Pirates: The Black Earl

Chapter 88

The flying squirrel's face was dark, his teeth clenched.

"But you don't know me, do you?"

"What's the meaning?!"

The flying squirrel frowned, and suddenly turned his head to look.

"not good!"

The necromantic world summons ghosts and ghosts!

White ghosts ooze out from the soil, and roar fiercely with resentment that makes living people's creeps. The soldiers waved their weapons again and again, but were horrified to find that the weapons could not touch them at all.

These things can't be regarded as resentful spirits, but in fact are the remnants of dead ghosts.

At the same time, unlike ordinary undead, these fragile souls cannot even move freely in the sun, and sunbathing is more terrifying to them than concentrated sulfuric acid.

So as soon as they were called out, they instinctively dipped into the bodies of the surrounding living people, occupying the other's flesh.

"I'm a pirate, lieutenant general flying squirrel, who told you that I won't avenge revenge?"


The mental energy was excessively consumed, and the left arm withered and the black sand scattered, turning into nothingness green smoke.

Lovett clutched his stinging temple and grinned, "Kill him!"


One by one, the soldiers whose bodies were occupied by the energy of the evil spirits turned their eyes upwards, their mouths spit flying, and they rushed at the flying squirrels.

"What happen to you guys?!"

The flying squirrel was shocked instantly. These soldiers were in a very wrong state and seemed to have lost their minds.


Avoiding the scimitar, he stepped forward and appeared behind the opponent, with his palm hitting the opponent's back on the neck.


A soldier fell down, but soon, under the shocked gaze of the flying squirrel, the soldier got up again and continued to attack.

"They are now occupied by resentful spirits. Even if you dig out their hearts, they will continue to move as undead."

Watching the flying squirrel dodge the attack in a hurry, Lowett's mouth cocked.

"And more than that."

One by one, the villagers walked on the street dull-eyed, staggering in their footsteps, as if they were drunk. Among them, the brave little boy walked in the forefront, his head raised slightly, salivating.


The flying squirrel was about to split his eyes, turned his head and glared at Lowett: "What are you going to do?"

In response, Lowett grinned: "What do you do? Of course, like all pirates, kidnapping hostages!"


A villager walked to the side of the well, and the stone blocking the way made him fall straight down, immersing himself in the well.

shave! !

Before he could think about it, the flying squirrel appeared at the mouth of the well, and his tall body played a role at this moment, leaning over and pulling, directly dragging the villager out.

But more villagers limped and marched toward the sea with blank eyes.

"Stop it all, stop it!"

The flying squirrel was anxious.

As Smogg said, as a swordsman, there are limits to abilities.

Perhaps even the famous big pirates in New World are not the enemy of flying squirrels, but to prevent them from jumping into the sea while not harming the villagers, this is beyond the limit of flying squirrels.

He could only travel back and forth to the center of the battlefield repeatedly, bringing back villagers who had walked to the shore without realizing it. At the same time, he had to be careful of the knives brought by the "rebellious" soldiers so that they would not hurt the villagers.

"Interesting, so interesting!"

"Has this scene been filmed?"

The black knight stood beside Lowett, holding an orange and black striped photophone worm with a face of "It's better to die than to live", and roared in a low voice.


"Good job, I'll give you priority to upgrade the parts later."

After all, Lowett looked over there and shouted: "Hey! Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, or you can try to kill me and see if the magic effects on them will be lifted?"

The flying squirrel did not answer, but bit his lips out of blood.

He had a hunch that doing so would only kill everyone!

This is indeed the case.

As a resentful spirit, there is no such thing as "human nature" even if it is the remnant of the soul. Not directly eating up the soul of the opponent is occupying the body, and it is suppressed by the effect of Lovett's spell.

Once Lowett dies, these soul scars will run away completely uncontrollably, consuming all living creatures within their sight.

Bear the brunt of the innocent people!


The smile on his face abruptly reduced, Lovett clamped the cane with his broken arm and patted the dust on his clothes.

"Let's go!"


The black knight let out a low growl, carried his master on his back, and jumped. On the surface of the sea, the warships when they came were already ready, and Wallace was fighting two battles, waiting for their return.

"Stop! You guys be sober!"

Behind him, the flying squirrel's anxious and angry roar echoed in Cocoyashi Village, and he could only helplessly watch Lowett board the warship and drove away slowly.

"Thank you!"

On the edge of the cliff, Bermel's tomb.