Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 154: Shocked Nicole Robin

  "Oh! Please be the new president of the Baroque Job Club! Tsk tusk, this is not a small temptation, but it seems that you can’t decide this matter! Miss. Sunday!"

  Lin Yu glanced at Nicole Robin noncommitantly and said.

  Although I originally planned to take over all of the Baroque Work Agency, now the owner of the Baroque Work Agency, Shacro Crocodile, is dead. How difficult is it to get the control of the Baroque Work Agency.

  Since this is the case, why should I be arguing with Nicole Robin?

  Nicole Robin started talking as if she had seen Lin Yu's thoughts.

"The number of times Klockdall has appeared in his true identity since he founded the Baroque Work Club is only a handful. Now in the entire Baroque Work Club, apart from Dazbonis, who just died in your hands not long ago, I am still in Croatia. Lockdal guessed his identity after his death. The **** knew that the sand crocodile Klockdal was the president of the Baroque Working Society."

   "As for the others, even the other senior officials of the Baroque Work Club did not know the true identity of the Baroque Work Club president, and all the orders of Krokdal at that time were given to them through me."

  "If you want to control the Baroque Work Club behind the scenes like Krokdal, it is very simple. You only need to give your order through me, and you are now the president of the Baroque Work Club."

"If you want to control the Baroque Work Agency with your current identity, as long as I tell you that you are the president of the Baroque Work Club, even if they still have some doubts in their hearts, they must admit that you are the Baroque Work Club. Long this fact."

"Then let me assist for a period of time, and you will be able to take over all of the Baroque Work Agency without any turmoil in the Baroque Work Agency. That is to say, you can smoothly get the Baroque Work Agency which owns more than 2,000 Everything from elite forces."

  "I believe this can help you solve a lot of unnecessary troubles. On that desk is the list of all the personnel of the Baroque Work Agency so far and all the information of all the spies."

  Lin Yu was really moved when he heard here, because the method Nicole Robin said is indeed the method that now allows him to take over all the Baroque workshops as quickly as possible.

Lin Yu: "Then what about the **** of the miss you mentioned? I remember you said that she now knows about the sand crocodile Krokdal, and since you have done so much, you want to get it. what?"

  Listening to Lin Yu's words, Nicole Robin breathed a sigh of relief, because she knew that the matter was almost done, otherwise Lin Yu would not ask like that.

Nicole Robin twitched the hair in her ears and smiled at Lin Yu: "How to deal with miss. Of course it depends on what you think of the president, but miss. Two fingers is a smart person, I think she even It is for the sake of your own life that you will not leak the news, and as long as the president controls the Baroque Work Agency for a few months, even if she leaks the news, it will not affect your control of the Baroque Work Agency. "

  "As for me, I only want one thing, and that is, that the president can let me leave alive after he takes full control of the Baroque work agency."

  As if to please Lin Yu, Nicole Robin directly changed the name of Lin Yu to the president, as if Lin Yu had mastered the Baroque work agency now.

  Lin Yu looked at Nicole Robin who had flattered her in front of him and let out a sigh of emotion.

   deserves to be Nicole Robin who has survived in such a dangerous and dark environment since childhood! This ability to observe words and colors is absolutely excellent, and what is even more rare is this insight.

  I can immediately judge my next purpose after Krokdal’s failure, and then prepare all the information of the Baroque Work Agency and arrange all the observation and judgment power waiting for Lin Yu to receive it. The execution power cannot be underestimated.

  But I hope that I can let her go after I take full control of the Baroque work agency. I am afraid that I will realize her identity as the son of the devil!

  Although you want to leave, I still lack a suitable intelligence officer! So I don't want to give up your excellent intelligence officer.

"Leave, leave Alabastan? Not to mention that I can't let you leave, who knows so many secrets of the Baroque Workshop, and where can you go after leaving the Baroque Workshop? Don’t you want to see what Alabastan keeps? Is the text of the history? Nicole Robin, the survivor of O'Hara, the son of the devil!"

  Nicole Robin, with a polite smile on her face, was called directly by Lin Yu as the son of the devil, her pupils subconsciously enlarged and then violently contracted.

   looked at Lin Yu in disbelief, he no longer had the confidence that everything was under control.

  In fact, Nicole Robin is in a state of confusion now.

"How is it possible? How could he know my true identity? Except for Krokodall, no one in the Baroque work agency should know my identity. Why would he know that I am Nicole Robin, and why does he even have history? I also know about the main text. How could Krokdal tell others about this!!!"

"Hey, UU reading www.uukanshu.com did not expect to miss. Sunday is actually a bounty of up to 79 million Bailey’s son Nicole Robin. How did Ayu know about this? Look at this from Miss. Sunday’s expression. Few people should know about this.” Nuo Qigao, who had been silent behind Lin Yu, glanced suspiciously at Lin Yu and then at Nicole Robin. \

After a few minutes, Nicole Robin calmed down a bit, and looked at Lin Yu and said, "Although I don’t know why you know my identity, it’s not important anymore. Then after knowing my identity Do you want to hand me over to the world government or, like Krokdal, leave me to interpret the historical text for you to find so-called ancient weapons?"

Nicole Robin calmed down, knowing that it was impossible for her to leave the Baroque workplace safely. Her endings were nothing more than two. One was caught by Lin Yu and given to the world government, and the other was used as a historical interpretation as before. The tools of the text stay with you.

  It’s okay if it is used as a tool, after all she is used to it.

  But if Lin Yu intends to hand her over to the world government, she will definitely resist as long as she finds a chance.

"Give it to the world government? Why should I give you to the world government? Take you in exchange for the bounty, am I short of the bounty?" Lin Yu rolled his eyes helplessly, although he was short of money, but Don't sell Nicole Robin to the world government for this money.