Pirates: The Black Earl

Chapter 87

Seeing that Smogg was hit, the flying squirrel, the terrifying lieutenant admiral from the navy headquarters, resolutely chose to shoot!

As soon as you shot, it shocked the audience!

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In addition, a big loophole in Chapter 24 was revised, one hundred million, eight zeros after one, and I admit that it was mine.

Finally, routinely ask for recommendations and collections!

Chapter 41, escape!

The sword aura is swept away, the land is divided and the sea is divided, and the terrible world's top combat power is fully revealed at this moment!

But flying squirrels don't care about the results.


With a little step, he crossed the distance of 100 meters in less than two seconds and appeared beside Smogg.

"Smogg, Smogg!!"

Holding Smogg's fallen body in his arms, the flying squirrel called nervously.

On his forehead, a thick blood stain on his thumb stretched out of the skin, and the blood gurgled out and covered his face. The breath was weak, but it still existed.


Seeing this, the flying squirrel breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s fine if you don’t die. With the Navy’s medical treatment, you can rescue you if you don’t die.

"Ahem, is this the strength of the lieutenant general?"

Lovett fell from the arms of the black knight, with solemn eyes.

A vacuum slash just now gave him the illusion of a mountain hitting him. Others' swords are only sharp, but flying squirrels' swords are much thicker.

With the majesty of upright and upright, all ghosts and charms are washed away.

It is a real sword of justice!

If he hadn't decisively used the two-star spell like the Dragon Shield of Skeleton Mountain, the sword energy would be enough to crush his whole body into pieces.

Head lieutenant general, terrible!


Looking at Smogg, who was unconscious, Lowett's eyes flashed with surprise.


"Your name is Muhammad Abdel?"

It is abnormal for bloodstains to appear on the forehead.

He aimed at the inner side of Smogg's left eye, penetrating in an arc, reaching the brainstem, extinction of vitality.

This is his first attempt. In order to accurately control the fusion energy group, he can only choose the blood cone technique with low mana and limited power.

but now

The bloodstain stretches from the center of the eyebrows all the way to the back of the hairline. It looks **** and even the scalp is torn. It is not fatal in fact.

"There is no problem with the thinking, but the method needs to be improved."

What he incorporated into the Cone of Blood technique was his own vitality, so he was not afraid of people's ridicule. Lovett knew clearly that his vitality field was not even as good as a healthy ordinary person.

It is good to cooperate with the Blood Cone technique, if it is changed to other high-star spells, it will not be released if you drain yourself.

"So the correct way of thinking should be the same as that of Blood Plague Raven and Corpse Explosion. It extracts the vitality of others, especially the Blood Plague Raven. It is impossible to have a corpse to use in every battle, but there is also a spell resistance and the opponent's flesh and blood spirit. The degree of lock-up is related, and the actual efficiency remains to be studied."


While thinking, a piercing tremor appeared.

Lowett raised his head, looked ahead and looked at himself with a cold face, and slapped the flying squirrel holding the plum blossom katana in his hand.

"But the most critical question now is, how to escape?"


The flying squirrel's face was dark, and a penetrating sword intent was scratched on his face like a knife, stinging extremely.

"To be able to do this, I admit that I underestimated you before."


The long knife is forward, the flying squirrel is slightly sideways, and his right hand is raised flat.

"Give you one last chance, catch it or die!"

What makes the flying squirrel more determined is that Bismogg was almost killed, Lovett is too terrifying.

He has grown to this level in just two or three months. With everything he has experienced and his hostility to justice, he will definitely become the enemy of the navy in the future!

The justice of the navy is indeed not clean, but this will never be an excuse to condone pirates!

For flying squirrels, those naval scum and pirates are all evils that need to be eliminated!

"Is there no third option, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel?"

The sphere of light in the soul sea was dim. From the beginning of the battle with the evil dragon, Lovett did not have a good rest and no time to devour the soul. The two-star top-level Shield of the Dragon Mountain nearly drained his mental power.

"At any rate, I also surrendered the Dragon Pirate Group and liberated the oppressed villagers. Can't it be considered that I have made up for it?"


The flying squirrel stared at the words: "Gong is gong, and demerits are demerits. There is a saying that merits and demerits must be rewarded and demerits must be punished."

"Don't be lucky, my patience is limited!"

"Oh, that's how it is"

Lovett's face turned cold: "I almost forgot, I am not your second Lieutenant Lovett now, and there are no unspoken rules."
