Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

v2 Chapter 153: Lieutenant General Mundo

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What else can I say?

Chu Yi’s attitude has shown that I am narrow-minded, I don’t have a big picture, and I am self-willed!

With such an attitude, let alone the naval hero Karp, even if Naruto Uzumaki, the **** of mouth escape, comes, there is nothing to do with Chu Yi. Chu Yi already has a BUG that mouth escape is invalid.

However, just when Chu Yi thought that opening the warehouse and releasing grain would be smooth sailing, just when Karp thought that this naval station was going to be destroyed in Chu Yi's hands...



A black shadow enveloped Chu Yi's head!

Constantly maintaining the realm of seeing God in the void, even Chu Yi, who has never stopped using the domineering look, has not been able to discover how the dark shadow jumped into the air!

Fortunately, the realm of seeing the gods in the void still illuminated the existence of that dark shadow at the moment Chu Yi was most endangered. Therefore, when the shadow fell from the sky and slammed into Chu Yi like a cannonball, it was just a sideways, and Chu Yi avoided the sneak attack of the shadow.

Immediately after...

"Gravity field!"


The backhand is a "gravity field" that changes the gravity around that dark shadow.

As the black shadow fell to the ground, Chu Yi's "Gravity Domain" must be able to make it impossible for the black shadow to land on the ground securely. This could be regarded as a small meeting gift for the sneak attacker by Chu Yi!

But just when the black shadow was only a few meters away from the ground, it was about to hit the ground forcibly under the effect of the "gravity field"...


Suddenly, Chu Yi, who was illuminating the dark shadow with the realm of the gods in the void, unexpectedly discovered that some kind of magical energy in the dark shadow's body was gathered in the position of his legs in an instant. Immediately, it was using that magical energy to slow down the damage received from the ground. The black shadow that came from the sneak attack really fell on the ground safely, not to mention, even the ground under his feet was not completely shattered. , It just showed a little crack!


"Sure enough, in the naval station of the Chambord Islands, it is impossible for the navy to suppress it without the real powerhouse!"

A faint smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and Chu Yi's gaze was fixed on the black shadow, and his aim was a very thin, tall figure.

He is like an ordinary navy, wearing a navy uniform, and the white cloak behind him has the word "justice" written on it.

But looking at his gray hair, even the goatee he kept was white and snow-white, Chu Yi could know the navy in front of him, no, it should be said to be a lieutenant admiral to be precise, his age is already quite young. At least he was older than Karp, who was manipulated by his soul servants.


When Chu Yi silently stared at the lieutenant admiral in front of him, Kapu who saw that lieutenant admiral's appearance as Chu Yi did, suddenly took a deep breath of ease!

"Damn bastard!"

"Mondo, why are you here now!"

"Forget it, stop talking nonsense!"

During the roar, Karp’s gaze instantly shifted from the lieutenant admiral named Mundo to Chu Yi’s body, and then shouted at the lieutenant general Mundo below: "No matter what method you use, thank you for giving me Hold this little guy, or the naval station in the Chambord Islands will really be evacuated!"


What is going to be evacuated?

In fact, long before this Lieutenant General named Mundo appeared, your navy's station in the Chambord Islands had been evacuated!

Obviously, Karp still underestimated Chu Yi, or that he did not understand all of Chu Yi's abilities.

Maybe it takes a certain amount of time for Chu Yi to use thousands of shadow clones to move the food in the naval garrison a little bit, but don't forget that Chu Yi has the mysterious ability of space!

The body masters the mystery of space, and the shadow clone naturally masters the mystery of space!

When Chu Yi manipulated thousands of shadow avatars to carry the food in this naval station, his shadow avatars were also using space secrets to move the food in the naval station to their own space. Therefore, even if Karp's old acquaintance Mondo is in the future, it will be of no use.

His only use may be...

Meet the needs of Chu Yi fighting!

Then, listening to Karp's roar, Lieutenant General Mundo was surprised at first, why Karp became a prisoner in Chu Yi's hands. However, Karp’s urging was still effective. At least he saw Karp becoming a prisoner at Lieutenant General Mundo. When he was a little stunned, it was Karp’s previous urging that made Lieutenant General Mundo forget his surprise, forgetting his astonishment, and preparing to be like a card. As Pu said, let's stop Shura from sneaking on this naval station first.

And in the next second, when Lieutenant General Mundo is ready to delay Chu Yi's footsteps...


It is still gathering the magical energy in the body. When Lieutenant General Mundo once again gathered that magical energy in his legs, and then burst out, he suddenly cast the Navy Type VI like a jet, rushing quickly. Chu Yi, who was in midair, did not say that during the process of jetting, Lieutenant General Mondo still had time to slowly gather the magical energy previously gathered in his arm, and immediately prepared to continue using the Navy VI. Attack!


It was the first time that Lieutenant General Mondo had fought against Chu Yi. He had no idea how terrible Chu Yi's situation was.

Do you want to be close to me, can you be close to me?


Since I did not agree, how can you approach me?

The smile on his face quickly turned into a sneer, just as Lieutenant General Mundo was gradually transferring the body energy accumulated in his body into his arms, Chu Yi directed at Lieutenant General Mundo without hesitation. Stretched out his right hand.

Next second...


Shenluo Tianzheng!

Under the repulsive force of "Shenluo Tianzheng"~lightnovelpub.net~ Lieutenant General Mondo's body is almost like a volleyball. With the sound of the "boom", he was directly bounced off by Chu Yi's "Shenluotianzheng". When he went out, he smashed into the ground below.

Moreover, this time Lieutenant General Mondo was destined to have no way to avoid injury, because Chu Yi spent countless physical energy to cast the "Shen Luo Tianzheng", and the impact was not something Lieutenant Mondo could resist.

So just when Lieutenant General Mundo’s body was in contact with the ground, there was another "bang" sound. As the entire Chambordian Islands shook, the position where Lieutenant General Mundo hit the ground suddenly revealed a deep The bottomless pit!


Under the shining of the gods in the void, when Chu Yi discovered that Lieutenant General Mundo had plunged into the pit, his injuries were actually not as serious as he had imagined, and with that magical energy gathered again, Mundor Zhong When the injury on his body was quickly recovered, his eyes narrowed slightly, Chu Yi seemed to know what the magical power was used by Lieutenant General Mondo!

"Interestingly, the mysterious energy controlled by the lieutenant named Mundo is..."

"The life energy I discovered?"