Pirate’s Infinite Awakening

v3 Chapter 573: Haze (below)

"Marshal! Marshal!"

"The big thing is bad!"

Marine Headquarters Marin Vando.

Recently, due to the civil war in the navy, the face of the Marshal Sengoku is not very good every day, especially when he thinks that his best friend Karp is an invader in other multiverses and parallel worlds, the face of the Marshal Sengoku. The black ones are more like charcoal, and the atmosphere of the navy headquarters, Marin Fandor, seemed very depressing.

At this moment, when I heard from the navy that the "Propulsion City" had actually fallen, the Warring States was suddenly silent. Without a word of scolding, he asked the navy who came to report to the navy to go out first, saying that he needed it. calm down.


It does need to be calm and calm.

The first is the internal affairs of the Navy.

The navy’s internal war must end as soon as possible. If it consumes too much in the civil war, let alone the invaders that are about to face, it is the chaos of the pirates, and it may be impossible for the navy to stop it.

It is a pity that it is too difficult to end the civil war in the navy. Whether it is Karp, the green pheasant, the yellow ape, or the people behind the red dog, they may not be able to provoke the Warring States Period. After all, there are great gods behind Karp, the blue pheasant, the yellow ape, and the red dog. On the contrary, the local people have no help in the Warring States period. Therefore, it is very difficult for the Warring States period to win the civil war. There is hardly any victory in the civil war. Possibility.

But the Warring States must fight, otherwise, if it was not the Warring States that won in the civil war, it would be equivalent to surrendering one's own world. Having obtained a lot of information from Dom, the Warring States Period knew that the invaders of the other multiverses and parallel worlds were not kind-hearted people at all.

They went to the multiverse and parallel worlds to invade, so they must not pass their own world over to the Warring States, and they are very aware of the importance of naval civil war.

That is the war that determines the fate of the world!

The second is the chaos of the pirates, which is also something that the Warring States period thinks about.

Of course, it stands to reason that the Warring States period does not need to consider the chaos of the pirates. After all, if a war starts between the pirates, the dead are all pirates, and the Warring States period does not have any psychological burden. However, when the pirates began to chaos, the people living on each country and each island were miserable.

Pirates are not like the navy. When fighting, they also need to worry about the civilians around them. For example, during a naval civil war, they usually choose islands where there are no civilians to start the war. On the contrary, it is a pirate, no matter where it is or when, as long as it is a person who has seen the enemy, it is basically a war. Therefore, in the chaotic war of the pirates, the civilians suffered the most casualties, but the pirates suffered the least. How could this keep the Warring States from watching?

Let the chaos of the pirates continue. It is estimated that it will not take a few months. Many countries will be destroyed, and the civilians on many islands will not be able to live. And the way to end the painful life is either death or depravity. Thinking of countless people who have been annihilated, as well as those civilians who can’t survive, they will eventually be forced to become pirates. For the existence of pirates, the Warring States period is forbearance. Can't help but sigh.

While sighing?

The Warring States naturally hated those invaders even more. Without them, how could one's own world become like this?

Finally, it's about the "promotion of the city". This is the most difficult issue at the moment. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

God knows exactly how the "Propulsion City" was broken. For the time being, there is no detailed information. The Warring States is completely at a loss about the "Propulsion City" being invaded. It is also because of this that the Warring States can only wait slowly for the arrival of intelligence to judge what happened to the destruction of "Propulsion City".

But when the Warring States period was having a headache for all kinds of things, the head of another group that did not know the naval civil war, that is, the invaders and lurkers, was in a meeting.

Conference on the invasion of "Propulsion City".

The meeting was on an unnamed island on the Great Airway. People like Karp, Green Pheasant, Huang Yuan, etc. did not bring any of their subordinates, and came to participate in the meeting invited by Karp alone.

For Karp, the green pheasant and the yellow ape are very respected. Whether they are an intruder, a lurker, or an aboriginal in this world, Karp’s actions are counted as " "Navy heroes" are all existences worthy of admiration. Otherwise, if someone organizes a meeting, it is inevitable that no one will come to attend.

At the beginning of the meeting, Karp made it clear that he wanted to discuss things about "promoting the city." The first person to express his opinion was the green pheasant who had a good relationship with Karp in the past.

"I have something to say about the invasion of "Propulsion City"."

Looking at his former companions and current enemies, the green pheasant sighed deeply ~lightnovelpub.net~ and said: "According to the information I have obtained, there was Zefa when the "Propulsion City" was invaded. The shadow means that the people behind Zefa are likely to pay attention to something in the "Propulsion City". In addition to Zefa, Dom also existed when the "Propulsion City" was invaded, so is it possible to "promote" What about the city, is it the alliance between Zefa and Dom?"

"Dom should be a person in this world. It is true that Zefa is the intruder we used to call. Of course, Zefa's identity is the same as ours. It is unfair for us to say that Zefa is an intruder. It's just us. It's not clear what the people behind Zefa mean, what exactly is he planning to do with Dom when he goes to "Propulsion City"?"

As soon as the green pheasant finished speaking, Huang Yuan lazily opened his eyes and said: "Oh, Kuzan, the analysis is good! Unfortunately, my opinion is different from yours. I feel that Zefa and Dom have no possibility of uniting. It should be that they were going to "Advance City" to do something, and finally faced the same enemy for no reason."

"The abilities of the people behind me may be slightly stronger, so I understand some of the truth after the invasion of "Propulsion City". It seems that there was a guy who came from a multiverse, parallel world, and his name was "Sura". Preparing to capture a few targets in the "Propulsion City". At that time, Zefa happened to go to the "Propulsion City" and something happened, so he took advantage of the gap between Zefa and Magellan to make waves in the "Propulsion City"."

"Of course, why the "Sura" invaded the "Propulsion City" is actually not something we need to manage."

"There is only one thing we need to know, and that is..."

With that said, Huang Yuan took a deep breath, and then said lightly:

"In the end, Zefa, Dom, and Magellan all died in the hands of "Sura"!"