Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

v3 Chapter 36: Disciple (Part 2)

very nice.

This is Chu Yi's evaluation of the "Berserker".

You know, the navy stationed outside Snow Island can be regarded as the elite of the navy. It is possible that among these people, there are only a few people at the rank of admiral, but the rest of the navy is also dispatched from the navy headquarters, Marin Vando, and placed in the Pirate's original work during the "War on Top" period. The protagonist Luffy may not be able to solve half of these navy elites in the blink of an eye.

But what Luffy may not be able to do, "Berserker" did.

This represents the strength of the "Beerker" after the outbreak, and it is less likely to be a lieutenant admiral.

Moreover, since the nickname is "Berster", then "Berder" must belong to the kind of existence that is getting more and more courageous. After being injured, he is likely to be more brave than he is now.

What's more, besides the "Berger", are there four other enemies that Chu Yi will face?

A "Berger" is very difficult to solve, count the "saint", "wizard", "goblin", glasses man these people, Chu Yi wants to catch them all, the difficulty is really not small.

Therefore, the confrontation between the "Berserker" and the navy continued, and Chu Yi stared at the "Berserker" who was confronting the navy, but his thoughts drifted away.

"The information just revealed by the Berserker is very interesting. He said that the reason they didn't play with the navy before was because they were fighting for the ownership of these navies.

"From the words of the "Berker", three things can be inferred."

"the first..."

"It's what the "butchers" really need, not necessarily human flesh and blood, more likely human souls. Their source of power needs some kind of magical sacrifice, relying on sacrifices that take human souls as sacrifices. Warriors "These people can become stronger and stronger, so they will compete for these navies, or they will compete for these navies as their sacrifice!"

"The second is Cthulhu!"

"The information Xia Qi gave me about the "saint" said that the "saint" once created a cult organization called "Xixinjiao" and once also summoned the evil **** to fight for her. Then, including the "butcher" Do the people in this group believe in a Cthulhu? Is it because of the gift of the Cthulhu that they have their current strength, or that the "butchers" are simply disciples of the Cthulhu, just like they are. ..."

"It's like the relationship between me and the Shura Golem?"

"Finally, this naval battle is obviously tricky. Why did the weakest "berserker" get the ownership of this group of navies?"

"Is it because everyone is letting the Berserkers, or is it that the Berserkers can compete for the navy as a sacrifice? The fundamental reason is that the Berserkers are lucky?"

As soon as he thought of this, Chu Yi used his human power to start reading his own memory.

This seemingly useless power of the human world suddenly became useful at this time.

When the "Berkers" were severely suppressed by the navy earlier, Chu Yi was distracted from communicating with Xia Qi, so Chu Yi just glanced at the confrontation between the "Berserkers" and the navy, but didn't look at it. Is too careful.

And if this important information is missed in vain, it is obviously not conducive to Chu Yi's analysis.

In this way, Chu Yi has human power, and it becomes important to be able to read his own memory. Chu Yi just glanced at things. With the power of the human world to be able to flip through memories, Chu Yi could completely watch the "Berkers" and the navy's confrontation like a movie replay.

Then, after flipping through the memory and carefully reviewing the battle between the "Berzers" and the navy, Chu Yi gained a lot of important information.

Let's talk about "saint" first.

When confronted with the navy, it was not that the "saint" did not want to fight for the ownership of these navies, but the "saint" they all hide their strength, all the elites at the admiral level were the first to target the "saint". Therefore, the "saint" was the first to withdraw from the battle for the navy arena.

That said, since Chu Yi can obtain information about the "saint woman," these navies can naturally obtain it.

So, when the navy knew that the "saint" could summon the evil god, and it had severely damaged the former navy admiral Zefa, it would be a good choice to destroy the "saint" first.

So Chu Yi can be sure that the "saint" withdrew from the stage of competing for the navy was not willing.

Instead, the attitude of the "witch" and "goblin" is interesting.

According to the memory content, the relationship between "Goblin" and "Witcher" is very good, and it looks like "Goblin" has some admiration for "Witcher", and the emotional sustenance of "Witcher" is...

Uh ...

It is on the body of the "saint"!

Okay, it's bloody.

Who can imagine that the "Witcher" is a lace border, which makes her unwilling to accept the emotion of "Goblin"?

It is a pity that the "Witcher" is also a very second-rate fellow. She always finds her presence in front of the "saint" in a bickering manner, which makes her relationship with the "saint" very poor. In this way, let alone smoothly forming a lace border with the "saint", at this time the "saint" has a bit of hatred for the "witch", but the infatuated lace girl "the wizard" still doesn't understand the situation.

But it is a lace side ~lightnovelpub.net~ and it does not affect the "Wizard" and "Goblin" slightly ambiguous.

It was also because of the ambiguity and the desire to get more benefits, the "Witcher" was very likely to learn about Chu Yi's hidden news from the "Goblin". Therefore, cooperating with the "Goblin" wanted to create the "Wizard" of the big fish Chu Yi, and soon withdrew from the stage of competing for the navy together with the "Goblin".

Among these people, the only one who made Chu Yi unable to see through was still a man with glasses.

The spectacle men who originally wanted to compete for the ownership of these navy turned out to give up at the last second when they were competing for success.

In addition, the choice of the glasses man was very decisive. Feeling that the situation was not good, he handed over all the navy to the "Berserkers", making Chu Yi inevitably pay more attention to this non-existent glasses man.

"Well, I took a look at the battle between them and learned more information. Basically, I should start to act."

"Although these navies have nothing to do with me, if the navy loses too much, it will more or less affect the distribution of power in the sea."

"As for the "Butcher" group..."

"The Berserkers who are fighting the navy don't have to worry too much. The "goblins" are obsessed with the "wizards", and the "wizards" have to engage in lace borders with the "saints", which can be easily resolved."

"Only the man with glasses can't measure his depth for the time being, so he needs to deal with it carefully."

"Analyzed this way, the next good show..."

"I can finally be on stage!"

With a secret voice, Chu Yi first took a deep breath.

Immediately after...

When Chu Yi condensed Shura's blade again, he would be able to return to the stage once the "Sura" of the "butcher" was eliminated!

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