Pirate’s Storm Master

Chapter 593: 0 Legacy of the Beast Pirate Group

When Nami took the boat out of the portal, she saw Ling Yu, Nuoqigao, and Nicole Robin waiting for her not far away!

  Wait for this ship, sail to the port, and anchor.

   Standing in the front, Ling Yu ridiculed Nami:

   "Welcome back, our rich man!"

   "Huh! I'm almost killed by the popularity of the world government, and I'm a rich man!"

   "Oh, what's the matter, didn't you get the money?"

   "I got it, but do you know how shameless the world government is? Do you know what greedy guys and how much money they deduct? You know..."

   After returning to Alabastan, Nami seemed to have returned to her home.

  , he cracked and talked about his tragic experience in Mariejoa, and it was unavoidable that there were some scenes of being added to Nami.

   Look at the corners of Waipa's mouth twitching from time to time.

   After Nami talked about her tragic experience, she was still worried about the six billion Pele!

   looked very unwilling!

Robin, wearing a long skirt, jumped onto the ship and looked at the huge silver-white metal box on the deck. On the contrary, he said with satisfaction, "Hehe, I think the world government can give me so much money. Surprised!"

   Seeing Robin said this, Nami said with dissatisfaction: "What? Robin, how can you help the world government speak!"

Robin explained with a smile: "I didn't help the world government. To be honest, this time the world government is willing to give us these bounty money has actually surprised me. I guess more depends on the BOSS just becoming For the face of the world's nobles, those talents will give so much!"

   "I know! But the world government still has six billion Baileys that have not given us?" Nami said unwillingly.

"Not to mention that the world government would not issue a bounty if there were no corpses, let alone the fact that the money is not very willing to pay by the world government itself. Of course they can do so with this legitimate reason! "

   "But no matter what, you can win such a big bounty, Nami, you are our great hero!"

   In the end, Nicole Robin didn't forget to slap Nami, the hero.

   Let Nami Le smile suddenly!

   But when everyone is not paying attention.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Nicole Robin quietly walked to Ling Yu’s side and said: "BOSS, according to your previous expectations, this bounty plus The seizure of Wano Country and our accumulated wealth."

   "Our previous plan can almost be implemented smoothly, in the later period..."

   "In the latter case, I will figure out how to fund it!" Before Robin could say anything, he was interrupted by Ling Yu.

   Don't remind Robin, Ling Yu knows it himself.

   If my own ideas are to be implemented, there will still be a huge funding gap!

   These funding gaps, Ling Yu will find ways to solve them!

   Ling Yu didn't want to block his plan due to funding, or even waste a long time to proceed a little bit.


   After getting the initial funds.

   Ling Yu handed over his development plan to Robin and Nuoqigao to implement.

   During this period, after Nuoqigao informed Ling Yu,

  , this aspect of logistics and finance was handed over to Nami to be responsible.

   In the area of ​​finance, Nami, a financial fan, is undoubtedly more talented than Nuojiao.

   She is also much easier to deal with than Nuoji Gao, so Nuoji Gao simply let Nami take responsibility.

   And Nuoqigao himself was busy with Robin, Ling Yu probably planned the development plan, and the artificial oasis plan that was not completed before.


  While Nuoqigao and the others are busy, Ling Yu is not idle either.

   At this time, Ling Yu brought Waipa, Brook, Kate, who had recovered from their injuries, and Perona, Princess Mononoke who had newly joined the Storm Guild, to the country of Wano.

   After that conversation with Cobra.

   Ling Yu later discussed with Robin and the think tank in the Storm Guild.

   The final result showed that the former site of the Hundred Beast Pirates Group is indeed the best area for the development of the Storm Trade Union.

   As the overlord of the new world, the pirate group of beasts, the islands, countries, and seas they occupy.

   are undoubtedly some very high-quality islands, otherwise they can't support the huge expenses of the development of the Beast Pirate Group.

   And after the Hundred Beast Pirates were destroyed by their Storm Guild, the former Hundred Beasts domain also lost its biggest umbrella and military support.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   defeating the storm guild of the beasts and pirates head-on, it is not difficult to take over these islands.

  Even in these islands, people have long contacted their storm union, hoping to be blessed by the storm union.

   planted the flag of the storm on his island.

  Because in the chaotic new world, they have lost the shelter of the beasts and pirates at any time. They may face the pirates that have no territory and wander around.

   And at this time, the usual humble flag that shelters them is extremely important.

   As the storm guild that defeated the pirate group of beasts and reached the highest throne.

   is undoubtedly the best object for them to seek asylum.

   More importantly, Ling Yu's Storm Guild was not a pirate group from beginning to end!

   Compared with the pirate groups who are willing to shelter them~lightnovelpub.net~Ling Yu's storm union requires the least sheltering them, and they pay the least.

   What's more important is that they don't have to worry about their men, children, and the people of the Beasts Pirates forcibly taking them away every day as they did when they were ruled by the Beasts Pirates.

   Therefore, recently, in the field of beasts, there has been a high voice for the storm union.

   If the Storm Guild really wants to recover these islands that were once ruled by the beasts and pirates.

   will undoubtedly save a lot of effort.

  Don't talk about this, because these islands are actively seeking refuge, and they will get along well with the storm guild later.

   The forces assigned by the Storm Guild can also be reduced.

   Don’t be so nervous.


   After analysis, Ling Yu was a little surprised with these advantages.

   It seems that those in power in the world government have already seen these clearly, so they used Cobra's words to remind themselves.

   Instead of being in the first half of the great route, expanding its territory near the Kingdom of Alabastan, spurring the cake and sensitive nerves of the world government.

   might as well take over the "legacy" left by the Beast Pirates in the New World.

   Save time and effort, the resources of islands in the new world are often much richer than the first half of the great route.

   Especially those special resource output.

  Of course, except for the bad weather in the New World.