Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 343

Obviously, the family needs this power and is afraid of being backlashed by it.

So taking advantage of Abel's opportunity to sing a bad face, Torrepol quickly jumped out to sing a red face, and repeatedly warned that Granose must not use this power against family members.

I don't know if little Lolita really listened to it, but after she stopped crying, she looked at Abel with some fear in her eyes.

He also directly hid his body behind Torrebol's large body, only daring to reveal a small head.

In this regard, Abel is too lazy to bother with Torrebol.

If you are afraid of him, be afraid!

It's better to stay far away from him, so that you don't have to worry about it when you get close.

"Captain Dover asked me to come over to cooperate with you in the early stage plan, and when the time is right, everyone will come over and take this place in one fell swoop."

Abel sat on the chair where Sugar was sitting just now, then picked up Little Lolita's fruit basket, ate it unceremoniously, and gave some to Baby-5.

The two ate happily, while Granose was so angry that he only dared to hide behind Torrebol and glared at others, with a slightly aggrieved expression on his face.

Obviously these grapes belong to her alone, woo woo woo

Granu endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, and began to bite his lip and sob.

Abel was very helpless. The grapes in his mouth suddenly became tasteless, and he couldn't eat them no matter what.

He simply returned the remaining grapes to Sugar.

And threatened: "If you cry again, I will eat all the remaining grapes."

Sugar's sobbing stopped abruptly!

Then, with the fruit basket in his arms, he quickly ran away with small steps.

Obviously to keep the bad guys away!

At this time, Torrebol also began to talk about the current progress, and Abel listened carefully.

"The current plan is going smoothly. Monet has successfully infiltrated into the palace and became a maid beside the princess. He can open the palace from inside at any time and hold the princess hostage to support us."

"Moreover, many of the Liku king's army in the palace were quietly captured by us, and then turned from sugar into toys, and completely disappeared in people's memory."

"Before the arrival of the young master, at least half of the soldiers in the palace can be solved silently by this method."

"The rest can't be moved anymore. In the future plan, these soldiers need to put on a good show, hahahaha."

Abel asked after listening, "Then what else do I need to do?"

"Uh, you are still very important, right. The business of selling toys is very hot recently, and the supply of 'raw materials' is a bit in short supply. You should go and catch more people and come back, let it go and do it! Anyway, after it becomes a toy, you can No one will remember them again."

Torrebol hesitated at first, but immediately thought of a good way to get rid of Abel.

Obviously, Doflamingo drove Abel to Dressrosa on a whim, but he didn't really think about what he wanted to do here.

In other words, he was not needed at all in the early stage of the plan.

That's embarrassing.

Doflamingo is preparing to enter Dressrosa in an aboveboard manner, and there are very few places where force is needed.

Basically, they all focus on the moment when the last picture is seen.

So right now, all Abel can do is work in a toy store.

"That's it? Do I need to do it myself? Don't you have any other challenging tasks?"

Abel pretended to be dissatisfied and complained.

Torrebol was also very helpless, "Why don't I give you a few days off, so you can get familiar with the environment first?"

Abel nodded reluctantly, "Okay, then we can only do this first, and we will contact you when there is something to do."

Because he is wearing [Sea King Sunglasses], no one can see his true inner thoughts through his eyes.

Except for people with the ability to stare at the fruit.

After getting the paid vacation, Abel decisively took people away.

Then I went to the bullfighting arena for a turn.

After watching only two episodes, I fell asleep.

There is no way, this kind of pecking battle really makes Abel lose any interest.

That is to say, in the original book, Doflamingo made an old mistake, insisting on burning fruits to attract various forces, and then held a group arena match with the highest standard.

The process was wonderful, but the result was speechless.

Every time I screw up, I give someone else a wedding dress.

Doflamingo is like a rich boy, from the operation fruit to the golden fruit, and then to the burning fruit.

He had held so many powerful fruits in his hands, but he didn't grasp any of them, and it was all at the expense of others.

Abel, who couldn't stand it anymore, left the scene decisively, then wandered all the way, crossed the lover's avenue, went all the way outward, and finally arrived near the iron bridge connecting Greenbit.

Greenbit is an isolated island north of Dressrosa.

It is only connected to the main island by a steel suspension bridge, and the local residents could pass the bridge without incident.

But 200 years ago, groups of fierce betta fish began to appear around the waters of the suspension bridge, which could easily capsize passing ships, so ships could not enter here, and even local residents would not rush through the bridge. suspension bridge.

As soon as Abel found himself here, he was immediately curious about the betta fish in the water.

Because Delinger is a fighting fish and half a murloc.

These horned, bloodthirsty bettas are known for their ferocity and aggression.

There are rumors that the fighting fish is the same kind as the huge goldfish in the small garden of the ancient island.

But it doesn't look like it's real.

When Abel walked onto the bridge, many bettas jumped out of the sea and ran into him.

