Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 477: Blackbeard falls

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Not long after Blackbeard ran into the city, Ling Yu noticed it.

After all, Blackbeard doesn't have any fruits of silence, so he can block his voice!

When he ran desperately.

No matter how careful, the movement was still caught by Ling Yu!

Ling Yu, who noticed the whereabouts of Blackbeard Tychy, immediately followed the direction of Tychy's escape!

As for the escaped prisoners who were still staying on the platform to advance the city above the sea, Ling Yu did not care about him!

Because he believes that Ainilu will handle these people well!

After all, the people from their Storm Guild this time are not weak!

And these escaped prisoners, except Yu Zhiliu who reached the fifth rank of the Supreme Swordsman, none of them reached that level!

Or a few of them, some people have reached the realm of the fifth-order hegemonic powerhouse.

But after advancing the city, all these years of devastation day and night, they can insist on not dying now because of their strength!

Where can I maintain my former strength!

Some people are weaker, and the combat power they can display now may not even reach Tier 4!

These people, leave it to Ainilu to clean up, more than enough!

Therefore, Ling Yu now devotes himself to hunting down Blackbeard Titch!


With the passage of time, the distance between Blackbeard and Ling Yu quickly shrank and approached at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Even under careful observation, you can still find that in the space that Ling Yu rushed past, there was actually a single afterimage left behind!

Ha ha!

You know, I'm a happy boy who was once known as the "Shifeng Jianhao"!

If this makes you run away, where is my happy boy's face, can I still be happy?

All the way fast in the acute.

Ling Yu ran faster and faster in Blackbeard Titch's desperate mood!

When Blackbeard just ran into the second floor of Propulsion City, he ran desperately toward the third floor of Propulsion City!

Ling Yu suddenly appeared, on the way that Blackbeard must pass!

Against Blackbeard Titch is a trick!

"Sword Five·Soul Slash!"


The black beard, who was still turning his head to check the distance between Ling Yu and himself, saw Ling Yu run in front of him unexpectedly!

Desperately shouted: "No!"

It seemed that I couldn't believe it, that Ling Yu would run ahead of him so quickly!

Facing Blackbeard's incredibly desperate expression!

Ling Yu sneered in his heart!

"Haha, demo, do you really think I will run after you? I really think I'm a decoration!"

"I chased you before to numb you, waiting to pit you here and ruin your name!"

Although Ling Yu forced him silently in his heart, he didn't mean to show mercy at all in his hands!

Sword Five: Soul Slashing was originally a deterrent trick that emphasizes momentum!

Together with Ling Yu's kingly aura, coupled with Ling Yu's surprise and ran to the front of Blackbeard Titch, the mental shock caused to Blackbeard Titch!

One sword!

If the supreme king is angry and breathtaking!

Under the influence of the aftermath of this sword, everyone who pushed the city for the second time.

Including the navy, including the pirates, and even those special beasts, all were shocked by this sword at this moment!

Fainted directly on the ground!

And as a person facing this horrible sword!

Blackbeard Titch's forbearance for decades, the tough spirit that could no longer be tough, at this moment was also shocked by this sword!

this moment!

Titch seemed to have entered a magnificent hall, and then above that hall, the Supreme King sitting on the throne seemed to condemn himself!

This statement seems to be the supremacy of heaven and earth, even Blackbeard Titch himself feels sinful!

There is an urge to redeem!

and many more!

Damn, I don't want to die?

I'm a black beard! I have not yet dominated the sea, how could I die?

What kind of **** environment is this, let me break it!

Finally, when Tic asks for the artistic conception carried in this sword!

Ling Yu's Karasuma slashed past him!

Then after crossing with himself, the backhand is another sword!

After the sword fell!

Blackbeard shouted desperately: "No!"

He hadn't finished speaking at the time!

Titch, who was still running desperately just now, was carried by inertia!

A few steps!

Then suddenly he staggered!

On the fat body, a slanted cross-shaped blood line faintly appeared!

From head to leg, from left to right!

Divide Titch's body into four large pieces of different sizes!

At this time, Titch seemed to control his body with difficulty, and stopped tremblingly!

But this stop!

It seems to have opened Pandora's box!

The four blood lines that appeared on Tic's body broke out directly!


Tic's body was directly divided into four, and each fell aside!

But Titch's head was divided into two, but at this time he couldn't say a word!

At this time!

There was also a ding sound from the property panel!

That is the information prompt sound of the panel!

Ling Yu opened it silently, and he saw a new message!

"Kill the world's major villain Blackbeard Marshall D. Ditch, plunder one million points of luck!"


One million points, this luck is not so much.

Although it has been known for a long time that killing Blackbeard Titch, the luck that can be plundered will definitely not be less, but after really plundering such a huge amount of luck.

Ling Yu was still very surprised!

This kind of luck is absolutely abnormal. Although Blackbeard Titch is very strong, Ling Yu is sure.

If he kills a guy with the same strength as Blackbeard, or even stronger than him.

There is definitely not as much luck to kill Blackbeard!

This TM is the luck of a villain!

If I just stopped Luffy, the son of luck, and killed it!

How much luck will you get?

Two hundred?

five million?

Ten million?

The thought of ~lightnovelpub.net~ such a huge amount of luck slipped away from under my nose!

Ling Yu felt that his heart was bleeding!


But now that he sees the luck contributed by Blackbeard Titch, it can be said that Titch is dead now and cannot die anymore!

Coupled with the violent aura he felt about to come up!

Ling Yu opened a teleportation door directly in front of him, teleporting himself to the cloud layer where he was before!

Nuojigo, who is also constantly controlling various rainstorms above the rain clouds, cooperates with Ainilu and Kate to suppress the prisoners below.

After seeing Ling Yu appear next to him, he asked with some surprise: "Hey, Ayu, are you back? How about, have you solved the guy Blackbeard Titch?"