Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

v3 Chapter 565: Intruder (below)

Let's go to war!

As early as in the Pirate World, Chu Yi and the Red Dog had nothing to say. At this time, the Red Dog in the "Thunder God" Luffy World came to him. Chu Yi's only thought was that the Red Dog was more annoying, and he always found it for himself. Trouble, the rest of the feeling is gone, after all, even the red dog in "Thunder God" Luffy World, Chu Yi didn't pay attention to it.


The red dogs in this world are very strong. Compared with the red dogs in the original world, the red dogs in this world can beat the three red dogs in the original world. The more tricky thing is naturally the "rules" understood by Akakenu in this world. Unfortunately, "rules" and "rules" are completely different, and "rules" and "rule fragments" are also at a certain distance.

In fact, if it weren't for fear of people in this world, and suddenly discovering himself as an intruder, it would be impossible for Chu Yi to feel the red dog in this world and realize that his own existence is a trouble.

So at the moment the red dog came to find the fault, Chu Yi's space secret was used.


In an instant, the figure came to the red dog, Chu Yi squinted his eyes, like a "god" looking down at the ant, and slowly stretched out his finger.

what is that?

At the moment Chu Yi stretched out his finger, the red dog couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

Because at this moment, the red dog clearly saw that Chu Yi's trick was the "Navy Six Style", but Chu Yi was completely "Navy Six Style", not exactly.

As for the reason?

It can only be said that Chu Yi's realm is a little higher, and the original ordinary tricks in his hands have become a little dare to recognize the red dog.

What Chu Yi used was the "finger spear", one of the "Navy Six Types", yes, but when one of the ordinary "Navy Six Types" "finger spear" was used, the surrounding space was actually slight. Distorted, then collapsed, as if Chu Yi's fingertips were controlling the black hole and suddenly swallowing the surrounding space.

And when Chu Yi's fingers slowly "pointed" on the red dog's chest, the red dog felt that the "finger gun" used by Chu Yi could not escape, and immediately Chu Yi's fingers fell on the red dog's chest. Above, the sounds of "click" and "click" sounded, and it was the sound of the bones in the chest of the red dog shattering.

Moreover, not only the bones in the chest cavity of the red dog began to shatter, but the flesh and blood in the chest cavity of the red dog seemed to be absorbed by the invisible vortex of Chu Yi's fingertips, turning into a touch of blood and entering Chu Yi's body. .

What exactly is going on?

Why can ordinary "finger guns" cause such an effect?

Who is the enemy in front of me?

If there is time to speak, Chihyu really wants to give Chu Yi a three-time question, but Chihyu doesn't have any chance to speak. Seeing that he will be killed by Chu Yi in a second round of confrontation with Chu Yi. .

However, the red dog in "Thor" Luffy World, after all, is in control of the "rules".

So seeing that Chu Yi’s "finger gun" could not be resisted, one round of confrontation might kill him in seconds, and the corners of the red dog's eyes twitched fiercely. In time, he used the first "rule" he had mastered. The "rules" that can reverse the inferiority in battle are the mystery of time in Chu Yi's mouth.


Aka Inu's time is obviously very good.

Although there is no Taigeqiang that Chu Yi is familiar with, the mystery of using time can shape the extent of time, but under the use of mystery of time, the injury on the chest of the red dog is instantly restored.

And using the time mystery to instantly recover from the injury is the primary method of using the time mystery.

It was also because of this that when the time mystery was used up, Chihu's hands suddenly grabbed Chu Yi's arms, and then the sounds of "click" and "click" sounded.

That's the voice of Akainu using the ability of frozen fruit!

Akina's idea is a bit simpler.

He feels that Chu Yi’s "Navy Six Form" is very good, and Chu Yi's strong point is estimated to be in the "Navy Six Form." After all, on the surface, Chu Yi is relatively young, and no one knows that Chu Yi is an old monster who has cultivated for hundreds of years in his soul world.

Because of this, Akadog subconsciously thinks that one of Chu Yi's "finger guns" used in one of the six "Navy Types" is good, but the other abilities may not be very strong. Just to be on the safe side, after the Red Dog was ready to freeze Chu Yi's arms with the ability of the frozen fruit, he directly took the opportunity to freeze Chu Yi in front of Chu Yi.

Never thought...

Seeing that Chu Yi's arms were about to be frozen, a hot breath suddenly enveloped him.

That's the rock berry abilities that Akakin is familiar with!

Chu Yi saw that the red dog had to freeze his arms with the ability to freeze fruits, and then used the ability of the rock berry to make his arms "element", and the hot magma from "elementalization" suddenly changed. Become the nemesis of the red dog frozen fruit.

Moreover, what Chu Yi wanted was not only to defuse the red dog's offensive, but also to take advantage of the trend and give the red dog a hard hit.

So after the hot lava melted the frost on his arms, the magma on Chu Yi's arms was sprayed out, unexpectedly covering the red dog in it. However, with the same ability of the rock berry fruit, the red dog didn't need to be afraid of the magma ejected from Chu Yi's arms. This may be another miscalculation of the red dog.

That is Chu Yi's rock berry real ability...

It's not at all comparable to Akakin's rock berry abilities!

In fact, as early as when we had a fight with the Shura Golem~lightnovelpub.net~ Chu Yi’s rock berry real ability was equivalent to disappearing, and Chu Yi’s rock berry real ability was transfigured from the "rules", which is different from ordinary ones. There is a fundamental gap in the abilities of rock berry. A simple example is that Chu Yi's "rules" can be transformed into rock berry abilities at any time, and rock berry abilities want to become "rules", but there is a certain distance.

In this way, when the magma above Chu Yi's arms enveloped, the red dog's rock berry real ability was completely unable to resist.

This is like Ace's fruit ability, slightly restrained by the red dog's fruit ability.

The "elementalization" of the red dog's rock berry ability cannot resist Chu Yi's rock berry ability. The red dog was burned to death by the hot lava erupted from Chu Yi's arms, it was a matter of time.

In contrast, Chu Yi.

When the red dog was enveloped in the magma, he simply ignored the heat of the hot lava and slowly put his right hand on the red dog's head.

Needless to say, the reason why Chu Yi did this is obviously to read the memory of the red dog and see what the situation is with the red dog mastering the three fruit abilities.

What Chu Yi never expected was that when he read the memory of the red dog, the information he obtained was not only the mystery of the red dog's ability to master the three fruits. When reading the memory of the red dog later, Chu Yi actually obtained secret information about the world of "Thunder God" Luffy, knowing that the first intruder in this world was not himself, let alone catching "Thunder God" Luffy. Shura Golem!


"The world has become more and more interesting!"


Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Nine Heavens God Emperor Mobile Edition Reading URL: