Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 26: Departure, Aaron Field

   Lin Yu, who turned around and left, didn't worry about the follow-up, anyway, didn't he care about his own business?

   It's already a big favor to solve Kro by himself, and I can't ask for more, no, after all, I am not a Virgin.

   This trip is not only a breakthrough in strength to Jian Hao, but he also has an extra talent, which can be described as a bumper harvest. So Lin Yu can be said to have been smiling all the way, until he met Kate, who was carrying supplies, all smiles.

   "Brother Lin Yu, I came back so soon, how about it, how did things go smoothly?" Kate asked curiously when he saw Lin Yu come back empty-handed?

   "My brother is so stupid, I know when my elder brother smiles so happy." As a schoolmaster, Annie looked at Kate with disgust.

   "Of course I know this, this, I'm not curious about not seeing the trophy, right?" Kate, who was disgusted by her sister, explained forcibly.

   Seeing the siblings bickering every day, Lin Yu didn't intervene, but watched the show.

   It wasn't until Kate was defeated every day that she came out to save Kate, who looked unlovable.

   "Well, Kate, have you all purchased everything?"

"The food and seasonings on the ship are almost replenished, and two buckets of shelf-stable fruits have been bought. These items have been transported to the ship. Some things are not available on this island and can only be replenished on the next island. Seeing Lin Yu coming over to talk, Kate immediately changed the subject and replied in a serious manner. The provoked Annie raised her hand helplessly and covered her forehead.

   Lin Yu couldn't help but touch Annie's head with this interesting look.

In the complaint that Annie's hair was messed up again, she ordered: "Since everything has been purchased, let's go back to the boat." As she took the fruit snack in Annie's hand, she picked up one at will. Throw it in your mouth and take the lead to walk to the dock.

   Did you leave like this? It’s a bit hurried to leave. Will it be troublesome to stay?

   Forget it, I still don’t want to, as long as I can be with my brothers?

   Anne put down her thoughts and walked towards the dock behind Lin Yu with a happy face.

   "Hey, wait for me!" Kate, who was unresponsive, could only shout from the back with big bags.


   Kate was so tired and panting when she arrived at the pier, she lay down and stopped moving.

   Lin Yu who saw this scene unscrupulously patted Kate on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Kate, your body is not good, you still lack exercise, you should exercise more!"

   When Kate heard this, he showed his deadly eyes and said: "I am a navigator, at most I can work as a sniper part-time. I am not a strongman. I don't want to exercise like that!"

At this time, Lin Yu became uncharacteristically serious: "No, even if you are a sniper, you have to have a strong body. If your body is stronger than others, your endurance will be stronger than others, and your reaction will be faster than others. The result may be very different if it is so short, so you have to pay attention!"

Seeing her captain’s serious face, Kate’s expression became serious. After listening to these words carefully, she tried to keep the content in her heart, and replied firmly: "I know. Next, I will even take care of my body. Worked hard."

   Seeing the effect of his chicken soup, Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

   "Then you can move these things onto the ship now!"

   "Yes, I promise to complete the task!"

   Kate, who has just made a bowl of chicken soup, is full of energy as if he was beaten up.


   It didn't take long for all the supplies to be carried on the ship under Kate's hard work, and they were neatly organized by the way.

   Having nothing to do on the boat, Lin Yu summoned his own attribute panel boringly.

  "Name: Lin Yu (Nafirutali Ling Yu)

   Influence: First-order (unknown, there are only a handful of people in this world who have heard of you)

  Occupation: Jianhao (third-tier); Navigator (first-tier)

   Age: 15

  Skills: Swordsmanship (Tier 3); Navigation (Tier 1)

   Talent: Swordsman Genius

   Devil Fruit: None

   Domineering: None

   Combat power: Tier 3 (one star)

  Qiyun points: 635"

   Seeing that there were only three digits of luck points left, Lin Yu couldn't help pumping his heart, and luck points were really easy to spend, but difficult to save.

   Although this point of luck is very worthwhile, Lin Yu feels distressed like a miser after the flower.

   No, I have to quickly earn my luck, otherwise I will get depression after watching these three-digit air luck.

  Lin Yu, who was in the late period of the miser, intends to increase revenue and reduce expenditure immediately, and immediately grab luck.

   Just then, Kate had also handed over with the uncle on the dock, and came over to ask Lin Yu where is his next destination?

   "The next destination, let's go here." Lin Yu pointed at the Cocosia Village on the sea chart and showed a fascinating smile.

Seeing where Lin Yu’s fingers were, Kate couldn’t help but hesitated for a moment, and said hesitantly: "Big Brother Lin Yu, this Cocosia Village seems to be the domain of those murlocs. You must know that Aaron’s bounty is 20 million Baileys. Known as the pirates with the highest bounty in the East China Sea, they are not easy to mess with."

   "It's okay, if it was before, it would be hard to say, now they are no longer my opponents!" Lin Yu said with a confident expression.

   Annie, who was next to her, heard this, her eyes lit up, and she immediately asked: "Big brother~lightnovelpub.net~has your strength broken through again?"

   "Haha, Anne is still smart, I have already broken through to the realm of swordsmen, Aaron and the others can't help me!"

"Really? That's great, tusk tusk, our captain is a swordsman. Those pirates in the East China Sea should be scared when they know it! Hahaha! In that case, there should be fewer pirates. Come on! There won't be so many innocent victims!" Kate said with a look of excitement, with a certain longing in her eyes.

   "I don't know if there can be fewer pirates, but I will try to solve as many pirates as possible and give the East China Sea a peaceful environment!" Lin Yu tried to ensure.

"En, that would be great, big brother, I haven't seen Jian Hao's flying slash. Would you like to do it?" Kate was a happy man, and Lin Yu immediately caught his attention. I want Lin Yu to perform a flying slash.

   "Then you are optimistic!"

Lin Yu, who had broken through to the realm of the swordsman, also deliberately wanted to act hard in front of them. He walked to the front of the deck, facing the sea, posing in a handsome posture, slightly charged, a half-moon-shaped semi-transparent sword energy facing the sea It flew out, leaping a distance of several tens of meters before landing on the sea, cutting the sea surface with a sword mark several meters deep to bring a large splash of water.

   "So strong, so amazing." After a while, the two on the boat looked at Lin Yu admiringly, but looked at Lin Yu as embarrassed.

   "Ahem, okay, don't be surprised, let's go quickly." The embarrassed Lin Yu had to change the subject and interrupted their admiring eyes.

   "Okay, let's go, Cocoa, here we are. Huohuo."

   Lin Yu’s boat left the pier in a burst of laughter, and the uncle downstairs stared at the sea dumbfounded, as if he was confirming whether he was the hallucination caused by dazzling.