Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 324: The name of the storm (four K big

Not to mention other things, just that the enemy killed by all members of the forces can plunder one percent of his luck to his passiveness, which makes him unable to give up.

To know that after he has reached the fifth rank, if he wants to improve his strength, he needs to consume more and more Qi luck.

Not to mention that the skill of Swordsmanship alone is upgraded to Tier 5 and 2 Stars, which means that the proficiency of Tier 5 Swordsmanship is 40%, and it will consume 3 million points of luck.

Upgrading the fifth-tier two-star to the fifth-tier three-star, that is, the proficiency of the fifth-tier swordsmanship is 70%, and it will consume five million points of luck.

As for the swordsmanship that broke through to level 6, it had to be calculated separately.

At this time, the required consumption has risen geometrically.

You read that right, after the strength is upgraded to Tier 5, every small realm needs to consume a lot of air luck.

At this time, the panel is also very user-friendly and can collect money in sections.

It is estimated that the panel also thought that Ling Yu had no hope of getting the luck to upgrade to the sixth rank, so he made a layered collection of money.

However, those below the fifth level remain the same, and still should be as much as possible.

It is paid in one lump sum, no installment.


Ling Yu looked at these two extremely useful characteristics, and finally reluctantly chose the characteristic of Wang Dao Qi.

After all, at his current level, the luck needed is too great.

In contrast to the two characteristics, it is the characteristic of Kingly Qi that is more important to him.

Although it was only one percent each time, with so many people in the Storm Guild now, with the accumulation of less and more, the luck was still very impressive.

And after the power reaches Tier 4, the Qi gathering feature can gain a lot more Qi luck every day.

Now it can provide Ling Yu with 50 points of luck every day.

Although not much, but not too little.

Rounding down, even if he doesn't do anything, the qi-gathering feature alone can now provide him with a small amount of 20,000 yuan a year.

Coupled with the passiveness of the kingly spirit.

Hey, in this case, it seems that he can be an otaku with peace of mind every year, as long as time passes, he can almost gradually become stronger.

Yep. . . It's just that this time is too long.

In that case, he might not be able to wait for his sixth-order day until he died.


Uh, I don't want such a degenerate thing anymore.

Ling Yu closed his eyes and felt this characteristic of the royal spirit.

I focused on this active skill.

This ability seems to be about the same as the domineering effect of this world!

After feeling the information about this ability that appeared in his mind, Ling Yu quickly understood the use and function of this ability.

In order to better understand this ability, Ling Yu also specially released a group of marine fish wandering on the shore.

As a result, in the next second, he saw the small school, hundreds of small schools of fish, rolled their eyes one after another, and turned their belly up to the surface of the sea.

Ling Yu used the force of the wind to roll up a marine fish and inspected it.

It was discovered that this sea fish hadn't died, but could not bear the coercion of Ling Yu and passed out.

After throwing this sea fish back into the sea at any time.

Ling Yu was a little entangled thinking about how this active ability looks like the overlord of this world!

Does the panel think that my salted fish mentality can't be awakened from the overlord's domineering, so I deliberately got a similar skill to play for me?

After all, the best acting skill in the Pirate World is the overlord look.

You don't need to do anything, just one look can scare a large group of people.

Is there any other skill that is more pretentious than this?

No matter how you look at the panel, Ling Yu is very satisfied with the kingly spirit anyway, and there is no embarrassment.

Bai picking up an overlord look domineering, and there is no need to practice. As long as you become stronger and stronger, it can become stronger, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Well, it happened that the Storm Guild was almost reorganized recently.

It's also time for them to pull out and have a look and test their abilities.

With the passive nature of the kingly spirit, Ling Yu immediately fought the storm guild's idea.

After all, it is a pity that there is such a good characteristic and power to leave it alone.

With Ling Yu's thought, the evil pirates in the waters near the Kingdom of Alabastan began to lose their luck.

With large sums of money invested, the Intelligence Department of the Storm Guild developed extremely quickly.

These pieces of information are integrated into pieces of usable information under the special processing of professionals.

And those brutal pirates who have done a lot of evil and behaved badly have been on the "Wall of List" of the Storm Guild.

As for those adventurous pirate groups of similar nature to Luffy's group, they were temporarily let go after the Intelligence Department confirmed that they did not reveal any bad deeds.

After all, most of these pirate groups, whose purpose is to take risks and dig treasures, are rewarded by the world government only because of various accidents or because they are against the world government.

Among the rare adventurers among these pirates, Ling Yu did not intend to move them.

At least for now.

The war department commanded by Anilu spontaneously formed a team of combat teams, staring at the names on the wall of the list like tigers.

Starting from Alabastan, spread out, hunting these pirates who have been confirmed to have done evil and have been on the wall of the list.

Ling Yu had no sympathy for these pirates.

The order given is a matter of life or death.

Anyway, those pirates on the reward list only have corpses or heads, and the world government will recognize them after confirming them.

For a while, the pirates active in the waters near the Kingdom of Alabastan.

They encountered snipers from members of the Storm Guild War Department.

One by one, the dead, the captured prisoners.

Among them, some members of the War Department of the Storm Guild underestimated the strength of certain pirate groups, or overestimated their own strength, which caused them to be defeated by the other pirate group.

But the Storm Guild is not a small force now.

And now there are more than one fleet of members of the war department.

When a member was counter-killed or defeated, more advanced combat power led the team to take action.

There are senior agents from the former Baroque work agency, as well as captains from the empty islands like Waipa.

When these people can't solve it, the Ainilu of the fourth-order peak will personally take action, let the other party experience what is the sanction of God.

However, the number of times that Ainilu can make personal shots is not much.

He only shot twice in total.

