Plane Development Plan

Chapter 1869: helpless reconstruction

Latest URL: For the classes in the classroom and the so-called teachers and classmates, not to mention the current Xiao Jiang, even the original self has no feelings, he naturally doesn’t pay attention, only the parents who run a pig farm at home may be Jiang Xiao The only thing he cares about is the integration of this self, and Xiao Jiang naturally takes over this karma. As for other people, they are nothing to him.

With the ability of the Red Queen, if the global network is not too bad, it will only take a few seconds to query the information of this low-end plane, but no matter how powerful she is now, the network can only be as soon as possible.

After more than ten minutes passed, the Red Queen said while sorting out the information:

"Sir, after a basic comparison, the development of the main body of this world is exactly the same as your main world, but according to a lot of information comparison, there are warriors and supernatural beings in this world, and there is no data on the Internet about their specific strength."

Xiao Jiang smiled and said:

"Warrior... superhuman... I see. Since it is the same as the main world, it doesn't mean that the lottery lottery numbers are also the same. Hehe... Get some money in a few days, I don't have much rice on me."

Think of him as a super strong man who was already indifferent to money, but now he has to work hard for money again. This is the reality. At what level he makes decisions. When he is a strong man, he treats billions of wealth as air, and as a weak , but must rely on money to survive.

At this time, Xiao Jiang's soul has merged with his body. While thinking, he runs the most basic exercises to extract a faint fairy spirit. This body is just an ordinary person, and the meridians are blocked. Qi, then he can physically collapse and go directly to the underworld.

Fortunately, Xiao Jiang has learned a lot of kung fu. He has learned a lot of low-level martial arts since the beginning of Luding World, but this time he directly chose to practice the power of Beiming, the initial form of this top-level kung fu he recreated.

Possessing a powerful soul and consciousness, coupled with previous cultivation experience, even though his physical body is poor, he still appears very calm. Standing at the door of the classroom, he has dredged two meridians and formed a meridian in his dantian in just ten minutes. An extremely pure northern spirit.

Although he was practicing again, he was using fairy energy. Even if he had just started to practice, the low-level energy formed in his dantian was not such low-level energy as internal force, true energy, and true essence.

"Hey, interesting, it's neither true essence nor immortal power. Although this Beiming Qi is not as powerful as Xianli, it seems to be more suitable for Beiming's cultivation method."

Xiao Jiang discovered this situation when the first meridian was penetrated and the celestial power was transformed into the Qi of the Northern Darkness. Seeing that it was time to end the class, he stopped and pondered for a while. He guessed that the Qi of the Northern Darkness might be stronger than In the past, the power of Beiming was stronger, but now his spiritual consciousness has become extremely weak with the weakening of his physical body, and he can't study anything for a while.

As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the teacher came out of the classroom, glanced at him and turned to leave. For poor students like Xiao Jiang, if they didn't disturb others during class, these teachers would not care about them.

Looking at the helplessness in the teacher's eyes, Xiao Jiang touched his chin and whispered:

"The 15-day college entrance examination? The knowledge is still in my memory. The ethereal power has evolved all the knowledge I learned at the beginning to advanced civilization knowledge. Well, since I have to spend a few more years, then If I have nothing to do, I can just learn from those pretending to be a college bully."

"Sir, all networks in the world have been controlled, is there anything else to investigate?"

Xiao Jiang strolled back to his previous seat, looked at the messy desk and books, picked them up and casually flipped through them and said:

"Buy a lottery ticket after the holiday, get some money first, and then go get some jade. The vitality in this world is too low. I have to build a large-scale spirit gathering array. Otherwise, I will spend a lot of money just relying on extracting the fairy power in the soul." more time.

Being blown into this world by a space blast, almost everything before was destroyed. Even if my cultivation speed is sky-high, it will not be possible to restore my previous cultivation level in a short period of time. "

Xiao Jiang felt a little helpless, the system was gone, his previous cultivation was gone, and the huge treasure stored in the space was gone. If the system space and his soul space could still be sensed, then he believed that he would be able to do so within a hundred years at the most. Can restore the previous cultivation base.

Because only the soul is left, he doesn't know whether his soul space still exists. As for the system has collapsed, it is very likely that the original space of the system has also disappeared.

"Hey... I'll be safe if I come, maybe I still have a chance to go back. As long as my space ability is awakened and my cultivation is restored, I can locate all the worlds I have traveled through."

Xiao Jiang shook his head. It is a blessing for him to be able to leave a chance this time. Compared with other things, it is much better. At least his powerful soul is still full of fairy power. If he is completely ordinary People, if you want to become a fairy and ascend in this low-level plane, then don't even think about it.

As a poor student sitting in the corner of the last row, no one would care about Xiao Jiang as long as he didn't make a fuss in class. He closed his eyes silently and continued to draw a trace of fairy power into the Qi of Northern Darkness to open up the blocked meridians.

The power of Beiming he is practicing now is not the power of Beiming. After continuous integration and perfection of ethereal power, his practice has reached the evaluation of the peak of the **** level in the system, and the peak of the **** level can be cultivated to the level of the **** of chaos. Or at the primary saint level of the avenue.

Unlike other god-level exercises that need to reach a certain level before they can be practiced, the power of Beiming evolved according to the divine art of Beiming, and it can be practiced by ordinary people. Compared with other martial arts exercises, it is more suitable for Xiao Jiang now.

In a flash, it was dinner time, UU reading Xiao Jiang had already opened up the Twelve Classical Meridians. As for the Ren Meridian and the Governor Meridian, he would need at least three days to get through. Expand the dantian of the meridians and acupoints to accommodate more Qi of the Northern Darkness.

Although this physical body is as bad as the original one, Xiao Jiang doesn't care too much, as long as he can summon the Heavenly Emperor's Sacred Armor from his soul, then the powerful blood power that he has fused into it over the years can raise this physical body back.

According to Xiao Jiang's estimation, it will take at least half a month for him to cultivate to the Xiantian realm, that is, he just finished the college entrance examination, and this time he decided to still cultivate his energy, spirit and body in an all-round way. He didn't have so many good things at the beginning of his cultivation last time , so at the beginning, the cultivation of the spiritual body fell far behind the practice of Qi.

Because of thinking about things, Xiao Jiang just stared blankly at the front after eating a few mouthfuls, and he didn't pay attention to who was sitting opposite, maybe he didn't look at it carefully except Fatty Zhuang since he woke up. who.

"What are you looking at, kid? Maybe you miss our school belle."

1 second to remember the fantasy house: