Pirate’s Brood Order

v2 Chapter 46: belumaber

After all, paper can't contain the fire, and some of the clues will be exposed sooner or later, not to mention Yaerlin never intended to cover it up all the time. He originally only planned to use Beilu Mabel to complete the transition of power replacement. Yaerlin was impossible after all. Has been hiding behind the scenes.

Only names and instruments cannot be faked!

Yaerlin is very clear about this reason. When the time comes, he will naturally go to the front of the stage and obtain the right to match while actually controlling the 153rd branch of the Navy.

"What do I need to do?" Jiagu looked at the expressionless Yarlin. The more he stayed by this man's side, the more he could feel the deep and terrifying mind of this man, and he couldn't speculate about this man at all. Thinking about what to do next.

"You don't need to do anything for the time being, just send someone to watch him." Yaerlin chuckled and walked into the naval base. The navies on duty on both sides stood at attention and gave a military salute.

Belumeb stared at Colonel Monka, who was unconscious on the bed, his eyes were slightly gloomy. Some rumors he heard recently made him have some bad associations, and he couldn't help but think of the missing non-commissioned officers in the previous days. Get in touch with Arlin.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, it lingered like a nightmare. On the one hand, he recalled the naked scars on Yarlin's body and the scene where Satoni ordered someone to exhume the body; on the other hand, those non-commissioned officers Clothes left at the scene of the disappearance, as well as the strange situation where not even a single body has been found so far.

"And Lieutenant Colonel Satoni, is it really he who kidnapped me, and he also failed to defect after attacking Colonel Monka, so where is he hiding now, and why can't he find any trace, this feeling is as if Just like those non-commissioned officers who disappeared for no reason..." Belumeb shook his head vigorously, not daring to think any more, he couldn't imagine what Yaerlin had hidden from him and what he had done behind his back.

Bellumeb still only thinks that Yaerlin may have done something behind his back that he doesn't know, but not everything he sees is an illusion. The guy whom he trusted as a savior was hiding another face he didn't know about.

As for the even more terrifying idea, all of this is Yaerlin's plan, which is too scary and bizarre, and Beilu Mabe does not dare to think about this worst answer, it will make him His breath was completely frozen in fear.

He expelled the fear in his mind, stood up and opened the curtains, and the pale sunlight filtered in. He looked at a few navies standing guard downstairs, and suddenly realized that those navies were not necessarily protecting and blocking the tower and preventing others. Breaking in is also arranging surveillance and disguised house arrest around him.

"We will screen out all those who harbor dissent, and those who remain will be ours."

"By that time, the entire Navy Branch 153 will be completely under our control!"

Yaerlin's words faintly appeared in his ears, Beilu Mabe closed the curtains, and said to himself, "I'm afraid you should get rid of those words, the entire 153rd branch of the Navy has already fallen under your control unknowingly. , and my role is just a seal."

"Is there any use for me now?" Beilu Meibo has also matured and rationalized a lot recently. Facing a life-and-death crisis of "kidnapping", he was a little alert to the dangerous situation, and he quietly looked at the chin on the bed Colonel Monka, who was shattered and wrapped in gauze but still showed his jawbone, after a while, his face showed a touch of struggle and determination. He quickly walked out of the bedroom, went to the living room downstairs, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

The 153rd branch of the navy, which is still separated from Yaerlin's control, is only left with the warships under the command of the two lieutenant colonels drifting at sea.


In a messy blind tone, Beilu Mabel still doesn't know that one of the warships has lost contact and is very likely to sink to the bottom of the sea.

He frowned and dialed the phone bug again. After a short wait, a voice came into his ears: "Hey, I'm Lieutenant Colonel Lipa..."

It was almost the effort of the front and back. After walking into the base, Yarlin received a report from Jonitz, that is, Beilu Maber made a call to the warship, and then the base received the warship's application just now. The order to return to Hong Kong.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lipa?" Jia Guwen said in a strange tone: "The major who investigated the disappearance of the non-commissioned officer is now on the warship where Lieutenant Colonel Lipa is."

"It's not right, only the remaining guys who were out of control also rushed back." Yaerlin pursed his lips and smiled: "The 153rd branch of the Navy can be truly complete now."

"Then, agree to the transfer order?" Jonitz asked, staring at Yaerin frantically.

"Don't be too deliberate, since it's a call from Beilu Mabe, then an order with the seal of Colonel Monka will be conveyed soon." A faint smile hung on Yaerlin's face, "It's time for me to go back and see Lieutenant Belumeb."

The door was pushed open~lightnovelpub.net~ Beilu Mabe looked at Yaerlin who walked in from the outside, the other party still had the faint fishy smell of the sea, and a mixed trace of deep blood.

"Yarlin, you're back." Belumeb let out a long sigh of relief, looking at Yaerlin with alienation and vigilance hidden in his eyes.

"Well, I just came back and killed a group of pirates that had been wandering around." Yaerlin squinted at Beilu Mabe and said, "You don't look very good, are you sick?

"Fortunately, it may be that I haven't rested well." A pale smile squeezed out of Beilumebe's face, and then he seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and asked casually: "I heard that the navy below is rumouring, Yaerlin You are the power user of Devil Fruit, is this true?"

"Devil Fruit?" Yaerlin licked his lips, revealing an exaggerated smile, and said greedily, "I really want to get a Devil Fruit? Unfortunately, I haven't even encountered a shadow so far."

"Isn't it?" Belumeb was stunned, staring at Yaerlin with burning eyes, as if he wanted to see the truth from the other's face.

"How is it possible, if I am a devil fruit capable person, how can I be just a second lieutenant, it should be a rumor that I don't know, otherwise it is someone with ulterior motives spreading rumors, Beilu Meibo, don't be fooled." Yaerlin met Belumebe's scrutinizing gaze without blinking, and answered in a very serious tone.

"Ah... I almost believed it." Belumeb's expression was slightly stiff, and he was inexplicably awe-inspiring when he met Yaerlin's eyes, he swallowed and smiled awkwardly.

"This is my last friendly reminder to you. If you really don't know **** yourself, you can't blame me." Yaerlin narrowed his eyes and sneered in his heart.