And the two killed by Ainilu were the old pirates who offered hundreds of millions of rewards.

They are old thieves who dare not go to the new world where the strong are gathered.

In addition, they all fought together to change places, and often disappeared before the navy encircled and suppressed.

These years have made them live very well.

One brain is full of fat.

On their ship, they really found a lot of good things. These are all the wealth they have accumulated over the years, but now they are cheaper than Ling Yu.

After Anilu killed the two long-established pirate groups, the large and small pirate groups near the Kingdom of Alabastan seemed to have received the news one after another, and they disappeared immediately.

The ships flying the special flag of the Storm Guild have become the focus of attention for the pirates in the nearby seas, and some even flee by looking at the flag.

After making these deeds, in just more than half a month, the name of the Storm Guild resounded in several surrounding sea areas, and its deterrent power was greatly boosted in several nearby sea areas.

As for the nearby forces, Ling Yu, the lord of the Storm Guild, was even more afraid.

Some people with a longer-term vision are all sighed at this time. They seem to have witnessed the rise of another "Don Quixote family".

The Storm Guild at this time is so similar to the Don Quixote family when it rose back then, so unstoppable.

They believed that with the existence of Nafirutali Ling Yu, the Storm Guild would be another powerful force in the near future.

However, it took ten years for the Don Quixote family to establish and consolidate their reputation as the number one arms dealer in the dark world.

So what prestige will this blasting swordsman and his storm guild have, and then how long will it take to consolidate it?

These people seemed to see the bones behind the storm guild's fame.

After all, that supreme prestige can't stand out after the baptism of blood and fire.


But at this time, people like them probably didn't expect that they should be high-spirited at this time, and Ling Yu, who was sitting high on the throne, was feeling distressed.


It was not because of the two old thieves killed by Ainilu who offered a reward of over 100 million.

Ling Yu didn't know when Ainilu went to catch up with these two guys.

After all, Ainilu did not come to report specifically at the time. Anyway, Ainilu did not take the two gangs of pirates to heart. He thought so even after he easily solved the two groups. So Ainilu also did it afterwards. Did not mention it to Ling Yu.

This was only discovered when Ling Yu looked through the guild records later.

When he saw those records, Ling Yucha suffered a drop of blood.

After all, in the first half of the Great Route, although there are many pirates offering hundreds of millions of rewards, they are absolutely rare and hard to find.

Usually, I may not see one for a long time.

Otherwise, they would have been wiped out by the navy.

To Ling Yu, they were just a bunch of walking fortune.

Even if he kills one, he can get a lot of luck.

At this time, because of the rise of the Storm Guild, two pirates who offered a reward of over 100 million were accidentally forced out.

But he didn't even see Mao and was killed by Ainilu.

You must know that his hands-on and Anilu's hands-on are hundreds of times the difference in the luck gained!

How could this make Ling Yu not heartache.

So after Ling Yu knew about this, he immediately added another order.

Let the people of the Intelligence Department immediately notify him as soon as they receive the specific news that the pirate is offering a reward of over 100 million yuan, that he will do it himself.

He absolutely can't allow a lot of luck to flow away in vain before his eyes.

As for the one percent of the luck that he got, that's nothing, it's not even soup.


This has been more than half a month.

Regardless of whether it was the Kingdom of Alabastan, which was supported by Ling Yu and injected a large amount of funds, or gradually gained popularity, it was the Storm Guild that appeared in front of the world.

All have entered a stage of rapid development.

Needless to say, the Kingdom of Alabastan, Cobra is making arrangements anyway.

But Ling Yu occasionally walked through hundreds of large and small cities and villages in Alabastan and could see a vibrant scene.

After having sufficient funds and precious water sources.

Each city has entered the stage of rapid restoration, and some cities that have fully recovered have even developed first.

Because of the recent major actions of the Storm Guild, the security in the Kingdom of Alabastan where the Storm Guild is located has also improved. I don't know how much.

At least, there has been no evil pirate in the Kingdom of Alabastan in the past two weeks.

Alabastan, which has good law and order, has attracted a large number of businessmen and tourists who have heard the news.

With the funds and materials brought by these people.

The ancient country of Alabastan has revived a wave of vitality.

And laughter reappeared in the city, gradually covering up the previous pain.

As for the Storm Guild, let alone.

Robin had returned to Alabastan from Sky Island a week ago.

With Robin's management and planning, the development of Guild of Storms has directly reached a new level.

The development is more rapid, but the various problems brought about by the development are constantly decreasing.

Various rules and systems within the guild are constantly improving.

The development direction is clearly planned, and the efficiency of various tasks has been directly improved.

It's totally different from when Robin was no longer.

Many people have seen the changes in the guild after Robin returned.

This allows more people to recognize Robin as the four ministers.

This also discouraged Bundy, who had been staring at the position of Minister Robin, and made him feel that the two sides weren't opponents of the same magnitude, and he couldn't catch up no matter how he chased.

But there is no way, who made him meet Robin who is getting serious!

Since Ling Yu helped Robin solve the problem of offering rewards, Robin has slowly integrated into Ling Yu's team.

Later, with time, she learned more and more about Ling Yu~lightnovelpub.net~ and became more clear about what Ling Yu was.

Now Robin is really using all her talents to help Ling Yu develop the Storm Guild.

Of course, Nicole Robin in this state is not comparable to Bundy now.

But now Bundy's abilities have also grown. I don't know how much. Others now he is already the same as the original Robin who played under Krokodall, and some of the Robin who didn't work hard showed the same abilities, but he hasn't found it yet.


As the storm guild’s name began to resound in the surrounding seas.

Many people in the Storm Guild gradually began to show their reputation.

Known by the general public, it has gained a lot of fame.


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