Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 308: Ace bowing and apologizing

   If Ling Yu's guess is true.

   This kind of boss with a disaster aura, most people really can't afford it.

   Of course, this is more of a coincidence.

   After all, Pirate World is not a metaphysical world.

   And Amy seems to be an ordinary mermaid who hasn't eaten any weird devil fruit.


   When Amy was speechless and silent, Jinping stood up again.

   Seeing a very peaceful sound, he jumped onto the deck of Ace's ship (that is, the slave ship that captured Amy and the others).

After    jumped onto the deck, she bent down with difficulty and bowed to Ling Yu to apologize.

   The very flat and difficult bending is not because he feels that the dignity of the strong makes him unable to bend.

   It was simply too fat, his already oval figure could not support him to complete such a difficult movement.

"Extremely sorry, because we are guessing wildly this time, I have caused you this trouble. I am deeply sorry here. We will be responsible for the mistakes we made, and we will pay you a certain amount of compensation. If you have any needs You can tell me that I will do my best to do it."

   To tell the truth, Jinping can do this kind of kind. If you change someone, you have the White Beard Pirates as a backing.

   Even if he knew that he had hit the wrong person, he would apologize at best, then patted his **** and left.

   A little arrogant, there will be no apology.

   After all, it is still the time when the White Beard Pirates ascends to heaven. As the head of the Four Emperors, the White Beard Pirates has the confidence to let them do so.

   So Jinping bowed and apologized at this time, and was willing to pay compensation. It was really kind.

   But no matter how kind, they can't conceal the fact that they shot Ling Yu.

   As for compensation, do they really care about that compensation?

   "Ling Yu-sama, this is my fault. If we weren't caught, these things wouldn't happen! If you want to blame, blame me!" After finishing Amy bowed to Ling Yu in the sea.

"No, this matter has nothing to do with you, and you don't want to be arrested on the initiative. In this matter, we still have to blame us for being too impulsive. If we haven't investigated it clearly, we will deal with you indiscriminately. I should be the one who should apologize. If I didn't say those things just now, if we make things clear, we might not fight!"

   After talking, Ace and Jinping also bowed to Ling Yu and apologized.

   "I..." Ling Yu originally wanted to get angry.

   But seeing Ace and Jinping bowed and apologized.

   Coupled with Ace's apology, it reminded him of Sabo who had taken the initiative to help and asked Dorag to stop the fire disaster-Jin.

   Although at the beginning, the so-called friendship between Ling Yu and Sabo came from him by fooling Sabo.

   But it cannot be denied that Saab was indeed doing his best to help himself.

   Since then, Ling Yu has not lied about him and Sabo anymore.


   Think of Sabo's help to himself.

   Ling Yu now doesn't want to go with Sabo's righteous brother anymore.

   Forget it, who made this short-lived ghost have a good brother!

   It's cheaper for him.

   "Forget it, for Sabo's face, I won't care about you this time, "Fire Fist" Ace! Aini Road, let's go!"

   After Ling Yu, the three of them who were still bending down and bowing, flew directly to the Devil's Triangle.

   Seeing that Ling Yu had already flown away, Ainilu was not reconciled, but he did not stay and continued to fight.

   After all, a so-called "Fire Fist" Ace is not an opponent, and a fat blue man is even more so.

  Since I know I can’t beat him, why do I stay here? Are you looking for abuse?

   In Ling Yu's words, although he was in second grade, he was not stupid.

   Therefore, Ainilu could only give these two guys a fierce look before turning into a lightning bolt behind Ling Yu and flew away.

   But Ainilu, who holds grudges, also said that the appearance of these two people is recorded in the notebook in my heart.

   This hatred, he Ainilu will find it one day.

   And in this small book, the biggest boss is Ling Yu.

   Although the current Ainilu succumbed to Ling Yu, he was not really home.

   All of this, one day he will get revenge.


   Ling Yu and Ainilu flew away neatly.

   But Ace, who stayed in the same place, felt uncomfortable now.

"For the sake of Sabo's face, don't care about me. What's going on? Does this blast swordsman know Sabo? But isn't Sabo dead? How could he know Sabo! Isn't Sabo dead?? Is it this blast? Jianhao and Sabo are friends, that's why he said he didn't care about Sabo's face because of me?"

   After hearing the name Sabo, Ace, who was bent over and bowed, had many things in his mind in a short time.

   When he recovered, Ling Yu and Ainilu had already flown a long distance.

   When he raised his head to ask about this, Ling Yu and Ainilu were about to fly out of his sight.

   With this, Ace is anxious!

"Hey, don't go! What the **** is going on with Sabo, tell me clearly! Do you know Sabo? Tell me if Sabo is dead! Hey~lightnovelpub.net~ asshole, Wait for me!"

   Anxiously, Ace's lower body directly turned into a ball of flame.

   Under the support of the flame, Ace's upper body was like an arrow from the string.

   directed at the direction where Ling Yu and Aini were flying, and shot away.

   The arrow from the string in the middle was weak for several times and was about to fall to the surface of the sea.

   Ace’s lower body turned into a flame will burst out a huge flame downwards, as a reaction force, pushing Ace to move forward.

   But this kind of outburst did not last forever. The farther behind, Ace flew slower, and the altitude of the flight became closer and closer to the sea.

   In the end, Ace could only watch Ling Yu and Ainilu disappear into his sight.

   After I couldn't even see Ling Yu's back, Ace was also taken aback, and accidentally plunged into the sea.


   Jinping felt that something was wrong when he saw Ace flying out. He kept taking Amy and several other mermaids, chasing Ace under the sea.

   That's why I could drag Ace out of the sea in time after falling into the sea.

   lest the famous "Fire Fist" Ace would eventually die because of accidentally falling into the sea.

   If that were the case, it would really make people laugh.

   After being rescued by Shinpei, Ace, even though he was soaked in seawater, was a little weak.

   But at this time, he still kept chanting: "Asshole, don't run! You show me clearly what is going on in Sabo's face and let me go!"