to agree one after another!





Surrounding the huge round table, all arms are raised, like a fist that is gradually being clenched and clenched, like an iron fist poured out of metal and cement under the sunlight, and raised from the ground. A huge and deep shadow is reflected on the ground!