Plane Development Plan

Chapter 510: under the hive

Entering the poplar forest near the mansion, Xiao Jiang found a tree and sat on the ground against the trunk. He looked up at the white clouds fluttering in the sky and muttered:

"It's really boring to be alone. If there is someone to chat with, this time will be much easier. Before, I could chat with Ah Qing, but now I'm here alone, and I can only stare and waste time."

Travelers are very lonely at the beginning. They can't talk to anyone about their identity, and they don't have any acquaintances and friends. If you want to get along well, you have to hide yourself well, otherwise you will be in bad luck.

Xiao Jiang is very boring now. It is already afternoon, but there are still two or three hours before the plot starts. He is not a lurking agent, nor is he a sniper who engages in assassination. It is natural for him to be bored here alone. It will feel very lonely.

Time passed slowly in boredom. Xiao Jiang kept staring at the sky. Suddenly, a clattering sound came from behind the woods. Along with a piercing bird call and the sound of flapping wings, a black flock of birds came from behind. It flew above, and then there was a rumbling sound of a helicopter approaching. Xiao Jiang leaned behind the tree and looked out. A helicopter swept through the woods and hovered outside the mansion. As soon as the hatch opened, a few ropes fell, and after a few seconds A group of people descended to the gate.

When the helicopter turned around and left, this group of people had already begun to vigilantly attack the mansion. After a while of shouting and loud noises, the mansion became quiet again. Xiao Jiang checked his mobile phone. He had already checked the time on the electronic clock in the mansion. It was already seven o'clock in the afternoon, and it was still dark in this North American area. He listened quietly for a while, and made sure that the mansion had completely stopped moving. Then he took out a pistol he got and put it on his waist and slowly touched the door. place.

He probed his head for a while, and was about to enter the secret door that had been opened when Xiao Jiang suddenly saw the camera in the hall turning towards him. His existence has been locked, and she can also detect the gun that is also pinned to her waist.

"No matter how good you are, I must get it, otherwise my trip will be in vain."

Xiao Jiang murmured in his heart, but he didn't care that he was detected and rushed into the underground passage illuminated by emergency lights. After walking only a dozen meters, the underground space suddenly widened, and a spacious tram platform appeared in his eyes. The tram had already left, and the only thing that could be seen in the dim light was the sunken tramway.


Xiao Jiang jumped into the passage and was about to follow the track towards the hive when suddenly a screeching sound came from behind him. The red-eyed rat, the size of a cat, was staring at him and drooling. When his flashlight shone on the red eyes of the rat, the guy opened his mouth to reveal a festering gum, and jumped up with a whistle.

In exchange for Xiao Jiang when he didn't learn swordsmanship, he had to dodge even if he wasn't afraid, but he was no longer who he was. The bamboo stick pierced through the mouse's mouth and got out of the back of the head.

This is a zombie mouse. If bitten, it will definitely be infected with the T virus. At this time, there are many zombie dogs infected with the T virus in the entire underground hive facility. There are also specialized biological weapons. The lickers of virus-infected products will be infected as long as they are bitten or caught.

Soon the t virus will spread through the air on a large scale, spreading the virus in the entire raccoon city on the hive, and eventually causing the destruction of a city, so this virus is very contagious.

But Xiao Jiang is not afraid of airborne infection. He already has inner qi and his body is very strong. Of course, this does not mean that he will not be infected, but he also knows one thing that can make him not worry in the short term. Infection, that is, a portable low temperature box in the tram car, which has T virus and virus serum, which has a cleaning effect on the initial virus.

Using a bamboo stick to kill a zombie rat instead of taking out the Yu Sui sword is unnecessary. Yu Sui sword is extremely sharp, and it is a waste to use a bull's knife to kill a zombie mouse, that is, to kill a chicken, not to mention that he intends to keep some trump cards.

The zombie rat's body twisted for a while and slowly slid from the bamboo stick to the ground. Xiao Jiang's hand shook slightly, and the sticky blood on the bamboo stick was shaken to the ground. go.

Half an hour later, Xiao Jiang came to the end, because there was a tram parked on the platform in front of him. He observed it and turned it out of the aisle, and when he got to the door, he observed it again, and then walked into the car. He found a suitcase locked with a password inside, opened the box according to the password familiarly, and made sure that there were virus test tubes and serum inside. He smiled and put away the box and walked to a nearby monitoring room, closing the door outside just now. , After only hearing a bang, the lights inside and outside the monitoring room turned on.

Originally, there were only dim yellow emergency lights in this place. The light suddenly made the surroundings look like daytime. It is said that people in the dark will feel relaxed when they see the light. He stared at the closed door opposite him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Behind the door, there was a sound of clattering after another. Xiao Jiang tightly held the bamboo stick in his handshake and moved to the front of the He slowly turned the door handle, and as the door closed It opened with a creaking sound, and in a roar, a face with rotting skin, gray white eyes, black gums and black teeth showing fangs appeared in the line of sight. This was a standard zombie face, and I felt the breath of Xiao Jiang, a living person, and the big mouth of a zombie. Open it and bite down with the probe.


The bamboo stick seemed to appear in front of the zombie's mouth in advance, the zombie rushed down, and the bamboo stick pierced through his mouth, only to hear a squeak, Xiao Jiang pulled out the bamboo stick and avoided the side of the body, and the zombie threw himself on the ground. He twitched and died.

Xiao Jiang still stared at the door, because the door had been completely opened after the zombies fell. Under the bright light, a zombie with a neck that had been bitten off more than half was walking out with its head tilted, a pair of gray hands stretched out. Chu kept scratching, the dead fish eyes also stared at Xiao Jiang, and his mouth made a strange sound.

"call out."

Xiao Jiang wouldn't take pity on a zombie. The moment the zombie walked out of the door, the bamboo stick had already pierced the gap in his spine. With the click, the zombie's neck was completely slumped on his shoulders, the spinal cord was broken, and the zombie's body slowly knelt down. On the ground, but his head was still moving, and his mouth opened and closed on the ground, gnawing at the concrete on the ground.