Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 38: Leave

   click click click, the coconut tree was directly uprooted by the tornado, and torn into several sections in mid-air. After probably feeling the power of the violent wind, Lin Yu let this small tornado fly to the sea and then dispersed the wind elements gathered in it.

   "bang", "bang", "bang"

   The thing that was rolled up by the tornado slammed into the sea after Lin Yu dissipated the wind element.

   This is a good power, but the speed of convergence is too slow, and the cohesion of the wind element has a lot of room for improvement. Oh, yes, you can change the structure of the wind element. Don't be so rigid, Lin Yu thinks very openly.

   By the way, by the way, isn't the wind element's signature skill Wind Blade? I can try this!

   Just do what you want, and Lin Yu started experimenting with his new abilities according to the various ideas in his mind.

  Things are very simple to think about, but it is not that simple to try. Just a simple wind blade, it took Lin Yu a lot of time to get a semi-finished product.

   I saw that following Lin Yu's command, the wind element slowly condensed into a huge blade, and under Lin Yu's command, it crashed into the reef out of the sea.

   Just hearing a "bang" sound, the reef hit by the wind blade was smashed into several pieces, and the foundation stone still left in place was also scratched with several deep nicks.

   This shouldn't be called Wind Blade, it should be called Wind Cannon, Lin Yu thought a little dissatisfied with his semi-finished masterpiece.

The power of this wind blade is not as powerful as the flying slash, and the speed of condensing is very slow, but the release distance can be longer. Lin Yu can control the approximate direction within 200 meters, even if it flies beyond 200 meters, it is estimated Can fly a few hundred meters before dispersing.

   At that time, it can be used as a long-range attack method of its own, and at that time, try to compress the cohesion of the wind element, slash the wind blade, and cut something sharply, so as not to be like a wind cannon now.

  I am constantly adjusting the plan in my mind, planning the use method and optimization plan of the wind blade.

   That's right, the power of that tornado is not small. Sometimes it's better than the wind blade. You can also practice more.

Also, should I build some defensive skills such as wind wall, wind barrier, etc. Originally, a swordsman is a representative of high and low attack, and now I have added the talent of the son of the wind as a semi-mage. If accidentally hit by an attack, then I still have to kneel!

  En, you have to get a defensive skill. Lin Yu from the heart immediately added the development of defensive skills to his necessary plan afterwards.


  In Lin Yu's continuous experimentation, the originally dark sky turned white, and the moon gradually fell towards the sea.

All kinds of fantastic ideas kept popping up in Lin Yu's mind. Lin Yu kept turning his heart into action, experimenting with the feasibility of the moves one by one. When he stopped, he found that the sky was already bright before he knew it. Up.

Lin Yu, who found that dawn, slowly calmed down from the excitement of just getting the ability to use the wind element. Once he calmed down, Lin Yu immediately felt that his energy was very exhausted. Before being suppressed by the excitement, he didn't notice it. Now he calms down. , It is clearly felt.

   It seems that when using the wind element ability, it consumes one's own mental power. This is very consistent with its spell type setting. It seems that you should also pay attention to using this ability in normal times, so as not to overuse it and directly pass out.

Although there are still various skill moves in my mind that I want to experiment, my exhausted spirit is not expected to last for long, and now the sky is gradually brightening, and it is estimated that by then I will be seen as if I am experimenting with moves. It's not good, so Lin Yu decided not to test it, anyway, there will be a lot of time for the test in the future.

   When Lin Yu appeared in front of other people with a tired spirit, a bunch of people provoked to look at Lin Yu curiously.

   "Why did you go last night? Didn't you go to bed all the time? Why is this slouched look?" Nuoqi Gao asked curiously.

   "Don't mention it, I tried a new ability at the beach last night. The result was so exciting. I practiced it all night without knowing it. When I found out, it was dawn?" Lin Yu spread his hands and said helplessly.

   "Well, no wonder you have such a strong strength at your current age, and even Aaron is not your opponent. It turns out that you were so hard when you were practicing!" Nuoqi Gao said with such a look.

   "Hehe, of course." Seeing that Nuoqigao had misunderstood, Lin Yu didn't say anything wrong. Do you want me to say that I would pay attention to the time even if I practiced? Was it just a special situation to slap myself in the face last night?

   Of course... Not to mention it's broken, let Nuoqigao go and fix it.

   After eating the nutritious breakfast made by Nuoqi Gao, while taking advantage of the leisure time in the morning, Lin Yu went into the house to catch up.

   By the time Lin Yu walked out of the room again, it was almost noon, and the banquet food was already set up in the village. UU read www.uukanshu.com and waited to eat.

After    and Nuoqigao met, the four came to the banquet in Cocosia Village.

Today at noon this meal is the last meal of the banquet, and it is also a farewell banquet for Lin Yu. After eating this meal, Lin Yu will take Nuoji Gao and others to leave Cocosia Village and embark on a new journey. So many people came for this meal. The village of Cocossia was full of people, and most of them were going to see Lin Yu off.

People at this banquet were also very enthusiastic because Lin Yu was about to leave. They frequently toasted Lin Yu and several people. It didn't matter if Annie and Nuoqi drank the fruit juice. Kate and Lin Yu were miserable. They were held by a large group of wine glasses. People surrounded.

   At the moment of the crisis, Kate thought of the tragic experience before, a flash of inspiration in his mind, and escaped the battlefield on the excuse that he would have to drive a sea boat later, leaving Lin Yu alone facing a group of enthusiastic people.

   Facing Kate who was about to escape, Lin Yu's eyes widened, as if saying that your kid actually escaped.

   Kate spread his hands behind the crowd, signalling that she was helpless and could not help Lin Yu's encounter.

   Then Lin Yu was overwhelmed by the crowd.


   After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Lin Yu still endured a beer baptism with his strong physical fitness.

   When the banquet was over, Lin Yu was sent off to the dock with everyone. When he arrived at the dock, he found that the three of Nuoqigao had already been waiting on the boat.

  Nuoqigao’s salute had been moved to the ship a long time ago, and Annie also selected a room adjacent to her to be cleaned as Nuoqigao’s room.

   glared at the traitor Kate with an angry look, then turned and stood on the deck and said, "Yang Fan, set sail."