Pirate’s Brood Order

v2 Chapter 20: Masonic

There was trouble on his mouth, but there was not much worry on his face. Things had already happened. Complaining was useless. Fortunately, he started thinking about how to deal with it next.

Denying death is a basic operation. It is also necessary to pretend to know nothing and maintain the character of the recruits. As long as Lieutenant Colonel Satoni can't find the body in one day, it can only be counted as missing, not to mention 100%. It came to me. After all, everyone is a navy, not a pirate. The necessary discipline and reason still have to be talked about.

"Furthermore... this matter is not all bad, there is something that can be borrowed and used!" Yaerlin wringed out the rag in his hand, with sinister calculations flashing in his eyes.

When an ordinary person encounters such an accident, he may have been panic-stricken and helpless; good people will try to stay calm, and will quickly think about how to destroy the corpse and destroy the traces, cut off all clues and get out.

To use a less appropriate analogy is: the former is an impulsive murder, after killing people in a panic, and then sitting in prison; the latter is a planned murder crime, and after killing people, they can also orderly destroy the corpses. Then go on with your normal life.

But in addition to these two, there is a third, rarer type of person, who is usually bold and cunning: they do not simply commit a murder, but they will deliberately expose themselves to the police at a certain time. in front of him, to achieve his own more hidden and unknown plans.

And Yaerlin obviously has to belong to this last category of people. Now he is not only thinking about how to destroy the corpse, but also how to extract the hidden benefits of this sudden accident and make reasonable use of it. This accident was used as a part of the subsequent plan to advance the process and result he ultimately wanted.

This kind of person usually gets a unified pronoun in the long history of the night - hero!

The most important thing at the moment is to dispose of the corpse. Yaerlin stared at the corpse, which had stiffened and exposed its corpse stains and rancid smell.

He took off the navy suit from the corpse, smashed the corpse's limbs into a ball and stuffed it into a sack, and then splashed paint on it. This was half a bucket of paint left over from the last painting of the recruiting area, and he brought it back with him. This is the perfect time to mask the smell of the corpse.

Tie the sack tightly, Yaerlin went out and bought a new lock in the town, and then while waiting for the dark in the house, he dug a deep hole under a tree at the back of the building and buried the sack inside. And the clay above is stomped with the feet of the unusual porcelain.


No. 153&*...ce471, representing my code name in the 153rd branch of the Navy, my name is Jonitz, 21 years old, joined the Navy three years ago, and is now a private.

It has to start from about 10 days ago, oh yes, I almost forgot to explain my own situation, I am a soldier under Lieutenant Frith's direct command, and the so-called direct command probably means what he asked me to do I have to do it, whether it's my duty as a navy or not.

After I finish the soldier's training every day, I have to wait for him at any time, bring tea, pour water, clean the house, and even run errands to buy cigarettes with my own money. Lieutenant Frith will give me some Baileys when he is in a good mood. When I'm in a bad mood, I can only take this cigarette money as my own.

And the truth is, I'm actually not a smoker at all, and Lieutenant Frith is usually in a bad mood. He's a valet behind Master Belumeb.

Beilu Mabel is the only son of Colonel Monka. Although I have never understood why Beilu Mabel did not become a navy, it still does not change that Beilu Mabel is a special existence of the 153rd branch of the entire Navy. No one dares to offend this young master. , even Lieutenant Frith couldn't disobey him, so he was fortunate enough to be favored by Master Beilumabo and became a sidekick who followed him.

Of course, I think Lieutenant Frith is probably very reluctant in his heart. He finally climbed to the position of lieutenant, but he did not want to be a dog to Master Beilumabo.

In this way, my situation is very bad. Whenever Lieutenant Frith gets angry at Belumeb, he will use various pretexts to spit on me, and it will be beaten and scolded at every turn, and recently I don't know Why, the frequency gradually increased, and there were more and more bruises and bruises on my body. I was really afraid that one day I would be accidentally beaten to death by him.

I have tried to resist, and I have also tried to leapfrog to report to the superior, but all of them fell into disrepair and no one paid any attention to it. I felt like I was in a barren darkness. No hand is willing to come and pull me.

The numbness and despair suffocated me, I felt every breath was burning my pain, I was angry, resentful, I wanted to kill Lieutenant Frith, and yet I was a coward... every time I When I thought I mustered up my courage, and finally when I really faced him, the coldness and fear woke me up again. What if I killed him? Will I be greeted with freedom and happiness?

No, it will only be a cold execution, so since it is all death, why should I resist, maybe one day Lieutenant Frith will find out in his own conscience and let me go? No matter how bad it is, as long as the frequency of beating me can be slowed down, I can finally survive.

I was hypnotizing myself like this~lightnovelpub.net~ However, in the deepest part of my heart, I was praying bitterly, praying that a **** or a demon could hear my prayer to save me, or to free me.

Then, ten days ago, my fate began to change. It was so quiet and inadvertent that I didn't realize until now that God really came.

This is a dim room, similar to an old abandoned warehouse. There are four-legged stools in a circle in the middle of the house. About 30 people wearing strange masks and navy suits are sitting together. , quietly listening to the masked navy in the middle telling his story.

The voice continued, from gloomy at first to slowly despair and fear, and now it has become hoarse and excited, and the breathing in the dark and depressed room is heating up.

"...And just the day before yesterday, a voice asked in my ear if I wanted Lieutenant Frith to be tried, I responded to him, and yesterday I got confirmation that Lieutenant Frith was dead!"

The hoarse voice was trembling and excited, and the surrounding breathing seemed to become depressed and fanatical, "Fris was judged, and God pulled me out of the abyss of despair, I felt the beauty of breathing again, my cowardly body Both my soul and my soul have found support, and I will no longer be afraid!"

"I'm Jonitz!"

The voice under the mask slowly regained its composure, and then he gently took off the mask on his face, staring at the masks around him with fearless eyes, and said solemnly: "I took off the mask because I have From then on, I officially became a member of the Freemasonry and swore to defend it for the rest of my life."

"Yes, we are Freemasonry!" Several people around took off their masks and swore in unison, "We will swear to the death to defend the glory of this place!"