Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

v2 Chapter 333: Extinction

The thick fog rises and the devil appears.

This was the plan that Chu Yi had arranged long ago!

With the frozen fruit and rock berry in his hands, it was easy for Chu Yi to create a thick fog around the Chambordian Islands.

But the dense fog must have a gradual process, which is very clear.

Otherwise, the appearance of thick fog will not only cause panic among outsiders, but if the people living on the Chambord Islands panic, Chu Yi's methods seem to be outweighed by the gains.

So in the beginning, Chu Yi's ability to use frozen fruit and rock berry was merely to create a haze that filled the sea around the Chambordian Islands.

Such fog is a common occurrence in the great sea route!

Moreover, if there is such a fog that has almost no effect on navigation, so a piece of fog covering the Chambord Islands appeared, even the navy did not take it seriously, thinking that it was the law of nature.

However, no one expected that the fog that pervaded the Chambordland Islands had no tendency to dissipate at all.

What is even more unexpected is that the fog around the Chambord Islands has become denser, gradually causing many ships passing by the Chambord Islands to be lost in this thick fog!

Just one month...

The fog, which was not paid much attention to, has made the headlines of the news and became the news of the world's attention!

It is also because the fog surrounding the Chambord Islands is very strange, which has attracted many meteorologists to explore the Chambord Islands. They wanted to dig out the endless thick fog that suddenly appeared outside the Chambord Islands. What is going on? Was it caused by another important change in the climate of the Great Sea Route?

So, since the dense fog surrounding the Chambordian Islands has attracted countless meteorologists to investigate, the Chambordian Islands has long been regarded as a thorn in the eye and a thorny navy. Is it possible that no one will be sent to check it?

Of course not!

It's just that the Chambordian Islands have become the "Sura" sphere of influence, and the navy must be cautious if it wants to go to investigate the situation.

After all, affected by the thick fog, many pirate groups had accidents when they went to the Chambord Islands. The navy was afraid that “accidents” would suddenly fall on their heads, so the Marshal Sengoku, temporarily hidden inside the navy, sent When people came to investigate the dense fog, they deliberately let the green pheasant sit in town personally to avoid some accidents.

As for the results of the probe?


In fact, you don't have to think about it, Chu Yi's methods must have been noticed.

The navy’s scientific researchers do not eat dry food. Meteorologists who come to explore the thick fog outside the Chambord Islands can also understand the truth hidden in this thick fog with a simple inspection.


The truth was discovered, but neither the navy nor the meteorologists who came to explore it clearly stated that the thick fog surrounding the Chambord Islands was caused by man.

They seem to have unified the caliber. After coming to explore, it shows that the weather around the Chambord Islands has changed, and even the main reason for this change.

At the beginning, seeing these news reports in the newspapers, most of the internal members of the "Killing the Sky" Pirate Group felt that the Navy was embarrassed.

They did not want to expose the information about the change of ownership of the Chambord Islands, so they did not create a thick fog against Chu Yi.


The navy's signal of recognition did not make Chu Yi and others happy.

Because just a few days after the navy recognized the counsel, when Chu Yi set about starting to plan to travel the great route, Lei Li's figure suddenly appeared in front of the waterfall where he was meditating.

"Oh? Raleigh?"

During the painstaking cultivation, he suddenly discovered that Lei Li's figure appeared in the place where he was meditation. Chu Yi was very surprised.

Ask the reason...

Naturally, it was not that when Chu Yi was meditation, no one was allowed to come to disturb him, but Lei Li was really too busy recently, and there was no time to visit Chu Yi at all!

The Chambord Archipelago is said to be an island, but in fact it is completely a country.

In other words, every island on the great route is like this. They are like a small country. It is naturally very troublesome to manage.

The rest of the islands on the great route are a little better.

Because the "rules" on those islands have taken shape early, there are actually very few places that need to be managed. Where is it like the Chambord Archipelago, which is exactly like a brand new island, no matter how big or small it is, do managers need to worry about it?

And don't forget, the only managers on the Chambord Islands are Lei Li, Xia Qi, and Princess Otohime!

Three people have to manage an island, pay attention to the daily changes in the Chambord Islands, and deal with countless troubles, which is really exhausting.

But every day was spent in exhaustion. Except for Xia Qi's slight complaints, both Lei Li and Princess Otohime enjoyed it.

Needless to say Princess Otohime.

The contradiction between being able to see humans, murlocs, and mermaids has been initially resolved ~lightnovelpub.net~ Seeing that mermaids, murlocs, and humans live in harmony on the Chambord Islands, she can accept it no matter how busy life is.

Where's Raleigh?

His situation is actually similar to that of Princess Otohime. He can see that the former slaves have hope of survival, and can see smiles flooding their faces again, and Raleigh feels that it is worth it to work harder.

So some time ago, when Chu Yi was about to create the "Devil's Sea", Raleigh needed to manage the Chambordian Islands. The two of them had only met twice in a hurry in the entire month of more than a month. Among them, they met. At that time, there was no conversation, at most it was nodding to signal.

However, at this time, Lei Li felt that he really needed to talk to Chu Yi, so when Chu Yi saw Lei Li standing not far away and smiling at Lei Li, Lei Li was pacing. When he walked in front of Chu Yi, his face was very solemn and said: "Little brother Chu Yi, this time I have something I want to talk to you about, that is, you created the "Devil Sea"."

"About the "Devil's Sea"?"

Hearing Raleigh talk about "Devil Seas", Chu Yi, who was in a good mood, frowned slightly, and already had some bad thoughts in his heart.

And Chu Yi's intuition is obviously very accurate, because just when his eyebrows were just wrinkled, Lei Li didn't circumvent him and said straightforwardly:

"Well, that's right, little brother Chu Yi, the question I want to talk about is the question of the "Devil Sea"."

"Because at this moment, the situation facing the Chambord Islands is already very dangerous. If you don't stop the "Devil's Waters" project, we..."

"We're about to secretly implement the extinction scheme of the Chinese Navy!"

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