Plane Development Plan

Chapter 1503: unconditioned reflex

When Xiao Jiang hung up the phone, Gan Mingming asked with a smile:

"Your class teacher's phone number?"

"Well, let me go to the party on time. After all, I'm also her top disciple this year. She doesn't want me to lose face."

The two chatted all the way to the gate of the school, three men and one woman came towards them, saw Gan Mingming, the girl among them happily ran over and pulled Gan Mingming and shouted:

"Mingming, you are really on time, how did you do in the test? I took the test 673, which is a few points less than the estimated score, how about you?"

Gan Mingming smiled and said:

"Seventy-five, it's the same as the estimate, but someone in our school took the test higher than me this year. I asked the teacher who didn't say who it was or how many points the other party got in the test. It made me anxious."

The girl exclaimed:

"Wow... There are people who are so tall than you? But it seems that you chose which school to go to. Hey, who is this? I haven't seen it before."

Xiao Jiang smiled awkwardly. This girl had actually met Xiao Jiang several times, all during the student council affairs, but Xiao Jiang was not on the same level as them, so she would not pay attention at all.

Gan Mingming said with a smile:

"Ma Jiao, this is Xiao Jiang, who is also a classmate this year. He is my friend. I just had dinner with him. He sent me to school first."

Ma Jiao said suddenly:

"Xiao Jiang... oh oh, remember, we organized an event together, am I right, Boss Zhang Yuan?"

Behind Ma Jiao is Zhang Yuan and another top ten classmate, Han Qianyue. Before Zhang Yuan graduated, he was the boss of the student union. Before Xiao Jiang didn't know why he got into this position so early, Xiao Jiang was only after he had nothing to do. Know that the other party has a history.

Zhang Yuan felt uncomfortable when he saw Xiao Jiang and Gan Mingming all the way. When Gan Mingming said that the two would have dinner together, and Xiao Jiang sent her to school first, he couldn't help feeling jealous, but he was not easy to pick in front of everyone. Yes, he nodded and said:

"Yeah, but we still have things to do, everyone hurry up and help arrange the party, not to mention we have to prepare speeches, I did well in the test this time, although not as good as you, anyway, I took the six hundred and sixty-six test, this time also Gotta give a speech.

Xiao Jiang probably has something to do, so let's not disturb him. He is also a representative of their class, and he has to speak at night. "

Zhang Yuan's tone had a hint of complacency and arrogance. This time, his grades were better than before, and his position in the top ten of them rose a little bit, so he felt more confident.

Xiao Jiang had no feeling for Zhang Yuan's tone, not to mention that he was about to recover completely, even if he couldn't recover, Zhang Yuan's so-called arrogance was not worth mentioning in front of him.

Xiao Jiang said to Gan Mingming:

"Gan Mingming, go do your work first, I'll take a walk on the street, see you in the evening."

Gan Mingming is a smart person. She can hear the potential meaning of everyone's conversations. She feels disdain for people like Zhang Yuan. She said with a smile:

"Alright, by the way, I'll invite you to dinner at noon tomorrow. My mother's craftsmanship is very good. It's definitely better than the dry pot fat sausage you invited me to eat."

Xiao Jiang nodded and said:

"Well, auntie's craftsmanship is so good? I have to give it a try, okay, see you tonight."

Zhang Yuan clearly showed a trace of hatred in his eyes, but he still resisted walking into the school gate with others. Xiao Jiang touched his forehead and smiled and walked to the square opposite the school gate. When he got to the square, he found a seat and sat down and took out a cigarette. He muttered to himself:

"The emotional world of a little brat is so complicated, with deep scheming, vengeance, and calculation.

Gan Mingming is free and easy, natural and intelligent, but also has an unusual ability to see people. The competition of intelligent life exists from birth. Various characters are not necessarily cultivated. The innate character is destined for future development, but the cultivation can change it. something innate.

Human nature... The nature of the unconditional reflex of life has nothing to do with good or evil, jealousy or good or bad. All the thousands of different human natures are in the final analysis a kind of latent self-reflection. What about abandoning the incompleteness of human nature and retaining human nature? "

The smoke at the corner of Xiao Jiang's mouth was slowly burning out, just as a child came over with a ball kicking, and the child kicked the ball and smashed it on the head of an old man who was exercising next to him.

The old man fell from the equipment, and when the person next to him helped the old man up, the child actually giggled.

The old man covered his head and stared at the child and shouted:

"Little brat, you still laugh when you kick someone, how did your parents teach you?"

At this moment, an old woman with a face full of flesh came over and shouted:

"What are you yelling, didn't you see my little treasure is still a child? You are not hurt and screaming. You seem to scare my little treasure."

The old man said angrily:

"What kid, you see he's still laughing, are you pampering children like this?"

The old woman stood on her hips in front of the child and cried:

"What's the matter? It's impossible to deceive people, you old man who wants to bully us has no door..."

What a familiar scene, Xiao Jiang took off the cigarette **** and looked at the child who was still laughing after the trouble, then at the fierce old woman who protected her shortcoming, then turned to look at the angry old man and the passerby with hated eyes.

When confronted with such arrogant and unreasonable parents and naughty and mischievous children, who can't be beaten and can't beat the shrew, they may not be able to scold the shrew. This kind of thing is usually a loss.

Xiao Jiang touched the center of his eyebrows, his finger suddenly flicked, and the old man who was hit by the ball suddenly twitched and foamed at the mouth, rolled his eyes and collapsed to the the friend of the old man next to him He immediately hugged the old man and shouted:

"It's not good, hurry up and call the doctor, everyone can help us watch over this woman and that child, we can't let them run away."

Originally, the old woman who saw the old man collapsed was pulling the child and was about to run away, but the people around would let her run away, and a group of people blocked her and the child and were not allowed to leave.

When the old woman saw that she was in trouble, she simply rolled over and lay on the ground and began to cry and make trouble. Xiao Jiang quietly watched the old woman's performance and the child's still innocent and stupid smile and sighed in his heart:

"This is also a kind of human nature. As the old saying goes, if the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, this child is not bad at all. With this kind of elder training, the result will become a disaster.

Good and evil, conscience, reflection of nature, despicable and noble, all distinctions depend on the constitution of human nature, human nature, everything can be found in mortals... Maybe this is the reason why I am here, looking at thousands of different human natures, to keep ego.

I do not do great evil for great good, I am greedy but restrained, evil but not poisonous, I choose the basic principle of being a human being, control my human nature without being distorted, and be myself, maybe it is my own detachment. "

In the sound of emotion, both the police and the doctor have already arrived at the scene. Many people directly took out the video taken by their mobile phones to testify for the old man. After the doctor took the old man away, the old woman did not dare to continue to be rampant in front of the police, although she was still resisting. Xiao Jiang didn't want to know what the ending was, because the old man was actually in good health, and it was just Xiao Jiang's intentional act of comatose and foaming.

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