Plague Doctor

Chapter 644: Invisible clues

"I really do n’t know, I really do n’t know ... I have n’t seen her, nor have I heard of it. She just eats, sleeps, and sits and reads books. The people who supervise your team can testify. I did n’t lie. Ah ... I am the deputy minister of the Ministry of Zu, and I have made great achievements. I have not betrayed ... "

In the study room of the main house of the food hall, Zugiri was patting the floor, and he accepted the questioning of Li Zhenjing and Zhang Jingjing with a snot and tears.

People from the Special Operations Department searched around. First, the food hall, and then the main house of the hall, were dug three feet, and various things were taken away one by one. Geely's eyes felt painful in his eyes, as if any tall building collapsed and broke up.

Lou Xiaoning, Uncle Egg and several newcomers have all been detained and closed, and the headquarters will also add formal punishment because of their open resistance.

Tong Ye hasn't returned from the headquarters yet. I don't know if it's going around there or it has been locked up.

The base here continues to be preoccupied with Dr. Shen's grief, and is constrained everywhere.

But Geely knew that although everyone was surprised and difficult, she was very relieved that she ran away, which may be the best result of the current situation.

Zug is a well-informed species. Geely also knew that Wu Shiyu ran away and immediately went to see her parents, so they don't have to worry. Although Wu Shiyu's parents were also being supervised recently, the incident happened too quickly, and the supervising personnel had not yet known what happened, and she even ran away with the sofa.

Wu Shiyu seemed to have mastered the technique of instantaneous movement, or curse, but the old Yinwang was totally unresponsive.

The so-called "momentary movement" has always been a major research field of parapsychology, but it has always existed only in imagination and theory.

Even a well-informed big tourist like Geely doesn't know exactly which place or race in the fantasy world has such a skill.

So it really didn't know, it didn't lie.

"Then have you heard any suspicious words from her?" Li Zhenjing asked again, frowning frowns.

"What is suspicious?" Geely really can't distinguish it. It is well known that Xian Yu's speech is different from ordinary people. Even if it is not a human, she often feels that her mind is unpredictable. Geely asked: "Just this morning, she said she was going to play bungee jumping on her 100th birthday, is that what counts?"

Li Zhenjing was silent, and Zhang Jingjing said to Geely: "After searching here, we will give you a detailed review. You remember to say everything she said."

"No problem, no problem." Geely patted his chest and promised to come down, actually wondering how to escape ...

It's just that it's not anymore than it used to be. A lot of supervision is trapping it like a rat cage. It's not easy to escape.

Geely thought about it, he couldn't help but slander: Xian Yu, you are really not a friend, why didn't you bring me? Is it important that I do n’t have a sofa yet?

At the same time, Li Zhenjing watched the study room being moved more and more empty, and the colleagues who were busy still didn't find out particularly that his face became more and more dignified.

As a result of the search, no clues were visible.

He was very shocked and angry at Wu Shiyu's escape.

If she is really a mutiny, and she possesses such an instantaneous movement ability beyond human's current scientific level, wherever she thinks, she can do too much, which means she has It is an extremely dangerous character, a potential time bomb.

Such consideration must be made above: If Wu Shiyu wants to assassinate a high-level executive, how can he guard against it?

As a result of this situation, the Special Operations Department had an inescapable responsibility, and she came and went as freely as they were, twice.

No one knows where Wu Shiyu went now. Did you go to the mystery world? After the accident, the celestial bureau immediately notified the mystery bureau and asked for cooperation in prevention and arrest. The reply of the mystery bureau was not found for the time being.

"Geely, do you think it's possible that Wu Shiyu went to the fantasy world?" Li Zhenjing asked again.

He and Zhang Jingjing have not been to the Dreamland and Usa Town. It is known from the information that there are many cats in Usa Town, not ordinary cats. The cat family there has great power.

This is not a formal review of Geely, but they also pay close attention to its reaction.

"I don't know." Geely said in sign language, "If she went to Uzza Town, you can't control it. Uzza Town is the territory of cats."

This sentence is a bit harsh, but both Li Zhenjing and Zhang Jingjing know that this is a fact, and the Tianji Bureau cannot manage Wusa Town.

Moreover, if the relationship with the Usa cat clan is not handled well, there is no alliance with Zug.

What does Wu Shiyu mean by "cat power"?

This issue is before the Special Operations Department.

Because Li Zhenjing was originally a senior member of the Curse Department, he is now directly responsible for the pursuit of Wu Shiyu, so he knows more.

There are many opinions on it, and there is doubt whether Wu Shiyu is talking nonsense. In fact, it is the power of black goats; Even later, he became a cat, which seemed to be inseparable from the power of Naiaratopip.

However, the "cat", according to the information currently available in the celestial bureau, may be related to the cat **** "bast" in ancient Egyptian mythology.

Gu Jun and Yu Chi used to study ancient Egyptian mythology.

If Apepu corresponds to Naiaratotip and Amon corresponds to a black goat, then cat **** Bast may also exist in a certain form.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the cat **** Bast represents guardianship, family, warmth and joy. Together with some other lion goddesses, it is called "EyeofRa", which is the subordinate of the sun **** Amunra. As a result, Buster ’s enemies are also Apep, the snake of chaos, and the legend that the male cat stood in front of the holy tree and killed Apep with a knife.

If Buster ’s power is subordinate to the black goat, then Wu Shiyu may have acquired this ability by contacting the power of the black goat.

But for Mobei, Wu Shiyu was chosen by Nayarathotip to be his believer.

This is a contradictory situation, and perhaps it is not a contradiction. Just because Wu Shiyu was favored by Buster, did Naiaratopip want to recruit her?

All sorts of chaotic speculations turned in Li Zhenjing's mind, and he couldn't really ask anything about Geely's cross-examination. Zhang Jingjing nodded silently, saying that it did not lie. As far as the supervision team had recently witnessed, Wu Shiyu did not have any abnormal behavior. He was there every day, and all he watched was Kei Higashino.

She had to say something unusual, sometimes she would turn the book very quickly, not reading, but in a daze.

why? why?

Li Zhenjing really couldn't understand, she didn't take away those books, some were on the shelf, some were on the table, and the one she looked at had fallen.

As he thought about it, he took a short collection and looked through it, because he didn't see anything special, he turned it faster and faster, and then quickly passed it.

After reading the text on the pages of the book in such a mess, Li Zhenjing couldn't remember anything in his mind, and he didn't read it at all. But parapsychology also has such a field, thinking that in this way, the brain still receives information, and training can read it quickly. Research in this area has also been used by some gods to gather money in the private sector.

He can't see clearly, and no one can see clearly ...

It's just, if you don't need to see it at all?

Wu Shiyu has synesthesia.

Suddenly Li Zhenjing was shocked, and a slight light showed a possibility, muttering: "She finished the research in her mind ..."

Look around the study ~ ~ and other places in the whole room, there is nothing to draw or write about, or to do anything.

But what if they are all there, but they can't see them?

Even Gu Jun could not see what Wu Shiyu saw, only she could see it, because that was her sympathy. This is not a secret in the spell department.

"Wu Shiyu doesn't need to write down or draw, she can do it all by imagination ... these will give her inspiration and sympathy ..."

Li Zhenjing expressed his thoughts dullly. As soon as Zhang Jingjing heard the words, she felt panicky and cold. They did n’t have synesthesia. Moreover, the synesthesia was different from person to person. Even if you look for a few patients with synesthesia to read these books, It is clear what Wu Shiyu felt and imagined.

These are clues, but they have no chance to clarify her research.

What a ... monster ...

But is there such a monster in the Special Operations Department?