Pivot of the Sky

Chapter 152: Realm of Divine Power

Chapter 152: The Realm of Divine Power

In order for the land of Marduk to become a real "sphere of divine power", Goddess Mu Yun must do everything herself. This is very much like that Pharaoh gave Amon a land in the Duke Plains, but it was just a paper document, and Amon himself needed to occupy and reclaim.

Goddess Mu Yun requested that the "sinners" in the battle of the gods be moved to the land of Marduk. These people originally believed in the gods who defeated one side and were the ancestors of the Duke town miners. They are punished for mining divine stones in an extremely desolate and harsh environment. The survival and reproduction face great challenges. Only those with the strongest blood can survive, and there is still danger of extinction.

At this time, Mu Yun showed miracles, taught the skills of the miners in Duque, and lowered the patron saint's deities, enabling them to survive in this sinister Marduk land for generations. Since these people are descendants of sinners, according to Anunaki's oldest deities, they must not leave the land of Marduk. This ancient deity has been passed down from generation to generation and later became the decree of the Hati Kingdom, but few people know its origin.

This decree has been enforced by dynasties for hundreds of years, and there are very practical reasons. The people of Duke Town are the best craftsmen on the mainland. Duke Town is also an important place of production of **** stone, and later it has become the place of concentrate. If these miners leave Duke Town, it will be a loss to any kingdom, unless Duke Town no longer exists. If there are no legal restrictions, who wants to live in such a difficult environment for generations?

As for what happened later, Schrodinger did not tell, Amon himself was very clear. The inhabitants of the town of Duke abandoned the shrine and lost the guardianship of the goddess Mu Yun, and Enril launched a flood to destroy it, making the Duke Plain a thousand miles of fertile soil. In ancient prophecy, the true gods of the gods will be born here, and perhaps Enril thinks the time has come.

What exactly does "the realm of divine power" mean? Believers claim to be servants of the gods. Their beliefs, sacrifices, and prayers are the source of the power of the gods. This power is different from ordinary gods and physical skills, but it is some kind of "divine power" possessed by the gods.

Schrödinger has never owned her own independent divine realm, so her understanding of this "divine power" is not comprehensive. It is mainly in two aspects. First, she can gather strength to make the soul strong, like having a lot of ego. Together, they can appreciate the meaning of the ultimate level of life in the world. Secondly, it can help the gods face the "question of fate, judgment of the last days".

Schrodinger said here, Amon could not help but interjected: "Do gods also have to face the questioning of fate, judgment of the last days?"

Schrödinger's body trembled slightly: "Whether it is physical or divine, if you practice to the apex of the ninth level, you have the power to fight against the gods in the world, often called demigods, such as Gilgamesh and Enqi It ’s all the same. But the true demigod did n’t have this meaning at first, but the person who might be a **** under the guidance of the deities, but in the eyes of the world, they are often gods, such as me.

If you have a nine-level achievement with two strengths in one body, you are the true demigod in ancient legends, and you will be on par with those gods in many myths, and you can even have the **** realm. But to truly attain that transcended realm of eternal life, ‘the test of fate and the judgment of the last days’ must be tested together. Do you know how the Jiulian God System got its name? "

Amon blinked and said, "Isn't it because of Jiulian Tenjin?"

Schrödinger: "It's because of the Jiulian Tianshen, but the real reason is not clear to you. Before Horus, only these nine people became the gods who truly attained that eternal detachment. Horus was the tenth and last one. Others The gods, including me at the time, were just demigods. I had only one last step, but in the end it was unsuccessful. "


Amon went to participate in the blessing ceremony of the goddess Isis. He spent only seven or eight days in the city city of Memphis, and on the second day after arriving at Memphis, sent Medanzo back to let Moses and others leave. The long journey, although prepared for a long time, but it takes time to pack everything and leave, so when Amon returned to the territory, Moses had just gone for a few days.

More than 60 ethnic people set up more than 20 horse-drawn carriages loaded with various materials, including farm implements, clothing, food, seeds, tents, living utensils and so on. They are going to reclaim the wasteland and rebuild their hometown. They are the most important big migration after the end of suffering and fate. They need to bring whatever they need.

Especially after going out of Eju, they have to cross thousands of miles of desert and hundreds of miles of swamps and jungles. Food and drinking water and self-defense weapons are indispensable. More than 20 vehicles are full. The speed of such a team cannot be very fast. When the orders of the new pharaohs spread across the country, they had just reached the city of Helio, which was also the city on the east bank of the Roni River, closest to Monfis. It's far away.

Moses' checkpoint in the city-state was blocked. The gatekeeper read the general's warrant and told them: "Now your new pharaoh is ascended to the throne. According to the latest decree, you can't go any longer. Far away, please return to the territory immediately. If you continue to move forward in violation of the order, you will be arrested and forcibly repatriated. "

Moses had no choice but to make the team turn around and head south. The disappointment of the people was beyond description. They waited for six years and did not know how much suffering they had experienced. They had just seen the dawn of a glimmer of hope, and the sudden turn of events had gone out. Why the **** Pharaoh Rasis II died at this time? And this change happened in the Empire of Eju!

Once people who rely on belief support are desperate, the painful sorrow is beyond description, and they have no strength to walk. Moses comforted the human race: "We have endured and waited for so long, why don't we continue to do it? As long as the gods don't give up on us, we don't have to be disappointed!"

The people asked Moses, "But where is the god?"

The twelve miners taught by Moses said, "The gods are watching us, as long as they don't lose faith in their hearts, they can find their homes."

They did not pass through the town that night, they stopped in a tent in a shelter in a sheltered place on the bank of the Roni River. In the distance is the flowing water, and in the near is the high mountain dense forest. Moses instructed the twelve people who practiced both sides to take turns to watch vigils. He sat in the car and meditated, calling Arroyo in his heart--

"My god, the rescuer of hope! I call to you and ask you to hear my voice. Don't let the flame of hope go out again, and guide my people back home, even if they dedicate all my body and mind and life, as long as they Back to the land of Duke Town. God, I am your servant, please help me. "

Just then, Moses heard a voice coming from his mind: "The spirit is watching you and your people, please come into the jungle and accept the guidance of the hope of fire."

Moses quickly opened his eyes and came out of the carriage, but the vigils did not discover that they had quietly burrowed into the dense forest by the road with an iron branch staff, and there was a looming fire in the distance. He walked through the bushes to a valley, saw a bush burning in the flames, and took a closer look, but the trees were intact in the firelight, and two people stood on the open ground. He quickly knelt down and saluted: "The angel of the gods, Moses was called."

One of the ambassadors said, "Moses, something new is happening now. Pharaoh Ecuador will not let you leave. Once you stay, you may never have a chance to return to your hometown. Do you choose to return or choose to move on?"

Moses replied, "If the gods can guide the way, of course I choose to move on and return home."

Another emissary asked: "This road is extremely difficult. Leading so many people will be more difficult. You have a chance to go by yourself, and the gods allow you to make choices."

Moses pursed his lips and said, "No, I would have left if I wanted to leave alone! The **** told me to guide the people back to their homeland, and even if I did everything I could, I could n’t even get on the land of Duke, and I needed help. My people fulfill their wishes. "

The messenger nodded: "Very well, you did not let the gods down! Give me your cane and let me teach you how to do it."

Moses gave the staff of the iron branch to the ambassador, and Link turned around and took out the enchanted dance of wind in it, replacing it with the one used to create a space weapon. Then he turned back and handed the cane to Moses, "I teach you how to use it. You can rely on this cane to move on. The angel of the gods will guide the way forward and erase the traces you pass behind."


Moses stayed in the woods for most of the night, and he hurried back at dawn. He summoned everyone at dawn and said, "Last night, the gods summoned me. Tell us we can't go back to Amon's territory, otherwise we will always Without a chance to return home, from today we will walk in the mountains and mountains, avoid all the levels and tracking, and walk home with both feet. The gods are watching us and will guide the way. "

Worried tribe people were surprised when they heard what they said. Wanting to avoid official roads and walk in the wilderness, lost the convoy and supplies, how can he cross the thousands of miles of desert and swamps? Doing so is tantamount to becoming a fugitive slave, and is to be hunted down in Egypt. I do n’t know how much danger it will face, which is almost an impossible task.

Moses waited for everyone to talk, and then asked: "The gods are testing our faith. Whoever wants to be slaves of the eternal age, to build the temple and the tomb, can go back now. People, who of you are willing to step on The way home, follow me into the mountains? "

The twelve power tribe stood out: "We are willing to go down this path, and the gods have given strength and given light guidance."

Moses nodded comfortingly: "The gods have given you a title called Judges. From today, you are the twelve judges of the Duke people. When you lead the people, they will offer sacrifices to the gods and strengthen the power you yearn for . "

Another came forward and asked, "But the gods have not given us strength. Moses, can you guarantee that the gods will always protect us and return to our homes?"

Moses held his cane and said, "No one can guarantee in the name of the gods! This is just the god's promise to our people, providing that selfless guidance and help. The strength belongs to you, the faith makes you stronger, hope in your heart, The way is at your feet. "

In the end, all the people followed Moses to abandon the carriage and entered the dense forest in the mountains. Although some people hesitated in their hearts, a large number of people made such choices, and they did not dare to go back alone. Moses walked through the valley where he met God's Angel yesterday, through the bush that had been burning with fire, and entered a sheep intestine in the mountains on the east bank of the Roni River.

