Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 40: Nami's shock

"But in the future, Xiao Nami won't have to work as hard as it is now, and don't have to try to earn the 100 million Baileys redemption fee for our useless villagers." Uncle Sweeper said with a smile on his face. Nami was shocked.

   "This, how did you know about this?" Nami trembled and asked her doubts.

   "Ah, we all know it!" Aunt Sweeper answered Nami's question. Then I noticed that Nami’s villagers all said to Nami: "Yes, we all know."

   "Everyone, how do you know this?"

"Since the day you joined the Dragon Pirates and planned to redeem for us, we have all known. Just to avoid the attention of the Dragon Pirates, we all pretended not to know. What you have done for the village Everyone knows that in order to wait for that day, everyone is working hard to survive, even if everyone knows that this hope is very slim, with Aaron’s bad personality, even if Nami you make up 100 million Baileys, it’s not estimated. Will let us go." Uncle Sweeper said with emotion.

   Upon hearing the words of Uncle Sweeper, Nami's tears filled her eyes instantly, and her grievances over the years seemed to burst out all at once.

   Seeing Nami’s tearful eyes, the sweeping aunt stepped forward and hugged Nami into her arms, patted Nami's shoulder, and said distressedly: "These years, I have really suffered your child."

   Nami who was embraced by her aunt couldn't help crying.

But after all, Nami is strong. After crying for a while, she broke free from her aunt's arms and said seriously to the villagers who had formed a circle around her, "Don’t worry, everyone, wait for me to save 100 million Baileys. , I will redeem everyone and Cocosia Village from Aaron's hands, and Aaron and I have agreed."

Hearing Nami’s serious words, Aunt Mary, who is Nami’s neighbor, couldn’t help rubbing Nami’s head with her hands. "You kid, you don’t have to worry about us anymore, and you don’t have to save the 100 million shells. It's profitable, because Aaron is dead and the Dragon and Pirates group has perished. You don't need to deal with the murlocs of the Dragon and Pirates group?"

"What? Aaron is dead, and the evil dragon pirate group is destroyed? How is this possible? Are you kidding me, you must be making me happy?" Nami looked at the news of Aaron's death. Unbelievable.

You must know that Nami who works for the Dragon Pirate Group knows the strength of Aaron's team best. As the leader of the Dragon Pirate Group, Aaron is the highest rewarded pirate in the entire East China Sea, and she also has that huge one. The sea beasts, even the nearby naval base had nothing to do with Aaron's gang. They turned a blind eye to Aaron and the others. How could Aaron with such a strong ability die so silently.

   But seeing everyone looking serious and not lying, Nami was confused.

"Let’s go, I’ll take you to see Aaron’s realm now, otherwise you wouldn’t be so easy to believe it. You must know that I was the same as you at the beginning, and I couldn’t believe it was true." I don’t know when, against the windmill. Ah Jian of the old man came to Nami and said to Nami.

"Okay, everyone is busy, let me explain it to Nami!" Ajian dispelled the villagers in the besieged city, and took the torch and walked to Along's field with the confused Nami. .


   When Aaron led Nami to Aaron's domain, the sky was completely dark, and Aaron's domain, which was brightly lit in the past, was now quiet, and there was a breath of lifelessness in the dark night.

   Although she had some preparations in her heart, when she really saw the dilapidated Aaron Realm, Nami couldn't help but shrink her eyes, looking at everything in front of her in shock.

The current Aaron domain has changed a lot from what Nami remembered. Many things in this place are gone. The most obvious change is that the open space in the middle of the domain has all the entertainment facilities placed before. It fell, and now there were coffins one after another on the clearing ground, densely packed, and a faint rancid smell was constantly wafting out.

   If the courageous person comes to see this scene at this time, it may be scared and crying.

"Ahhhh, I didn't expect it to stink so soon, it seems that I will call someone over tomorrow to bury these corpses, otherwise it will be bad if something happens?" Ajian smelled a faint rancid smell Annoyed, he patted his forehead.

   "Ajian, these are all?" Nami asked solemnly.

"Well, these are the corpses of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group. Aaron's corpse is in the front coffin." After speaking, Ajian took Nami to the front coffin and opened it. The coffin.

   With the light from the torch held by Ajian, Nami could see the contents of the coffin, a headless corpse.

   Even if the corpse does not have a head, Nami can definitely recognize the identity of this corpse, yes, this is Aaron's corpse.

   He is really dead, UU reading www.uukanshu.com then our nightmare is over? Nami thought in confusion.

   It took a long time for Nami to react. After the reaction, Nami felt happy and excited. She couldn't help holding Ajian and jumped up, as if she was a child who had not grown up.

   After all, no matter how strong she is, she is still a 13 or 4 year old child!

   After the excitement passed, Nami slowly calmed down and began to ask Qi Jian: "Jian, what the **** is going on!"

   Ajian looked around in the gloomy environment, and said to Nami a little awkwardly: "Let’s go back and talk while walking. It always feels weird to stay here for a long time!"

   Looking at the gloomy environment and the coffins, a breeze blew over Nami and couldn't help but shiver. She immediately agreed to Ajian's proposal and walked out first.

After Ajian followed Nami and walked out of Aaron's domain, he looked back at the gloomy Aaron's domain and thought: "It seems that I will bring someone over to dispose of these corpses early tomorrow, otherwise I feel panicked. , Shouldn’t it be haunted? Well, burn these corpses tomorrow. Don’t worry if you burn them so as not to bury them and take up space.”

   Ajian made up his mind, holding a torch and quickly left Along's domain with Nami.

   There is only a ghastly Aaron domain left, as if it was telling the glory of the past.


   The destruction process of the evil dragon pirate group is not complicated. When Nami and Ajian came to Nuoqigao's orange orchard, Ajian had already recounted the cause, process and results of the incident to Nami.

"What? You said that the pirate hunter killed Aaron's gang because Nuoqigao invited him to lunch, and Nuoqigao actually went to sea directly with this pirate hunter. Did not tell me!"