Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 532: Alabastan transformation plan officially

Two hours later.

   Binz simply packed a few sets of clothes.

   was held by Ling Yu in one hand and flew directly away from the naval guerrilla stronghold.

of course.

   Before returning to Alabastan.

   Ling Yu also didn't forget, and sent away the five secret spies who were watching.


   Wait for the naval guerrillas to recover.

   If they learned that these guys had leaked their whereabouts, these guys would definitely not please.

   If you don't die, you will lose the skin.

   After sending away those five spies.

   Ling Yu directly opened the portal to the Kingdom of Alabastan.

   returned to his base camp.


   After returning to Alabastan, Ling Yu took a long time to find Binz directly on a basin.

   Commanding thousands of people, Nuoqigao is conducting the man-made oasis project.

   "Nuoqi Gao!"

   After hearing someone call his name, Nuojigo turned around habitually.

   Then he saw Ling Yu standing behind him, smiling at him.

   "Why are you here?" Nuoqigao asked with some surprise.

   "Isn't it because you are too hard? Bring you a person, he is a superhuman-luxuriant fruit ability, not to mention, it is still very good to help you plant trees."

   Ling Yu pointed to Binz behind him and said.


   Looking at the weirdly dressed Binz, Nuoqigao blinked a little puzzled.

   "Well, that's right, it's this kid. I found this kid with a lot of effort."

   "Isn't the artificial desert planting a lot of plants?"

   "With this kid, a tree that would have taken at least a few months or even a few years to grow, after his initiation, may sprout and grow in just a few hours."

   "If we want an artificial oasis, no one is more suitable than this guy."

   Looking at Nuoqigao, Ling Yu constantly explained Binz's abilities and usefulness to Nuoqigao.

   And Nuojigo, after hearing the effect of Binz's ability.

  'S eyes also lit up.

   This ability to promote plants is for them who want an artificial oasis.

   is too suitable.

   "Wait, my lord!"

   When Ling Yu and Nuoqigao were chatting enthusiastically, they even got more and more excited.

   Binz's slightly tangled voice suddenly rang in their ears.

   Ling Yu was interrupted, looking at Binz with some dissatisfaction and said, "What's the matter?"

   Then he was with Nuoqi Gao.

   saw Binz with a wry smile and said, "My lord, although my ability can give birth to abilities all at once, if the plant is growing, it cannot absorb enough nutrients and water."

   "If my ability is used to promote growth, they will wither after a few hours."

   Ling Yu was taken aback.

   Is there still this restriction?

   Nuojigo, who attaches great importance to the artificial oasis project.

   Seeing this, he asked directly: "If we prepare enough nutrients and water, will the plants you spawn have other problems?"

Binz thought for a while, and then replied: "If the nutrients and water are sufficient, the plants that were spawned by me, except for their normal lifespans, are about one-third to one-half shorter than ordinary plants of the same type. There are no other drawbacks."

   "That's it!"

   After listening to it, Nuoqigao didn't care much after thinking about it.

   The lifespan of plants is one-half shorter, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal at all!

   After all, some plants have a lifespan of tens of hundreds of years, even hundreds of years, thousands of years.

   The life span is shorter, so it should be shorter.

   It's no big deal anyway.

   When the time comes, just find some more long-lived plants.

   And even some small vegetation has a shorter lifespan.

   As long as you plant in batches, the oasis that has already formed will have time for the plants to grow normally.

   It’s more convenient and quicker to move plants, plant trees, and wait for them to grow more easily than now. I don’t know how many times!

"This is not a big problem. For moisture, I can fully satisfy this through the ability of rain and rain fruits. As for nutrients, to make the plants grow better, I bought a lot of fertilizer and buried them in the sand. A layer of mud was put on it."

   "In a short period of time, I think there should be enough nourishment!"

   For the problem Binz said, she also gave a certain solution.

   Ling Yu also added at this time: "Actually, I don't think you need to grow the seeds of these plants, or how big the young saplings are."

   "As long as you are able to give birth to them to the maximum while ensuring adequate nutrition."

   Binz nodded and said, "In this case, then I understand."

   Isn’t it about grasping a degree when giving birth?

   Binz can still control this.

   When he had just obtained this Devil Fruit ability before, he also specially practiced this ability.


   Under Ling Yu's suggestion, he specially asked Binz to test the feasibility of his ideas in a small open space on the oasis.

   The result was very satisfactory to Ling Yu.

   Binz has accomplished the task given by Ling Yu very well.

   under Binz’s deliberate control.

   Within a few minutes.

   The open space tens of meters around him is from a piece of withered and lifeless land.

   has become a lush garden of life full of vegetation.

   The originally yellow land was also covered by green grass grown from grass seeds that broke out of the soil.

  On this hundreds of square meters of land, dozens of big trees grow densely, and the tallest one jumps directly to a height of more than ten meters.

   The leaves block the sun, bringing a rare shade in this dry and sultry desert basin ~lightnovelpub.net~.

   And above this garden of life.

   A group of dark clouds controlled by Nuoqigao is even more raindrops.

   moisturizes this hard-won green.

   While waiting for Binz to finish all this.

   This small green area that was just like a miracle, growing in an instant, immediately aroused the cheers of many citizens of Alabastan.

   At this time, they looked at Binz one by one.

   also became eager to disdain and hostile from the very beginning.

   After having Binz, they all feel that the Alabastan transformation plan can officially begin.

   After seeing the results of this test, it was unexpectedly perfect.

   Ling Yu and Nuoqi Gao smiled at each other.

   Then Nuoqi said with high excitement: "Great, with this ability, the progress of our artificial oasis plan can be greatly improved."

  Looking at Nuoqi's high excitement, Ling Yu laughed and said, "That's the only thing and that! If we can find the natural fruit ability, it would not be better to turn the desert of Alabastan into flat ground."

   If it hadn't been for all the time, he hadn't heard the information of those with the earth fruit ability.

   He will also tie people to Alabastan.

   "Hee hee, don't be too greedy, I think it's good to have lush fruits now."