He didn't know that the valley was the place where Amon had been hunted down, and the way God had guided them was the way Amon had escaped from hunting in the wilderness to Monfis. Now Amon lets his people leave along this road. Only some places need to bypass the city states and towns. Most of the other sections are passed by Amon himself, which can avoid the crowds and the garrison troops in each city state. patrol.

The car was abandoned by the road, but the tribe still took the horse and the donkey away. These animals have grass on the road and can be killed for food when necessary, because they have little chance to go to the town to buy supplies. Most of the more than sixty people were young and strong miners. They unloaded the materials from the cart as much as possible, let the animals carry or carry them on their backs, and walked through the wilderness trails.

If you walk like this, it will affect the speed, but Moses didn't stop the people from carrying animals and supplies in his eyes. After all, no one could go this long empty-handed. Although the **** gave him a magical cane, he had previously commanded that it would be best if he could not use it.

The Twelve Judges were the most staunch supporters of returning home. Their names were Othniel, Ehud, Sangha, Deborah, Gideon, Torah, Tatar, Jephthah, Ibizan, Elon, Abdon, Samson. Moses' servant Joshua asked on the road: "Our journey has become a fugitive slave. We cannot buy things in the town. We can only rely on what we bring with us, not to mention the need to cross the desert. Do we need a unified plan? ? "

Moses nodded: "Then you will be responsible for the registration, unified management and distribution of the supplies. If the food we carry is used sparingly and there is no delay on the road, it should be just enough, just bring enough drinking water before entering the desert. "

Joshua was ordered to count the animals and food carried by the tribe, calculated the quantity to be consumed every day, and distributed it regularly and quantitatively. There are not many mountains and hills around the Helio city-state, but there are rolling wild forests far from the Roni Valley. As long as you avoid inhabited villages and towns, few people will find them.

Mei Danzuo was driving the crystal shuttle in front of him, and Link was quietly behind the team, holding his goggles and the passing lamp, erasing the traces of the crowd. Link was born of the patriarch of cave savages. Since childhood, he has been good at walking through the mountains and tracking prey. Naturally, this is the best thing to do.


John returned to the territory to report to Amon that people such as Moses had abandoned the carriage and detoured along the path. Amon nodded and said hard, then instructed John to continue to inspect the territory every day as usual.

It is said that Amon no longer needs to be trapped in Eju, he can leave at any time, but has remained in the territory, is an imperial general obeying the law and being honest. Instead, Schrödinger couldn't hold his breath first, and rushed to ask Amon: "Why don't you go? Whether you return to the Duke Plain or **** Moses in secret, it is better than staying here! You also want to stay in the Empire of Egypt Are you promoted? "

Amon smiled bitterly: "You know why I don't leave, why do you intentionally come to tease me?"

The cat bulged her cheeks: "Is it because of her? You can't rest assured of her, but you don't want to think it might be difficult to protect yourself." What she meant by "she" is obviously the guardian Virgin Mary of the Temple of Isis.

Amon nodded and said, "Yes, of course because of her. According to you, the goddess Isis is long gone. Finally, today's change happened, and Horus lost the main deity of the Nine Union. Then Isis The status of the temple will probably be shaken. "

The cat smiled: "You are already a general of the empire. Wouldn't you see the problem so simple? Issis guarding the maiden is just a symbol. If you always want to worship the new empire king, you must also consider the people's Belief and habits. Despite the decline of the status of the Temple of Isis, why are you worried about Maria? Do you think that Maria has nothing but the identity of the patron saint of Isis? "

Schrödinger is very reasonable. The patron saint of the temple of Isis is a symbol of the divine rule of the empire. The main temples of the city-states in Ecuador are the temples of Horus, and the main temple of Memphis is the temple of Isis. And it has become the center of theocratic power for the whole Lower Aju, for a complicated reason.

On the one hand, of course, it is because of the unique status of the goddess Isis, which is related to the divine realm. On the other hand, it is because the main land of Eju is divided into two prosperous areas: upper and lower Eju. There must be a center symbolizing divine power and royal rule in Xia'aiju. The existence of Isis's guardian goddess has a dual background of history and reality.

Even if the new Pharaoh wanted to believe in the new empire god, he still needed to consolidate the rule of Ego, the status of the goddess Isis might weaken, but Maria's prestige in Ego was already stable. If she can adapt to the situation and know how to cooperate, she will not have difficulty coping with the new changes. Amon even thought that Maria had the talent of the prince of the empire. Even if she was not the prince of Isis, she was fully qualified and capable of becoming the new high priest.

But Amon was still worried. What was he worried about? Thinking about this in his heart, he said to Schrödinger: "It's because of her, but not entirely because of her. I want to stay here and watch the changes. It's good for Moses and they can at least learn the latest laws and regulations in time to use my identity Provide protection. Another reason, of course, is because of you. "

Schrödinger crooked his head and said, "And me?"
