Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

v2 Chapter 259: Only 1 opportunity (middle)

Originally, Chu Yi wanted to search for the existence of Begapunk, but he did not expect to discover it by accident!

This accidental discovery is exactly the "tyrant" bear hidden by the dragon.

Although the bear hasn't changed at all on the surface, but grasping the realm of seeing the gods in the void and seeing the self, Chu Yi easily discovered the abnormal changes inside the bear's body!

In the confrontation between Chu Yi and Xiong, Chu Yi could be sure that he beat the Xiong half to death. It is estimated that if the life force of the Xiong hadn't been quite amazing, he would have died in Huangquan when he was dying. How could there be a chance to meet the dragon again?

However, under the realm of seeing God in the void and seeing the self, Chu Yi once again noticed the existence of the bear, but suddenly found that all the injuries on Xiong's body had recovered, as if he had never been in Chu Yi's hands. The same as injured. Moreover, in addition to the recovery of all the injuries on the body, the internal structure of the bear's body has also undergone major changes.

The first is bone changes!

The first thing Chu Yi saw was the bear's bone changes!

At this moment, under the realm of seeing God in the void and seeing the self, where are the bones in the bear's body or the bones of humans?

It's completely metallic, and I don't know what kind of metal it is made of metal bones!

Are you kidding me?

Has the bear become a Wolverine?

His body is still flesh and blood, but the bones inside his body have suddenly changed. Could it be that a mutant is about to rule the Pirate World?

Of course not!

The changes in the internal bones of the bear must have come from that person's handwriting.

That was the Begapunk that Chu Yi wanted to capture, and the Begapunk who wanted to kill the first time!

In addition to the changes in the internal bones of the body, the changes in the internal organs of the bear's body are also very obvious when viewed from the depths.

On the bear's organs, such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys, Chu Yi could clearly use the void to see God and find some weird metal wires in the realm of self.

For now...

Chu Yi didn't understand what these wires were used for.

But one thing is unquestionable. Since the person who transforms the internal bones of the bear is Begapunk, the person who puts many weird wires in the organs of the bear must also be Begapunk!

So, since these weird metal wires are both Begapunk's handwriting, their existence must have a certain price.

As for the last change that Chu Yi saw in the bear, it was the bear's brain.

Chu Yi actually found a chip in the bear's brain!

It looks like a chip used by Begapunk to manipulate bears!

This is very interesting!

"From the changes in the internal structure of the bear's body, it is basically certain that the dragon is cooperating with Vegapunk. Two guys who need attention at the same time suddenly get together inexplicably. It seems that the dragon and Vegapunk are cooperating. The threats generated far exceed the threat posed to me by the Navy."

"But well..."

Secretly, Chu Yi stared at the dragon in front of him, and suddenly an unpredictable smile appeared on his face.

"But it's a pity that the dragon cooperated with Vegapunk. The first person to have a headache was not me, but the navy that Vegapunk originally helped!"

"The real enemy of the dragon is the navy, not me, so after he has gained a lot of benefits from Begapunk, he must be put in the battle with the navy in time, not in the battle with me. In this way, there is no need for me to go to solve Vegapunk. I must give up Vegapunk’s navy and become the person who wants to kill him most!"

"And judging from Bega Punk's transformation of the bear..."

"It seems that he has not invested much sincerity in the cooperation with the dragon, but is always preparing for the fallout with the dragon, and is ready to reveal the hole cards he arranged in advance to complete the defiance!"

At this point, the smile on Chu Yi's face has undoubtedly become a bit richer.

And if you want to ask Chu Yi how he could see that Begapunk and Long did not have much sincerity in their cooperation, then Chu Yi must have answered that he could see from the transformation of the bear!

Chu Yi could imagine that at the beginning of the cooperation between the dragon and Begapunk, it originated from the "tyrant" bear that had been transformed.

Originally due to some accident, Long did not leave the Chambordian Islands directly with the seriously injured "tyrant" bear. Instead, taking advantage of Chu Yi's battle with the navy and no time to do so, he silently hid the bear in the Chambordian Islands. on.

After that, it may be that Begapunk had arranged it early, or it may be that Chu Yi destroyed the laboratory that Begapunk had established in the Marine Headquarters Marine Vando. Because of his anger, Begapunk did it anyway. One of his puppet clones was sent back to the Chambord Islands. He was surprisingly ready to show Chu Yi a little bit of color while Chu Yi was busy fighting the navy.

Whoever thinks that there are unexpected events, Vegapunk's calculations finally failed.

Because no one could imagine that Chu Yi finally solved the Marshal Warring States with a destructive force, and immediately used the captured Celestial Dragon to force the navy to share his Asura Atai.

It was precisely because of this accident that Vegapunk's plan fell through.

Coincidentally, it happened that during that time period, Begapunk, who was manipulating the puppet clone to return to the Chambord Islands, encountered a dragon that was also hidden on the Chambord Islands!

So at the moment of meeting, whether it was Begapunk or the dragon, they were very shocked. The only thought in their hearts at that time was whether to solve each other on the Chambord Islands?

But just when Vegapunk, Longdu was in a bad mood...


Begapunk suddenly spotted the seriously injured "tyrant" bear, and then asked with great interest: "Dragon, is that your subordinate?"

"It's not."

Long sneered and shook his head, and said every word: "He is my partner!"

"Oh? Partner!"

I nodded disdainfully~lightnovelpub.net~ Begapunk then asked, "Since you are a partner, Dragon, you must really want to save him?"

"Huh? Do you have a way to save him?"

"of course!"

Begapunk said confidently: "Not only do I have a way to save him, but I also have a way to make him stronger after healed from his injury. Are you interested?"

"There is naturally interest."


While speaking, Long asked suspiciously: "Vegapunk, you have taken refuge in the navy, why do you want to help me again?"

"Help you? No, I am helping myself!"

With a deep sigh, Begapunk was all about telling the navy to betray him and entrusting himself to Chu Yi. And the dragon knew that Vegapunk was about to judge the navy camp, and after a little thought, he was ready to invite Vegapunk to cooperate with him, and then Vegapunk first transformed the bear, and then further discussed with the dragon. Talk about cooperation issues.

As for the details of the conversation between the two, Chu Yi definitely couldn't guess.

The only thing Chu Yi can guess is...

The chip that Begapunk put into the bear's brain must be Begapunk's hole card, which will be used to deal with the dragon in the future!

So, since the cooperation between Begapunk and the dragon is full of tricks, why did Chu Yi provoke the revolutionary army, which is also terrifying, at this point in time?

not to mention...

At this moment, Chu Yi also seized the only opportunity to solve the problem of Begapunk from the cooperation between the dragon and Begapunk?

"Begapunk, I didn't expect to be as smart as you, but he was still in a bad position!"

"The news of your cooperation with Dragon is known to me. It is very likely that you will be killed. Do you really know it?"