Pirate’s Brood Order

v2 Chapter 58: big picture

Yaerlin's plan is not just what he said. What Kalci heard is at best the tip of the iceberg. Protecting the business road and establishing the black order of the East China Sea can only be regarded as the most extreme in his plans. corner interests.

What he really wants is to secretly expand the weaving of the navy during the implementation of this plan. The 153rd branch of the navy is full of 1,000 people, which cannot satisfy Yaerlin's ambitious ambitions. , the natural expansion and weaving in secret is an inevitable choice, and the transformation of part of the navy into the most powerful pirates in the East China Sea is naturally the most devious means; The means of sustainable development that gradually climbs the ranks; the last and biggest plan, since the black order at sea is secretly controlled, can the white card face also be used as a force to integrate all the naval branches of the East China Sea into one. When a table came up, the corresponding seat of the village was naturally the 153rd branch of the Navy; under such circumstances, the entire East China Sea would quietly fall under the control of Yaerlin without the navy headquarters being able to detect it.

This is the overall strategic plan in Yaerlin's mind. He intends to use two to three years to gradually improve and implement every step of the plan. As long as this step can be completed, then he is truly qualified to be a great pirate in this big pirate. The capital that stirs the tide of the times.

And the first step is....

Yaerlin took out a reward order from his arms, threw it to Calci, and said lightly: "The Black Cat Pirates, from the perspective of the reward order, is a pirate group that is not comparable to the Red Skull Pirates. It will be the first sacrifice of this plan!"

Calci took the reward list and breathed a little. Since Yaerlin had already prepared the reward list in his arms, the Red Skull Pirates would no longer have the right to refuse. As the first sacrifice, the Red Skull Pirates can also be used as the first target.

"Besides, to become the pirate king of the entire East China Sea, even if there is an invisible poison bait behind it, I am willing to swallow it first!" Calci's eyes showed fiery ambition, and he slowly held the reward list in his hand and said. : "What do we need our Red Skull Pirates to do?"

"Very short answer, intelligence, I need to know the movements of the Black Cat Pirates." Yaerlin licked his lips, the whole action gave a sinister feeling: "Compared to our navy, they are also pirates. Crowd, you must have hidden channels for your own intelligence information, I need you to find out the location of this black cat."

Between pirates and pirates, of course, there is a channel of communication and contact. The pirates go to find out the information of another group of pirates, and sometimes it will be more accurate and true than what the navy gets, Calci exhaled. He nodded to Arlin.

"Recently, the phone bug in our branch has some malfunctions and it is being repaired. After that, I will send someone to send you a phone bug that can be contacted by a dedicated line." Yaerlin finished the explanation and left the Red Skull Pirates and returned to the warship. , The whole process was not sloppy in the slightest, he didn't even say a word to William, just made a face-to-face with his eyes from a distance.

"He's really a resolute and resolute second lieutenant." Calchi said as he watched the warship sailing toward the coast of Caishi Island.

"Yeah, who said no!" William also sighed with emotion. He knew the truth. A few months ago, Yaerlin was a pirate, but after a short period of time, Yaerlin really became a pirate. A non-commissioned officer in the navy, and it seems that he also has a lot of prestige and status in the entire navy branch.

This efficiency is terrifying!

William didn't know yet that Yarlin became more than a second lieutenant, and the entire 153rd branch of the Navy was almost under his control.

"I also have to fight, otherwise, I will lose my value in the eyes of Yaerlin." William glanced at the back of Calci's neck quietly, and there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

The warship docked and did not make too many stops on Caishi Island. Yaerlin's arrival this time was more to give Lombarie a reassurance and thoroughly confirm his navy's identity, that is, the other party and the 153rd branch of the navy The established partnership, and the delivery of a batch of supplies to this closed island.

Compared with Calci, Lombarie is smarter. Smart people are generally more thoughtful, and he understands that he doesn't need to talk too much with the smart man Yaerlin, just to pass the signal that should be conveyed, such as these two. A warship, such as the fully armed navy above, such as Kabbah in military uniform, and the materials left behind, can perfectly convey the information that Yaerin wants to convey.

Moreover, the other party will comprehend more of the deeper meaning on their own; Yaerlin knows very well what means to take for different people, especially for smart people with a clear mind. Keeping a certain distance from the language makes it easier to make him feel awe from the heart~lightnovelpub.net~ and dare not breed too many thoughts.

Oh, I forgot to mention that when the warship left, there were also 32 prisoners on board. These were the crew of the original Thiago caravan who were not very peaceful on the island and were picked up by Lombarie.

"Tie them all up and imprison them in the bottom cabin, and only give them one meal a day, so they don't starve to death!" Yaerlin waved his hand to Jiagu and instructed.

A group of prisoners were pushed and shoved by several navies, their hands tied behind their backs and held in the nacelle.

As for their disposal, Yaerlin is not in a hurry for the time being. He will wait until he returns to the branch, and when the mother nest wakes up from its slumber, then he will take care of it.

Yaerlin stood at the bow of the boat, facing the sea breeze. The splashing water splashed on his cheeks. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked forward. On his retina was the image of the rotating 3D projection:

Mental Strength 1

Nerve conduction rate 1

Bone hardness 1

Muscle activity 4.4

Blood density flow rate 1

Incomplete body - complete body (progress bar 100/100)

Draw allotment points (0)

His pupils shrank suddenly, and Yaerlin fixed his eyes and saw that the black progress bar on the retina suddenly filled to the top. At the same time, a line of information appeared:

Brood (current stage mutilated body)

Mother's Nest (next stage complete body)

In the evolution of deep sleep, there is a countdown of 7 days, 11 hours, 23 minutes and 34 seconds until the full form wakes up.

"There are only seven days left!"

Yaerlin habitually touched his eyelids with his index finger, and a stern smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: "Hey, it's not too far from the time to return to the naval branch, hey...Belumeb, I gave it very cooperatively. Don't disappoint me too much when you are fermenting and brewing."