Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

v3 Chapter 378: Each fight (in)

"Stop yourself?"

   "Well, it's a very wise choice."

   Hearing that the guy from the mysterious organization said he was going to stop himself, Chu Yi admired the training method of this mysterious organization a little. Knowing that he could not be the opponent of "Sura", seeing "Sura" in order not to reveal the secrets of his organization, this was obviously a very correct choice in Chu Yi's view.


   It's because you know yourself.

   The guy in the mysterious organization in front of Chu Yi is very self-aware, so he is very correct to prepare to judge himself. Unfortunately, whether he can judge himself in front of Chu Yi is not something he can say.

   That's right.

   This is "Sura".

   It has become a difficult problem to want to die in front of "Sura", because it is very difficult for you to want to die when "Sura" does not want you to die.

   is like the guy in the mysterious organization in front of Chu Yi, the first thing he said after seeing Chu Yi was to stop himself. But when the guy in the mysterious organization had already reached his neck, and he cut his throat without any hesitation, a faint smile was raised from the corner of Chu Yi's mouth.

   next second

   There was also a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. The guy who was originally covered with blood stained mysterious tissues was stunned to find that the blood stains on his body had disappeared.

   Then, when he started to check the surroundings and found no abnormalities, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It was the "Sura" he had just seen!

   "How does it feel to die?"

Staring indifferently at the guy in the mysterious organization in front of him, Chu Yi said indifferently, "The training method of your organization is very unique. At least let you guys who have been trained have self-knowledge. Knowing that it can't be my opponent, and I don't want to expose the organization. Secretly, choosing to die is the right choice. But is it that easy for you to want to die in front of me?"

   "Do you think you can die if you want to die in front of "Sura"?"

   "Completely wrong!"

With that said, Chu Yi walked slowly in front of the guy in the mysterious organization. When the guy in the mysterious organization was completely stunned, a punch fell on the chest of the guy in the mysterious organization, directly smashing the opponent. At the same time, the ribs shattered the other's heart.

  The heart is so severely damaged that it is impossible for an individual to survive.

   But after a while, the guy in the mysterious organization was surprised to find that the injury on his chest disappeared in the next instant.

   Time seems to have returned to its original point.

   As the severe pain in his chest disappeared, the guy in the mysterious organization looked forward in panic, once again seeing "Sura" slowly appearing in front of him.

   his face

   is still wearing that nasty smile!

How is this going?

   The answer is the mysterious version of Izanami!

   It is better to say that the Izanami that Chu Yi mimics with the soul mysteriously is more useful, just like the guy in the mysterious organization in front of him, if Chu Yi really wants to stop the other party from dying, it is still a little difficult. However, after using the mysterious version of Izanami, unless the guy in the mysterious organization gives up to die, each of his deaths is false and useless, as long as he dies and appears in front of him. The scene is that of Chu Yi slowly appearing.

   Therefore, it is useless to commit suicide in front of Chu Yi. The guy who belongs to the mysterious organization can only give up death, willing to become a prisoner of Chu Yi, and tell the mysterious organization little by little in front of Chu Yi.

   And this battle must be the strangest battle that the guy from the mysterious organization has experienced.

   Can anyone die if they want to die?

   This resentment is undoubtedly going to be filled with the heart of the guy in the mysterious organization, and with repeated deaths, the guy in the mysterious organization collapses.

   But Chu Yi didn't know very well whether the guy in the mysterious organization would collapse in the first place. Instead, it was Usopp of the Straw Hat Pirates who collapsed the moment he entered Chu Yi's soul world and began his soul trial.

   Is Usopp talented?

   The answer is definitely yes.

   As the son of **** Bu, unless Usopp is from the old Wang family next door, or Usopp will be able to inherit the talent of **** Bu, this is something that Chu Yi knew in the original Pirate book.

As a sniper, seeing and hearing domineering is obviously very important. If Usopp can awaken the seeing and hearing domineering, Chu Yi doesn’t need Usopp to be like a Pirate in the original work to develop the body of a bodybuilding coach. , Is to believe that Usopp can grow up smoothly and become a real sniper in the Straw Hat Pirates.

   But things backfired!

To put it bluntly, Usopp in the One Piece comics is an ordinary person who has strayed into the monster group. He does not have the physical quality of Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji, and he does not have the physical quality of Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji. Combat talent. Usopp in the original Pirate book, every battle seems to have defeated the opponent by chance. If it weren't for the two years of cultivation in the original Pirate book, Usopp would finally have something to take a shot at. Usopp in the original work of The Pirates is estimated to be still a five scumbag ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ hardly any combat power at all.

So after entering Chu Yi’s soul world, although everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was facing an endless cycle of trials, the first person to collapse was Usopp. Faced with sudden changes, Usopp was really I don't know what to do, the complete collapse seems to be the only result of Usopp in the future.

   Fortunately, Chu Yi let Usopp enter the soul world to practice, not to torture the dead Straw Hat Pirates. Therefore, after discovering that Usopp was not like Luffy, Sauron, or even Nami, they were able to accept the practice in the soul world for the first time, and the scene in front of Usopp suddenly changed. From the hell-level difficulty soul trial to the ordinary difficulty soul trial.

   Someone here will teach Usopp to see, hear, and domineering. As long as Usopp can smoothly master the domineering, he can smoothly return from Chu Yi's soul world.

   And at the beginning, Usopp obviously felt that the people who taught him how to see and behave were fake, and Usopp, who was about to collapse before, also felt that the whole world was fake.

   Fortunately, the person in Chu Yi's soul world who incarnates Usopp who teaches Usopp's domineering, can understand Usopp's psychology, otherwise, when Usopp is very resistant, God knows how long Usopp can master the domineering.

  While practicing in the soul world of Chu Yi, Usopp was the first person to face collapse, but with the training in the soul world, the waste wood Usopp in the Straw Hat Pirate Group was

   The first person to complete the soul trial!
