Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 526: World Conscription (Part 2)

Thought of this.

   Sengoku smiled bitterly.

   so that the next admiral can take over successfully.

  For the justice of the navy.

   In the end, I took it all by myself!


   This world conscription of the world government, after the release.

   caused a violent response in the world.

  Everyone was shocked by the great efforts of the navy headquarters and the world government.

   No merits, no qualifications, no contacts, no relationship.

   As long as the strength is strong, you can directly become the admiral of the navy in one step and command the party.

   Even if you don’t like the navy, you can directly join the military agency directly under the world government.

   The position of the highest admiral, the opportunity to command a party.

   Power, status, wealth, and fame are at your fingertips.

   This huge temptation directly plunged the world into madness.

   There are even some pirates who licked blood with the knife's mouth, unexpectedly gave up their identity as pirates.

   In a different face, secretly went to some naval recruiting locations to sign up, and wanted to get into the navy.

   And there are no more people doing this.

   But the navy headquarters and the intelligence system of the world government are not vegetarian.

   Most of the pirates who do this.

   When faced with the double audit of the Navy and the world government, it was directly exposed.

   was caught by the navy at the recruiting point and caught him on the spot.

   has become a part of the navy's credit for various conscription sites.

   This kind of thing happened a lot, after it spread.

   The situation slowly improved.

  The pirates who did this also slowly recognized the reality, silenced their voices, dispelled this dangerous idea, and stopped sending food to the Navy.

   Of course, not all the original pirates who did this were caught.

   There are some well-hidden pirates, or some little ones who have no reputation at all, and have passed the double audit of the navy and the world government.

   joined the navy and became a soldier or officer of the navy.

   There are also some people who bought the middle-level navy in advance.

   Under the bribery, he successfully passed the audit, joined the navy, and became an officer.

   (The pirates who have paid the money and the price will of course not be some small characters. They have strength and skills. Taking this rare opportunity to become a navy officer, that is no problem at all.)

   There is even a part of the crimes committed are very minor, or not too big or small, not very important in the eyes of the world government, and extremely powerful pirates.

   At the invitation of the navy headquarters, or the intelligence agency CP1-CP6 under the command of the world government.

   came to the navy's recruitment point openly.

   With the special exemption certificate issued by the world government.

   At the cost of joining the navy and "receiving merits", he directly exempted all previous crimes.

   Of course, after they joined the navy, the positions they won were not low.

   school-level officers started.

   There are not a few who even directly become admiral-level generals.

  Of course, this kind of people have not little reputation in the world before.

   Otherwise, the navy and the world government will not be invited.

   Such as the famous sword hero who is active in the new world, Jubei Yanagyu!

   Such as the bounty hunter on the great route, both righteous and evil, "Wild Hunter"-Krity Tiya!

  For example, Hannibal, a well-known elegant (violent) foodie in Nanhai!

Etc., etc!


  Except for those who went to the recruitment point and signed up.

   There are still so few people in this world.

   is specially invited by the world government and the generals of the navy.

   Among this small group of people, Alabastan smiled soon after he left.

   is undoubtedly the top priority again.

  Because he was invited by the chief of staff of the navy crane, as well as the general alternate Taotu-Zuanyuan.

   But Crane’s style of acting is somewhat vigorous, and somewhat distinctive.

   She did not invite Yixiao as soon as she met.

   Instead, Taotu-Zuanyuan, who was the candidate for the general, sent a request for discussion to Yixiao.

   After Fujitora erupted with terrifying power, he even summoned a huge meteorite that fell from the sky.

   He just took the injured Taotu-Zhuanyuan, smiled and changed a place to sit and chat.

   During the chat.

   Crane directly took out a detailed data and smiled.

   Because of the blindness of the smile, this data is engraved in Braille, and Crane himself read the data from start to finish.

   and gave him an analysis. The above data explained the meaning of the data.

   Then after Fujitora was almost digested.

   directly invited Yixiao to go to the navy to conduct the assessment of admiral with Taotu-Zhuanyuan and the others.

   Surprisingly, after Tsuru finished speaking.

   After a while after a smile, he agreed.

   Then he, together with Crane and Taotu-Zhuanyuan, boarded the warship to the temporary naval headquarters.

   During this process, Crane didn't mention a word, and smiled what kind of treatment he would receive after he became an admiral.

   hasn't said before, I laughed at this trip, whether I can become an admiral.

   There is not even a word of advice.

   But with a smile of rejecting the position of vice chairman of the Ling Yu Storm Trade Union, he followed directly behind Crane and went to the temporary headquarters of the Navy.

   After approving a smile, it was enough to be a terrifying power admiral.

   Crane didn't actually say much to the smile.

  Because before he came, Kazu had already deeply analyzed Yixiao's personality and psychology, and had known his detailed information.

   The data she gave Yixiao before was also specially prepared for the justice that Yixiao has always upheld.

   In that piece of data, nothing else.

   It is after Roger's death, since the outbreak of the Great Pirate Age.

   The growth trend of pirates, the rate of aggression and expansion of super-large pirate groups such as the Four Emperors Pirate Group.

  There are also the death toll of ~lightnovelpub.net~ civilians being looted and killed by pirates every year thereafter, and there is an almost linear increase in death every year.

  Of course, the navy is among them. The pirates that are eliminated and imprisoned every year, the price paid for this, and the number of navy dead and disabled will not be small.

   Especially after the Battle of the Top, because of the lack of naval soldiers, there were also deterrent admirals suppressed.

   The constant erosion and chaos on the sea.

   Indirectly or directly, how many civilians died.

   These data were all listed by Crane.

   These pieces of data are true, and Crane will not cheat on this point.

   Because the gain is not worth the loss, it is unnecessary.

   (Even to a large extent, the real data will only be bigger than the one in Yixiao's hand. Because in this world, there is never a whitewashing of peace for the sake of face, merit and the like!)

   However, it is precisely because of the truth that this string of data is extremely cruel.

   so cold!

   Under this cold data, with a smiling character, how could he be indifferent.

   So, he followed the crane away.

   stood on the deck of the warship with a smile, holding a stick and knife, quietly feeling the magnificent sea outside the warship.

   said a word in my heart silently!

