Pirates: The Black Earl

Chapter 1162

Seeing that the core of the sneak attack failed, he immediately launched a terrifying attack, trying to defeat him from the outside.

Unprecedented fear of death made the core deep in the earth sparkle violently, and Igo gritted his teeth and made a decision.


"Are you...?"

Suddenly, Lowett's mouth seemed to see through all the truth, and the re-condensed black flame was burning in space under the control of his soul.

With its back to the sun, the black raven spread its wings and sang loudly, and then rushed to the ground.

Black Star·Black Hell Cannon!


How should I put it, yesterday under the company’s organization, I waited for the “miscellaneous staff” and became a volunteer for a day, helping to buy medicines, running errands, and picking up candidates. The ice cream is me, not too much mood swings. But after watching the last test, I knelt down to my mother at the back of the car and said that I hadn't done the test well. I was still touched. I passed by them and didn't say anything. When I saw someone coming to be a mother, I hurriedly pulled my son up, and then cried myself.

In fact, I wanted to say this last time. The reality is not satisfactory after all. Hasn't Dashu written a book for three years?

The gap between expectation and reality is the most boring fairy.

But am I not here yet?

Achievement cannot deny your hard work, let alone that you haven't achieved any results yet. Thinking about who you have let down and where you didn't do well is to remember the past, but people's eyes are long in front of you and you have to look forward.

So after crying, don't worry about those who don't.

Repeat if you have the conditions, and work hard if you don't have the conditions. As Dashu said before, the college entrance examination is a shortcut to becoming a master. If the shortcut doesn't work, you can still work hard! Where do you fall down and lie down for a while?

There is a lot of nonsense, forgive me.

Chapter 31, ban Yigo!

It was another powerful and terrifying attack. Igo didn’t have time to think about it. The energy smashed and collided in the broken planet canyon. The attack that should have been extended to the ground at this time did not need so much scruples in the broken place. Igo directly let it be in the ground vein. Converged below, and then sprayed out of the canyon.

No matter how the planet is destroyed, it is only the concentration of energy.

There is only one real core!


Boom! !

The lightning-like silver-white cosmic energy rushed straight into the sky, antagonizing the black flame pillar from the outer sky.

Then it was easily blown away...

"Impossible! Why?!!!"

Seeing the black flame raven that directly blasted the silver lightning away and continued to fly towards him, Igo was shocked with doubts.

But of course.

"Black Star·Heaven Roar" and "Black Prison Cannon" not only look the same, but also the energy fluctuations they radiate to the outside are extremely similar.

But the former is just Lovett's personal performance, while he wants to control the rules, magic, twist the rules, light and dark twins, and use extra strength to turn darkness into flames and consume everything.

The latter is called "Symbiotic Spell"!

"To be reasonable, the only person in this universe who can stop me is probably Gu Yi, but the upper limit of energy she can control determines that she can't stop me."

Watching the red-eyed raven flutter its wings and shoot into the canyon cut by the **** prison knife, Lovett shook his head.

"This is not the suppression of civilization, but the suppression of pure IQ."

"If a child with a pistol can kill, it doesn't mean that killing is not technical work."

The voice fell.


Rumble! ! !

Igo cracked.

The black flames splashing like raindrops burn like tarsus maggots, and the impact of the explosion will violently tear apart a quarter of the star from the moon-sized planet, and a planet is thus divided into two parts. , And even the energy belonging to Yi Ge was also cut off, like a life body spurting blood, ejecting silver energy from the break, leaving the orbit of the planet.

The looters on the Destroyer that had flown far away prayed to the gods in the language of their races. In the era of the universe, they no longer believed in gods.

But now I believe it.

Isn't the gods able to tear a planet apart? Still not using any weapons?

Legend has it that the Kerry Empire has an experimental star destroyer, but even if the development is completed, the effect is not necessarily more shocking than the scene in front of you!

As for the courage to stay on that planet, no one cares at the moment.

After praying for a while, they decisively resisted the energy impact and the danger of the ship falling apart and accelerated away from the galaxy.

On the planet, the clone of Ego, who suffered such a severe damage, disappeared into the air on the spot.

However, his body did not die. He controlled half of his body. The endless soil began to spread along the surface, and the energy overflow at the rupture was quickly blocked. Then, a human face appeared on the surface of the planet.

"You, you are looking for a dead end!!"

At this moment, those silvery white and blue energies turned red and dazzling as if they were bloodshot. The huge celestial body Igo glared at Lovett in space. Under the latter’s surprised gaze, the planet left its orbit and moved towards him at a speed that seemed slow but terrifying. Rushed over.

Before bullets were created, how was gunpowder generally used to injure the enemy?

Answer: Art is explosion!

The oppressive feeling of a planet ramming towards him is already incomparable, not to mention the extremely dangerous red light condensed on the planet's surface.

This is celestial-level armor, not a burden.

Facing Lovett, whose energy emission frequency was far higher than his own, the angry Eagle finally decided to use this move to kill the enemy with all self-destructive moves.

Hum! !

In space, the trembling sound of the movement of the planet is still faintly audible.

Lovett retreated with wings and wings, but his movement speed was incomparable to a planet, and Ego was soon overtaken.

The two met near a planet in the second perihelion orbit of this solar system. When Lowett was less than 10,000 meters away from him, as if a switch was triggered, Igo suddenly stared.

Bang! !

Frightening waves of red lightning generally appear on the surface of the planet, with a thickness of more than 20,000 meters.