Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 14: Shot

Although the pirate captain’s attack is strong and powerful in every attack, the swordsman who fought with him is not weak, and his agile skills circle the pirate captain to launch attacks back and forth, using superb swordsmanship from time to time to pierce out from a tricky angle. A fierce blow forced the pirate captain back to defense. But because the strengths of the two sides are similar, it won't be possible for a while.

But if the stalemate between them continues, when the pirates resolve the last armed forces on the merchant ship, when they come back to help their captain, it is estimated that when the slender swordsman is defeated, the slender swordsman is also clearly aware of this situation. , Several active attacks tried to break the deadlock, but the pirate captain on the opposite side obviously knew that the situation was beneficial to him. The two swords were swung frantically, repelling the attack of the swordsman, and even slightly suppressed the swordsman. The forced swordsman kept retreating, and gradually Far away from the battle circle on the other side.

   Lin Yu, who had just arrived, saw this scene.

Seeing someone on the boat stopped the pirate captain, the two of them fought evenly, and the swordsman still used a familiar sword technique, Lin Yu probably had a preliminary judgment in his heart, regardless of these two guys, directly to the other Pirates in one direction surrounded the circle and rushed.

   Hayate, Random Flash!

   A cold sword light kept flashing, only a terrible bone cracking sound and screams kept ringing. In just a few seconds, under Lin Yu's attack, seven or eight pirates fell to the ground.

"Go! Kill him!" The tragic situation of the fallen pirates not only did not scare these pirates, but aroused their ferocity. Instead, the remaining pirates took up their weapons and screamed at Lin Yu. .

Lin Yu lifted the snow to hold a big knife that was chopped from behind. Turning back, he kicked the pirate who sneaked on his chest with a kick. The huge force directly knocked the pirate out and hit it like a cannonball. The Pirate's companion behind him turned into a ground gourd with them, and slammed into the pile of debris on the deck.

Too weak. The strength of these guys is really too weak. It is estimated that they are not as strong as the three pirates in the cabin. At least those three guys are equally vulnerable, but at least they have a sense of combat. And these little guys. Except for the large number of people, there is really no merit. Even if they shot together, it would have no effect on Lin Yu's speed and strength.

   Snow walked in Lin Yu's hand like a dancing butterfly, drew a beautiful track after another, and each track was accompanied by a **** flower. After a while, the pirates were already lying on the ground around Lin Yu.

It seems that this group of pirates is not so good except for the captain's strength. Just as Lin Yu killed a pirate with a single knife, he breathed a sigh of relief, and prepared to solve these pirates in one effort. , Suddenly a fatal sense of crisis surged into my heart. Without thinking about it, Lin Yu immediately rolled forward and rolled behind the mast.

   With a "bang" gunshot, a bullet pierced the deck where Lin Yu was before.


  Although Lin Yu's sense of crisis had been pre-warned crazily before the gunshot, but the time was too short. Lin Yu had already rolled forward immediately, but he was still a little bit late, and in that instant a bullet had hit Lin Yu's shoulder. Fortunately, he had already taken refuge. Although the bullet struck his shoulder, he didn't hurt the bones, just a little skin trauma.

"It's still careless! Over the past year, I have arrested the pirates step by step and steadily improved my strength. Everything went too smoothly, causing my vigilance to become worse and worse. I didn't even understand the strengths of the warring parties and waited. I got on a merchant ship that was at war, and I was still distracted in the battle. If it wasn't for good luck, even if I couldn't kill myself with the shot just now, it could hurt myself seriously. Sure enough, in this dangerous world, I can't be careless! "Feeling the tingling sensation from the wound, Lin Yu silently warned himself in his heart.

Lin Yu looked at the seven or eight pirates who were still standing in the distance and looked at him with a guard. Even if he was injured, he didn't dare to come over. He knew that this was caused by just ten seconds. The killing situation has successfully frightened the remaining pirates, but now the number of pirates left can be dealt with by the merchants. Then the biggest threat to him now is the sniper hiding in the dark, and it must be a way to get rid of him. After all, I don’t have the natural devil fruit ability that can be immune to bullets or the special superhuman devil fruit like Luffy, and I don’t have the physique or armed dominance that can directly resist bullets, so the threat of bullets at this stage is still very high. big.

Although the sniper just now did not determine the specific location of the sniper due to the hasty evasion, but based on the place where he was hit and the direction from which the bullet came, he can still roughly determine the location of the sniper. The next step is to report for yourself. It's time for revenge for a shot.

   Lin Yu was lying down, and using obstacles such as the cargo pile on the merchant ship, he constantly moved rapidly toward the top of the cabin of the merchant ship, changing directions from time to time to disrupt the sniper's judgment.

With the sound of gunfire after gunshot, Lin Yu quickly approached the top of the cabin. At this time, he could clearly see the one holding the long gun on the top of the cabin, and the one who kept aiming at himself and shooting Pirate with mustache.

When the moustache sniper was still a short distance away, the moment when he turned over the obstacle, the muscles of Lin Yu's right arm suddenly bulged, and he pointed the snow away at the mustache sniper and threw it out. The beard is unbelievable. It seems to be questioning you how a swordsman can throw the sword out. Why don't you just hit the mustache sniper's chest with the eyes of a swordsman who didn't follow the routine, and the huge force brought the mustache into the air. I got up and let the sniper rifle in Moustache's hand come out. After drawing a parabola in mid-air, Moustache and the sniper rifle landed on the top of the cabin with a bang.

Lin Yu, who had thrown out of the snow, rolled over with the opposite force for a few times before jumping up from the cabin. At this time, the moustache sniper lay on the wooden board with his hands grasping the blade of the sword. More, less air intake.

Walking to the mustache, without hesitation, he directly pulled out the snow that was tightly held by his hands. It brought out a large amount of blood and also caused the mustache's chest to bleed continuously, speeding up the death of the mustache. . Seeing the unbelievable look in Mustache's eyes, it seemed to understand what he meant.

Lin Yu silently rolled his eyes and said, "Isn't that stupid? Do I, a swordsman, have to stand under your sniper, rush to the cabin, and then eat you a bullet at the moment you jump up, you can fly directly? Wouldn't it be better for a sword to kill you, idiot!"

   Moustache Sniper, his eyes widened by Lin Yu's words, he swallowed his last breath unwillingly.

   If I can be injured by such an idiot sniper, am I even more idiot... Sure enough, I still floated and drifted recently.