Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

v2 Chapter 240: Wrongly boarded the thief ship (on)

"science experiment"

   "It's often cruel!"

   How cruel Begapunk's experiment was, Galen didn't say much, and Chu Yi didn't want to uncover his inner scars, so naturally he didn't ask much.


   Every member of the Malfoy family has an innate physical talent since birth.

   It is no exaggeration to say that every time a member of the Malfoy family dies during the experiment, it is equivalent to the death of hundreds of experimental objects, thousands of experimental objects!

   And sixty-three members of the Malfoy family died tragically during the experiment, indicating that if the experiments of Bergapunk were carried out by ordinary people, they would kill tens of thousands of living lives!

   So when he heard how cruel and cruel Begapunk's experiment was, Chu Yi took a deep breath and had to calm down a little turbulent mood.

  Because he is afraid!

   He is afraid that if he fails to contain the fire of anger in his heart, it is really possible for him to go directly to kill the Begapunk who has devastated countless lives!

Then, Chu Yi took a deep breath to calm the anger in his heart a little, and Galen also took a deep breath, smiling and calmly telling Chu Yi about Begapunk’s "God Creation" plan. The total is It is divided into four stages.

   The first stage of Begapunk’s creation was to extract the genes of Galen and other members of the Malfoy family for research.

   the reason

   Begapunk naturally wants to know exactly what the power bestowed by "God" is!

   If he wants to "create gods", he must understand the power of "gods", and as a member of the "God" family, the Malfoy family is undoubtedly a very good research object.

   However, in the first phase of the research, Vegapunk did not gain anything.

It may be that the power of "God" cannot be understood by mortals, or it may have been too long. The power that "God" bestows on the Malfoy family has long been deep into the blood of the Malfoy family members and turned into their bodies. Part of it.

   In short, Begapunk, who failed in the first phase of the experiment, did not give up. It can even be said that he carried out the second phase of the experiment without any hesitation!

That is

   Through the research experiment of Devil Fruit, use an alternative method to understand the power of "God"!

"Devil Fruit?"

Hearing Galen's account of the second stage of the Begapunk experiment, which was the study of devil fruits, Chu Yi couldn't help but recalled the scientific madman Dimo ​​he had defeated. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said to himself: " Sure enough, any successful scientific researcher must conduct experiments on the devil fruit. After all, the most amazing thing in the Pirate World is the devil fruit that allows people to grasp a certain magical ability in an instant."

   "Like Dimo, a scientific madman, he has studied artificial devil fruits, and he has also studied the methods for allowing one person to master multiple fruits at the same time."

   "Presumably, Begapunk's thinking is basically the same as that of Dimo!"

   "It's just that he wants to experiment with devil fruits, and the fundamental reason may be because"

   "The devil fruit in Pirate World is more like a "god" handwriting!"

   Secretly, Chu Yi's gaze fell on Galen's body, and then he asked: "Gailen, Begapunk must have made progress in the research on devil fruits, right?"

   "To be specific, what has Begapunk researched out?"


After a pause, Galen recalled Begapunk’s research and said to Chu Yi in front of him: “I have to say that Begapunk is indeed a genius. With the help of some experimental assistants, he completed it in a short time. The artificial method of making devil fruits has mastered the power to replicate devil fruits!"

"Not to mention that ordinary animals are devil fruits, but Superman is devil fruits. According to my understanding, Begapunk used even the precious natural devil fruits in his experiments, and even he has already used that precious natural devil fruit. The devil fruit was copied for a few minutes, and they were handed over to other experimental products."

   "As for the result"


   "Sura, can you guess it?"


   Is this still a guess?

   There is no need for Chu Yi to guess at all. In fact, by looking at Galen's gloating expression, Chu Yi can basically conclude that Begapunk's experiment is doomed to fail.

   Otherwise, in this clash between Chu Yi and the navy, why didn't Begapunk send troops with natural demon fruit abilities to support the naval headquarters, Malin Vandor?

  It's just that, at this time, Vegapunk may have failed. He can successfully replicate all kinds of devil fruits, but he can't put them into use.

   But no one knows what the future will look like. To what extent the specific Begapunk experiment can grow, even Chu Yi seems to be an unknown.

   And in general, Bergapunk’s second phase experiment cannot be said to be a complete failure, at least some of his experiments were indeed successful.

   Then, when Galen began to talk about the third phase of Begapunk’s experiment, Chu Yi squinted again, and there was a lot of cold light in his eyes!

Because, in the second phase of the experiment, Begapunk copied the Devil Fruit, and the experiment of putting his own experimental products into use failed, but in the third phase, Begapunk began to create specific abilities according to his own needs. When the Devil Fruit, his experiment was successful!

   The fruit of presence taken by Galen, this superhuman devil fruit with weird ability, is exactly the handwriting of Begapunk!

   When completing the creation of the devil fruit with the specified ability, in fact, Begapunk’s "God Creation" experiment was half the success!

   After all, it can create devil fruits with specified abilities~lightnovelpub.net~Vegapunk is equivalent to

   is equivalent to mastering the power of "God"!

   "The terrible Begapunk"

   "The terrible "god creation" experiment!"

   "Now that Vegapunk has mastered a part of the "god" ability, he can create a devil fruit with a specified ability after a period of time. This ability is really terrifying!"

   "Presumably in Bergapunk's fourth phase experiment, he will create a perfect devil fruit for himself, and he can become a real "god" by taking it!"

   "That is to say"

   "Actually I don't have much time!"

  As soon as I thought of this, the plan to solve Begapunk was advanced a lot in Chu Yi's "Notepad".

   As long as the battle between Chu Yi and the navy comes to a perfect conclusion, Bega Punk will become Chu Yi's first goal to solve!

   As for Galen in front of you

   After learning about Bergapunk’s many experiments and many secrets from Galen, to be honest, Chu Yi didn't want to kill Galen. Because Chu Yi can clearly see that there are still many secrets hidden in Galen, so when he thought of ending the battle with the navy as soon as possible and drawing a perfect end to the battle, Chu Yi unexpectedly He smiled slightly at Galen, and even said a word that even Galen felt surprised!

   "Gallen, what you just explained is enough to buy you half your life, if you want to save your complete life"

   "Why don't you join our "Kill the Sky" Pirate Group?" 2170