And he just slightly released some dragon power, which instantly made the eyes of these bettas show humanized fear.

They all turned their heads and fled back into the water, as if they had encountered some irresistible natural enemy.

However, there was still one of the largest bettas floating its head on the water, as if a little unconvinced.

Chapter 510 The Dongtata Clan (44 Guaranteed, Please Subscribe!)

Abel smiled. He always admired this kind of unconvinced guy, and then wanted to press him to the ground and beat him violently until he was convinced.

So he hooked his finger towards the biggest fighting fish.

Although the other party did not understand the meaning of this gesture, the provocative meaning in it was successfully conveyed.

The leader of the fighting fish immediately blushed, jumped out of the water in an instant, and slammed into the hateful human who dared to provoke him with the sharp horns on his head.

In this regard, Abel did not continue to overwhelm the fish.

He threw out a simple and unpretentious punch!

The domineering fist covered with armed color immediately collided with the horns on the leader's head.



The leader of the fighting fish immediately flew upside down at twice the speed of the previous one, and smashed hard into the water.

Even a sharp horn on the head was instantly shattered into several pieces, it was already unacceptable.

Seeing that his boss was dealt with with a single punch, the rest of the bettas would rush away without daring to stay!

And the leader of the fighting fish whose head was beaten to death finally showed a gesture of surrender, and when Abel raised his fist again, he wagged his tail.

Abel nodded in satisfaction, "Although the missing horn is a bit ugly, it doesn't matter, I will cover you from now on."

"Well, I'll call you Unicorn from now on."

The unicorn's tail wagged even more happily.

Sure enough, I still owe

Abel, who had subdued the group of fighting fish, was in a good mood and decided to give himself an extra meal at night.

Of course, for the sake of these betta fish being so 'behaved', I won't eat them today.

Cross the iron bridge and officially arrive at Greenbit Island.

There are a lot of plants growing on the island. It looks like a virgin forest.

Coupled with the ferocious fighting fish guarding the iron bridge, it is no wonder that almost no one sets foot here anymore.

But in fact, this is not a real uninhabited island.

The legendary "fairy" is actually the little people who live here.

There is a kingdom under the forest on the island, named Dongtata Kingdom, which is the kingdom of the little people.

Although the so-called little humans are short in stature, they move extremely fast and possess strength several times higher than that of humans.

Not scientific at all, but very pirate.

Abel thought that since they were all here, why not take a look at these little people.

See if you can just abduct it.

Instead of being captured by Doflamingo as a coolie soon, it is better to leave with him and live in another place.

These little people are excellent in terms of combat effectiveness and work, especially they are willing to endure hardships and stand hard work. They claim that there is no plant in the world that they can't cultivate.

The most important point is that she has a pure personality and is very easy to deceive.

Once something is established, it will never be changed easily.

He is an excellent subordinate whose loyalty is close to full value as long as he is subdued.

So it is better to be cheap than yourself than to be cheap to others.

Abel, who was standing on the island, immediately became full of arrogance and domineering.

And the main detection target is underground.

The area of ​​the island itself is not large, and knowing where these little people are hiding in advance, Abel didn't take much effort to find their gathering place.

"Just under this tree."

And Abel also noticed that these little people had actually discovered him a long time ago.

Just out of caution, they all hid around and didn't show up.

Abel thought about it for a while, and then he took the initiative to say: "We have no malicious intentions, everyone of the Dongtata family, why not show up and meet directly."

The surroundings are very quiet, only the sound of various plants being blown by the wind.

If Abel hadn't 'saw' a few little humans no bigger than a palm secretly looking at him with half of their heads exposed, he would really have wondered if he was playing with the air just now.

"Hehe, is this the way the Dong Tata clan treats guests?"

"In that case, forget it, let the next disaster turn the so-called 'fairy' into a legend on this land."

Abel retreated and prepared to leave with the puzzled Baby-5 after speaking.

But at this moment, a soft and sweet voice suddenly sounded, "Wait a minute, who are you? What do you mean by disaster?"

Based on the source of the sound and his domineering perception, Abel immediately locked on the leaf of a plant not far from his feet.

A small figure with beautiful long golden hair, wearing a cute white princess dress, and two green flowers on both sides of the ears is standing on it, with curiosity and fear in his eyes.

Pointy nose, big eyes, and two lovely blush on the cheeks.

"Wow, it's a fairy~ Such a cute little fairy~"

Before Abel could speak, Baby-5 showed a look of incomparable surprise, his eyes seemed to be shining.

"It's so disrespectful, how could you be so disrespectful to Her Royal Highness Princess Manxueli!"

In the blink of an eye, a group of little people appeared around, and some people were dissatisfied with Baby-5's attitude just now.

Their little humans are not pets like cats or dogs. Rather than praising them for being cute, they hope to be respected by humans.

Abel was a little surprised, "So this is Princess Manshirley. I don't know if she has eaten the healing fruit at this stage?"