Pirates: The Black Earl

Chapter 1144


The rest of the accomplices were taken aback, and were terrified at the Ethan who cast his sight.

After all, they are also capable people. Since they can resist heat weapons, the threat that the other party can pose to them can be imagined.

Fortunately, Ethan took a deep breath, turned around and picked up the child who didn't know what happened, and ran towards the police at a fast pace.

A group of people gritted their teeth, and the leading brawny waved.

"Go, I can't stay here anymore!"

"But where's Henry?"

"Rules are rules, and he will understand us."

"No, I understand what a fart, take me out of here!" The man named Henry yelled unwillingly, but the companions who had turned around did not hesitate.

Asking it out of courtesy, the brawny really wants them to look back, and they can't agree.

"Please take care of him, I still have things to do." Ethan noticed this, and after handing the child to the police, he turned to look at the group of people running away.

With the crowds running around on the beach as a cover, the special police could only follow far behind and did not dare to shoot.

At this moment, Lowett suddenly took a sip of his drink and asked: "Have you heard the saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?"

"Huh?" Aka stared.

"Who is so NT?"

"Puff ha ha ha ha, right?"

Lowett almost spit out water, and bent over with a smile: "In fact, this sentence can be understood as the greater the ability, the more farts."

"Ordinary people have done their best just to live, and there is no time to do anything."

"The strong are different. They don't care much about the fact that they are alive anymore. The power they hold in their hands urges them to do something to fill the gap between their hearts and reality, which is commonly known as being full."

"Like Tony Stark?"

"That's right." Seeing Ethan catching up with people over there, using rusty fighting skills to resist bullets to knock down the prisoner, Lowett stood up.

"I hate seafood, are there any inland areas that I haven't been to yet?"

After hearing this, Aka opened the Earth Travel Guide, looked for it, and said, "There are a few, but not many."

"Then you can locate it."

"Yes, master."

People are uncomfortable today, so let's take a leave of absence.

It should be that something was bad at noon. I drank two tubes of Zhengqi water. I asked for leave to go home. I was muddled for a whole afternoon. I didn’t have a word. I just tried to hold a chapter at night. This feeling of death or death, I really can’t do it in summer. In order to cool off and eat randomly, I still eat less during fitness, so I don't dare to wonder if I have to go to the hospital for some drips today.

Oh, I really came to the hospital to get some drips

As a lesson, I was awakened by a flutter at 7 o’clock. I got up and found that there was no hot water. So I drank a glass of water overnight. But before I lay down, I felt like shit. In line with the principle of diarrhea, I can’t believe any fart. , Squatted into the toilet in a huff.


For a long time, people collapsed.

The doctor saw that I was sluggish and asked me if I was nauseous or dizzy. I said I was a little bit, probably because I didn't get enough sleep, so he sent me to get a drip and made a joke.

Acute gastroenteritis.

Sure enough, what I ate yesterday hurt my intestines and stomach, and what was left on me was saline. I don’t know.

At first, I didn't expect it to be so serious. After all, anyone who had diarrhea would go to the hospital, and I thought it was lactose intolerance at first. Fitness people know that some Asians eat protein powder because of diarrhea.

But the more I think about it, the more something is wrong. Didn't I pull it before?

I have been eating for almost a month this time. How could I have diarrhea now, so I went to the hospital.

Fortunately, I heard that my condition is a serious one.

So staying in the hospital today, I asked for it.

It would be troublesome to live alone in case there is a situation, and it is not bad for the money.

Don’t look at me as a tall man, I’m actually quite scared to tell the truth.

Illness is not a fist, we still have to distinguish clearly what we should be afraid of and what should not be.

But I still have to make sure that I ask a friend to bring me a notebook that I haven't used for half a year, and he directly carried the host back to me, and then went back and continued to look for it, because he really only carried a host.

Now that the computer is in hand, calculating the time, the code chapter is estimated to be no problem.

Chapter 19, UC Marvel Division

"Ethan Hobson, 23 years old, a student of the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University, disappeared mysteriously three months ago. The police ruled out kidnapping and suicide because his roommate’s testimony and on-site traces proved to be voluntarily leaving."

In the interrogation room of the police station in the Hawaiian Islands, the old policeman with white temples put down his pieces.

"I don't understand, Ethan, how did you bypass the police system and enter Hawaii?"

In the 21st century, science and technology are advanced. As a missing person, as long as he uses his own ID to perform any operations that can be connected to the Internet, the police should receive the news.

However, it did not.

The hotel’s identity information showed that he still used his real name, and there was also an Ethan Hobson on the police computer.

It's like there are two Ethan Hobsons.

Hearing that, Ethan, who was sitting across from him, did not answer.

At this moment, he is getting acquainted with his abilities.

There is no textbook for fruit ability. What a fruit can develop and how to use depends on the ability.

At this moment, he slid his palm into the bulge on the iron table of the interrogation room that was enough for the lock to pass through, watched his palm squeezed into a pie shape, and then retracted, his face full of surprise.

The old police officer looked at this scene somewhat unnaturally.

There are not many fruit-powered people at present, and most of the fruits have been bought by the government and rich people. This is the first time he has seen fruit-powered people with his own eyes.

Then it's so weird!

Obviously, his skin, body temperature and appearance were the same as before, but his bones, flesh and blood and even internal organs had become rubber-like things.