Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 476: Blackbeard is falling

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But Ling Yu and the others, carefully prepared ambush, how could it be so simple to let them hide!

Ling Yu slashed the lightning that followed.

Before Blackbeard Titch had reacted to the disaster of breaking his hand again, he hit Blackbeard's body severely!

He directly fell the black beard Tickey's mouth with blue smoke!

At the same time, the rain screen loaded by thunder and lightning also numbed the bodies of Xiliu and others!


At this time, the sound of a bullet penetrating the flesh suddenly sounded in the ears of the evil king!

Immediately afterwards, the evil king felt a violent throbbing pain in his chest!


When did I hear no sound!

Why didn't I warn myself of my domineering look?

The villainous king, before he could understand these questions, he felt that his eyes were black and he fell straight down!

"Solve one!"

Above the clouds, watching the villainous king who was shot down by himself, a smile hung on Kate's mouth!


Kate has been able to skillfully use the ability of Silent Fruit.

You can also attach him to the bullet to shield the sound produced when the bullet is shot, and to a certain extent shield the perception of domineering color!

Since I developed the Silent Power Bullet that can shield the domineering perception of seeing, hearing, and seeing, myself as a sniper is even more terrifying!

Although the evil king had been tortured for many years because of his advancement in the city, his body was in short supply, and his strength declined severely.

The current strength is not even in Sancheng at its peak.

But in any case, the former evil king was a peak power close to the overlord level.

Such a strong man, after helping Blackbeard with others, was shot by Kate and took his life easily!

After the fall of the evil king, it quickly aroused the vigilance of several other prisoners who had just come out of the city!

After all, the strength of the evil king is not the weakest among them!

Since this terrifying sniper can kill the evil king in such a silent manner, he can also kill them like this!

Under the threat of life and death, this small group that had just been formed immediately went into politics.

Find a shelter to avoid the upcoming attack!

As for the black beard, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, he was left behind by them!

They were originally a combination of temporary interests. Of course, when the disaster is approaching, they are all taking care of each other!

Even if it has been reached, Yu Zhiliu in the realm of the supreme swordsman is no exception!

After the black beard fell to the ground, Ling Yu above the sky did not pay attention to the prisoners who just ran out of Pushing City such as "Xuanyue Hunter" Catelyn Dimei and "Big Wine Barrel" Basque Choate!

Instead, he jumped, jumped directly from the air, and then waved the wings of the wind on the way to increase his falling speed!

At the fallen black beard, cut a sword!

"Four Swords·Zhiye!"

Under a sword, facing the black beard Titch of Ling Yu's sword, he felt that his life was played back quickly in front of his own eyes!

The killings and sins of my life are all present before my eyes!

Ling Yu's sword contained the kendo artistic conception, and he immediately plunged into the environment he constructed with his black beard.

Under a daze!

Ling Yu's sword was only a dozen meters away from Blackbeard!

It seems that the next moment!

Blackbeard Titch’s life of ups and downs will end here!

"Do not!"

At this extremely critical moment, Blackbeard suddenly woke up.

After seeing Ling Yu's sword close at hand!

Without thinking about it, he stimulated all his potential, and Blackbeard's huge luck as the great villain of the era quickly flourished at this moment when Blackbeard's life and death were related.

Blackbeard Titch, which is directly irritating, exploded.

It didn't take long to get the Dark Fruit, and at this moment Titch, who had a limited degree of fruit development, actually awakened the fruit's ability.

In a flash!

Blackbeard Titch seems to have turned into a bottomless abyss, and endless darkness gushes out from the abyss!

The endless darkness spread to the surroundings with the momentum of devouring the sky and the earth!

Let Blackbeard willingly wait for the dark fruit for decades, and its horror is revealed at this moment.

The pitch-black darkness swallowed everything, the bluestone, the gate water, even the sound, the light, at this moment were swallowed by the deep darkness!

Even Ling Yu's sword of Zhanye, which was enough to slash the general, was swallowed and pulled by this endless darkness!

As for Ling Yu's Karasuma, when this sword slashed above the pitch-black darkness, once again he felt his powerlessness!

Although it is not as difficult as it was on Kaido!

But after Ling Yu stepped up his strength and broke through the boundless darkness.

The black beard that should have been left in place has long since disappeared!

I don't know where to hide in the darkness!

Sure enough, when the big villains do not perform their duties, they will be as hard to kill as the children of luck!

No, after Blackbeard was attacked by him and Ainilu, both his arms were cut off and he was seriously injured.

Actually, within a short span of a moment, the dying and exploding seeds, the fruit ability directly awakens!

Ling Yu's sword was held back!

In the almost mortal situation, I got a ray of life for myself!

After gaining this ray of life, Blackbeard's first reaction was not to avenge himself, but to run away!

Although he was seriously injured, his consciousness was very clear!

With his arms broken, even if Dark Fruit awakens, he will not be Ling Yu's opponent!

From the two swords that Ling Yu had just slashed at him, he clearly felt the horror of Ling Yu!

That is an absolute strong man who is definitely not weaker than the admiral!

And it's the kind of swordsman with a burst of offensive power!

With his current state, how could he be such a strong opponent!

Not to mention that there is still "Destroy Thor" Ainilu ~lightnovelpub.net~ who else is such a powerful sniper.

I'm afraid that if I stay there, there is only one dead end!

As for Yu Zhiliu, these strong men who have just been recruited by him, not to mention that they don't trust themselves, they only spend so much time together, and they don't trust them either!

At this juncture in their lives, Blackbeard Titch also counted on them to buy himself some time, to hold Ling Yu and the others a little time!

Anyway, Blackbeard had no intention of notifying them at all, so he turned to the exit of the city and ran back.

Even if he returned to Advance City and had to face the poisonous Magellan, Blackbeard felt that his hope of living was much greater than when he faced Ling Yu!

At least, after Dark Fruit awakened, even if he faced Magellan's terrifying venom, he felt sure of it!

It's not like when facing Ling Yu, the feeling of not being wrapped in death crisis all the time!