Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

v2 Chapter 155: 10 ambushes

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The choice is you!

Karp Beast!


When Chu Yi was determined to borrow Kapu’s hand to "steal the teacher" Lieutenant General Mondo’s life return skills, he unfolded Shura’s wings, and Chu Yi’s figure was flying higher and higher in mid-air. The distance is reached. At the same time, what Chu Yi did was to output soul energy and completely control Kapu's body, making Kapu truly his own soul slave, using him to fight Lieutenant General Mundo!

Immediately after...

Armed color domineering broke out!

Armed color hardening appears!

For an instant, even Lieutenant General Mondo didn’t know what was going on. Karp, who was manipulated by Chu Yi, was already fully armed. Soon Chu Yi took advantage of Lieutenant General Mondo’s slight loss of mind, and manipulated Karp. The Navy's six-style "shave" invaded, and the fist hit Lieutenant General Mundo's cheek!



Karp, who is completely armed and domineering, is very scary, even when Chu Yi uses the methods of soul slaves to manipulate it, he feels very difficult. Therefore, the soul energy that Chu Yi needs to output while manipulating Karp that has completely exploded, every minute and every second is that huge.

But controlling Karp so strenuously, the result is not very good.

Because, when Chu Yi was manipulating the complete burst of armed color domineering, causing the armed color to harden Karp all over his body, Chu Yi unexpectedly discovered that the Karp he controlled, even in a head-on confrontation, failed to crush. Press Lieutenant General Karp.

Inside the confrontation of the first round.

Chu Yi manipulated Karp in the explosion and struck him. It is estimated that anyone in the sea must avoid Karp's iron fist of "love"?

However, Lieutenant General Mundo did not!

In an instant, Chu Yi used the void to see the gods, and he could clearly see the realm of seeing himself. Before Karp's iron fist attacked, Lieutenant General Mondo had precisely controlled the life energy in his body. Manipulating the life energy to gather in the palm of his hand and directly using the technique of life return, at that time Chu Yi only felt that Lieutenant General Mundo’s body was like an extremely complicated machine, and Lieutenant Mundo himself was using it. At the time of the life return technique, it happened to...

This exquisite machine can perfectly manipulate his body!

This is the real mystery of the return of life!

"I understand."

Watching Lieutenant General Mundo use the technique of returning his life, he abruptly blocked Karp's iron fist in the explosive period, and immediately confronted Karp head-on, without the slightest intention of falling into the wind. He kept watching. Lieutenant General Mondo's internal changes, Chu Yi, suddenly grasped the clues of using the life return technique, and secretly thought in his heart:

"It turns out that the technique of returning life is not completely an explosive technique, but a technique that can greatly enhance one's own combat power at a certain point in time!"

"Not everyone can perfectly control their own body, and not everyone can perfectly exert their physical advantages."

"In the world before I crossed, there was a theory that the human brain would limit the power of the human body, leaving most of the human body’s power in a deep sleep. At a certain point in time, when someone can relieve When the brain is restricted and the full potential of the human body is exerted, the power that that person bursts out is simply terrifying like never before!"

"When in a hurry, in order to protect her child, the mother can resist a whole wall and insist on the rescuers to come..."

"In an emergency, in order to protect his mother, the thin son can even overturn a truck and rescue his mother from under the truck!"

"This kind of power was called "God's Forbidden Zone" in the world before I crossed, and in the Pirate World..."

"This power is called the return of life!"

Secretly, Chu Yi combined with the void to see the gods and the realm of self, plus Shura's instinct, and he began to use his body to remember the changes in the life energy inside the body of Lieutenant Mondo.

This is no longer "stealing the teacher", but a living imitation!

At this time, Chu Yi saw the gods in the void, and saw that the realm of self and Shura's instinct were combined, just like the writing wheel eyes in Hokage, and he was copying the life return technique of Lieutenant General Mondo.

However, it is not so simple to master the return of life perfectly.

Life return is not a formula, you just need to remember it. More importantly, you need to understand the mystery of life return.

However, Chu Yi's such abrupt copying cannot be said to be completely without the slightest progress. At least how to use his life to return the strength of the explosive arm, or the explosive body's defensive ability, the explosive body's recovery ability, these life return skills, Chu Yi All learned from Lieutenant General Mundo.

However, when Chu Yi copied so many life return techniques from Lieutenant General Mondo, his soul energy meant to reach its limit.


On the one hand, to maintain the realm of seeing the gods in the void and seeing the self, and always paying attention to the changes in the body of Lieutenant General Mondo, Chu Yi's soul energy consumption is very large.

On the other hand, Chu Yi had to maintain the consumption of soul slaves, and manipulated the top powerhouses in the sea to explode, which accelerated the flow of Chu Yi's soul energy.

So, just after Chu Yi mastered many life return skills from Lieutenant General Mondo...

"Vientiane Tianyin!"


In an instant, Chu Yi used the "Vanxiang Tianyin" to directly "suck" Karp in the battle group to his side. Immediately, he raised the corner of his mouth and gave Lieutenant General Mundo a big smile. Chu Yi, who had already emptied the naval station here, suddenly left in front of Lieutenant General Mundo with Karp!

Ready to return to Leili, the bar where Xia Qi is at is gone!

As a result, the angry Lieutenant General Mundo vomited blood, but it was a pity that he had nothing to stop him.

However ~lightnovelpub.net~ When Chu Yi mastered some life return skills from Lieutenant General Mondo, he was very happy to return to Leili, where Xia Qi was in the bar, where he digested some of the mysteries of life return. ...

In the bar.

Xia Qi had just finished dressing and dressing for Claire, who had been rescued by Chu Yi.

Regardless of the period when Krall was a refugee in the Chambord Islands, he was a sloppy appearance, but under the dress of Xia Qi, the bathed Krall put on a delicate skirt, which looked like It was like a porcelain doll, and Xia Qi, Lei Li and others were all amazed.

It is a pity that not long after marveling, Xia Qi received a desperate letter.

Especially after seeing the letter, Xia Qi, whose face suddenly became ashen, shouted at Lei Li in front of him:

"No! Raleigh! You must promptly inform Xiao Chuyi to leave the Chambord Islands!"

"Because...because the navy has already laid ambush on all sides in the Chambord Islands!"