Plane Development Plan

Chapter 225: die inexplicably

"General, the population of planet 4075 is now 110 million, and the population of 4076 is 20 million. The defense fleet has only 16 battleships, 32 rush ships, and 100 transport ships. Maintain normal trade with major forces and factories. The operation is normal, because our products are rich in technology, leading and reliable in quality, businessmen from all major forces come to us to purchase."

Starship Troopers World, in Xiao Jiang's headquarters, a senior executive is reporting that Xiao Jiang took Tia and Ais away last time, and it has only been half a month since now, and every time he leaves, After making the arrangements, it is enough to use the excuse of retreating to practice. As for whether or not he is afraid of some disturbances, Xiao Jiang really doesn't care. It's just that he has a base here, and it's a dispensable kind.

The main purpose of this visit is to produce Leviathan weapons and armor. Other systems have already been completed and are not afraid of leakage. He looked at the system records here and nodded and said:

"Continue to execute according to the plan. Both industrial agriculture and commerce must have military protection. We only have two human planets, and there are Zerg threats outside. If we want to be stable, we must strengthen military development.

By the way, I saw that the far space exploration department found a flying object approaching, let them be careful not to let the Zerg asteroid reach our area. "


After the commander left, Xiao Jiang changed into the military uniform here. After all, he is the highest authority here. If he has nothing to do, the military and civilians will feel more at ease.

Just after changing into the military uniform, the communicator beeped beepingly, Xiao Jiang flicked the communicator with his finger to spread the voice of the commander's correspondent and said:

"General, we captured an escape capsule in six million kilometers of space, and the spacecraft commander said that the people inside are extremely important and need to be dealt with by the general."

Xiao Jiang said:

"Send it to my research institute. Since it's confidential, I'll issue a sealing order... That's it... Can you guess who is so important, Xiao Hong?"

Xiaohong replied after half a second:

"Snape, no one else deserves to shut down the news."

Xiao Jiang laughed. In the whole galaxy world, Xiao Jiang really doesn't care, but if the spaceship caught Snape, he really couldn't leak the news, because she was the fuse that split the federation, no matter what force it was. Catch her, this **** is not going to end well.

Half an hour later, a five-meter-long escape pod was sent to the warehouse of the research institute. Xiao Jiang alone looked at the beautiful woman sleeping in the glass window. Who would have thought that this was a woman with an extreme desire for power.


The escape hatch was opened, and Snape, who was in a dormant state, was awakened by the system. Her eyelashes flicked for a while, and then she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing Xiao Jiang's face, she woke up after a while, and the corners of her mouth slowly turned. He raised his voice softly and said:

"General Xiao, I haven't seen you for a long time. It is said that your fleet is developing well. I came to join you on purpose."

It is worthy of being a scourge. Under such circumstances, acting soon began. Xiao Jiang raised her chin and said:

"Marshal Snape is still so charming, and there is still no truth in his little mouth. Now the federation is divided into different ways. I wonder what the marshal's opinion is?"

Snape said softly:

"Why should the general laugh at others, I just made a small mistake. Compared with the previous federal marshal who killed tens of millions of troops in order to maintain the military's rights, what I did was just a small thing. This time I intend to expose the shady history of the previous federal government. , and then forced to leave, why doesn't the general want to let all the people know about these things?"

Xiao Jiang certainly understands these things. In order to gain power, the Federal Command has not attacked the Zerg in an all-round way. Instead, they have used the Zerg’s existence to coerce the enemy and deceive the people. Over the years, the wars can be solved by bombing, and they all send infantry. Consumption, tens of millions of motorized infantry have died over the years, the purpose is to let the people support the high command, so that the high command can always control the people.

Snape has already exposed a lot last time. If it continues to be exposed, the internal contradictions of the major forces will become larger and larger.

Snape's careful thought was deep enough, but she met a Xiao Jiang who didn't care about anything. Xiao Jiang poked his finger, and Snape felt a pain in his heart. She slowly lowered her head and looked, Xiao Jiang's finger was already there. into the heart.

"Why...I'm a can play with me...for nothing...don't...are you stupid...stupid?"

Snape's words before his death were full of disbelief. She didn't believe that she was killed without warning. As a beautiful woman, she was a beauty who was once the first person in the Federation. , men want to conquer her as the pinnacle of life.

But Xiao Jiang's finger did not touch but pierced her heart. The pain gradually turned into convulsions and cold, making everything dark. Snape fell into the final darkness, and finally this scourge became a corpse and was thrown by Xiao Jiang. into ashes in an incinerator.

Xiao Jiang looked at his fingers and said in a low voice:

"She doesn't exist, and she hasn't died. It is a potential pressure for the major forces. It is very important to ensure the current balance, but the most important thing for us is to quickly produce armor and weapon systems, so we can go back and continue to choose. intervening world."

Killing without blinking an eye, Xiao Jiang has been able to do it. Before, let alone let him kill, he would be disgusted for several days when he saw a car accident, but now a peerless beauty was killed by him, and he didn't feel anything.

When people are exposed to more things, they will definitely have a change in mentality. When Xiao Jiang killed zombies in the biochemical world and practiced courage, that is to cultivate a heart of stone, especially when facing the enemy, absolute rationality and calm mentality can make the most The right choice to kill Snape means that she can't make waves and not reveal the news of her death. It is to use the secrets she holds to balance the major forces, otherwise there will be chaos.

What Xiao Jiang cares about most is his own Leviathan battleship. As long as the world is not in chaos, it will not affect his arrangements.

After dealing with Snape, Xiao Jiang inspected the two planets and the fleet base, and then stayed on Planet 4075 and rarely went out.

After two months, the entire Leviathan weapon and armor system was completed, and Xiaohong installed these things on the Leviathan.

After everything was completed, Xiao Jiang secretly drove the spaceship out of the Milky Way, and tested the Leviathan battleship in the void between the galaxies. This thing is more than a thousand times more flexible than ordinary battleships, especially the controllable torso changes. Guaranteed to let the opponent be scared to death by surprise when attacking and defending.

Inside the bridge of the Leviathan battleship, Xiao Hong said after Xiao Jiang left the Leviathan observation perspective:

"Master, Leviathan will continue to grow after absorbing energy. With our current design, after the armor is extended to 2,500 meters, it has to be equipped with armor, and the main gun has to be replaced, and the secondary gun has to be increased. "