Plane Development Plan

Chapter 551: Shaolin Mumen Alley

This is the second time for Xiaojiang to come to Songshan, but the last time I came here was Shaolin in Tianlong World. There are thousands of monks and monks in Shaolin Temple. There are many temples and temples, and pilgrims and tourists are constantly coming and going.

But the Shaolin Temple here is full of broken walls and overgrown with weeds, and the roads are covered with various thorns and shrubs. Except for birds and beasts, not a single ghost can be seen within a ten-mile radius.

Xiao Jiang walked to the back mountain from a small road that could still be seen on the side of the Shaolin Temple. After a while, a small broken temple appeared behind the mountain. The broken temple plaque fell to the ground and broke into two pieces, but the words on it were still clearly visible.

"Wooden Alley, this is it."

Xiao Jiang whispered and walked to the side of the small temple. There was a stone wall, and under the stone wall was a cave that had been dug by hand. He looked at the entrance of the cave and then looked behind him. Suddenly, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and stayed at the entrance for a while. Step into the aisle.

Behind the passage, a hall of ten feet is very bright. There is also a small hall on one side of the hall. Xiao Jiang looked up at the top of the hall and then looked at the ground. At the top were eighteen wooden figures pulled by countless chains. It is inlaid with more than 100 stone slabs with written characters.

"Hehe... Fortunately, I have read the novel and know how to open it."

Xiao Jiang smiled and made a mistake. He quickly stepped on the slate on the ground along a specific position. When he finished stepping and fell back to the original place, he heard a clack coming from above. Those hanging at the top of the hall The wooden man fell to the ground with the iron chain, and did not stop there, the eighteen wooden men waved their hands and feet to practice a set of strange tricks on their own.

"Yuanji Mahe Boundless, I want to see it."

In Xiao Jiang’s heart, a group of eyes locked on eighteen wooden figures. When the eighteen wooden figures moved, a storm surged in the entire hall, and a huge coercion spread rapidly from the wooden figures to the four directions.

Xiao Jiang doesn't care so much, he has already focused on observing all the movements of the wooden man, and he has begun to practice according to the wooden man's movements.

This wooden man has no inner strength. Although he can also bring about changes in his aura when he uses Yuanji Maha Boundless, it will not cause any huge changes.

But Xiao Jiang has already opened up the bridge between heaven and earth, and his cultivation is extremely domineering. Recently, he has gone through the dragon veins to improve his root bones. As soon as he started to practice, a strong aura in him began to spread to the four directions.

Outside the cave, clouds began to gather in the originally clear sky. In the high sky, the clouds slowly formed swirls in the strange wind. Lightning began to appear, and the sound of thunder shook back and forth in the entire Songshan area.

The clouds are getting lower and lower, and the vortex is getting bigger and bigger. If someone observes closely, this huge vortex black cloud is no more than a hundred meters high from the top of the mountain, and the dense lightning strikes within a range of several miles like no money.

Outside, the thunder and lightning were covered with dark clouds, but Xiao Jiang's eyes were flat and he continued to practice. Two golden lights flickered in his pupils, and the whole body formed countless phantoms, as if eighteen wooden figures were doing the same actions at the same time, and he was also at the same time. All done in general.


A huge thunder and lightning struck the top of the mountain, and the entire wooden man lane hall was shaken wildly. Xiao Jiang suddenly retracted his exercises and fell back to the original place. Those wooden men also reached the top with the sound of crunching iron chains. , the rapidly rotating dark clouds in the sky also stopped abruptly, and quickly dispersed in a gust of wind to reveal a clear sky.

"Yuanji Maha Boundless is really domineering, wind has no phase and cloud is impermanent. In order to deal with the half-gods, they gathered Qilin, Dragon, and Mysterious Turtle Essence to create Wuji Maha Boundless. If they also gathered Phoenix Essence, would it be possible? How about creating a more perfect Mahabharata?"

Xiao Jiang asked the Red Queen, and the Red Queen calculated the data and replied:

"Don't forget that you still have dragon veins in your body. The combination of the four spirit beasts to suppress the four directions is definitely higher than Wuji, and your dragon veins suppress the luck of the world. Isn't the combination stronger? But everything has to be tested.

Although the Mahabharata looks like a martial art, it is actually a special power that combines spiritual energy. It is different from the magic of immortality. This power comes from the combination of itself and the outside world. It is related to the magical powers in ancient myths. .

Also, don't forget the Shenwu bracelet and the gluttonous swallowing art you got. You are still affected by the power of the arrogant, which are the four great beasts of the great wilderness. Maybe you will combine these four powers in the future. , and even stronger forces may merge into it.

In this way, half a **** is nothing. Even if you are a **** of the universe, you may surpass it. Take your time, and you will do it. "

Xiao Jiang laughed. The Red Queen had also learned to comfort people. To achieve the step she said, it would take a long time to toss, and the most important thing was to survive.

The laughter stopped, Xiao Jiang swept into a small hall, there was a huge crystal, a skeleton lay down beside the crystal, and the skeleton held a blood-red teardrop-shaped crystal in his hand.

"It seems that I still have to get this thing, and then I can get the ten thousand acres of golden sea, but that person is already waiting for me outside the door, I hope she won't be too violent, I won't let anyone."

Xiao Jiang sucked the teardrop crystal and the big crystal into the wristband space. After thinking about it, he strode out of the passage. When he reached the entrance of the cave, he saw a woman shrouded in black mist.

The woman's face was obscured by the black mist. If it wasn't for the mist, she could still see her figure clearly. It's hard to tell if it's a man or a You've come out, and everything inside is in your hands, right? ? "

The woman said in a hoarse and aged voice. The voice was extremely calm but extremely domineering, and there was even an aura of ignoring everything surrounding her.

When Xiao Jiang came out, he said that he would not be accustomed to anyone. Even if the arrogance of Tingtao was far stronger than him, he would not let half a step. It is estimated that he has the character of the second African brother. But someone provokes him and asks him to give in unless he is completely incapable of resisting.

The woman in front of her is not someone who has read novels and comics. She is not ordinary. She calls herself a demon. According to the world legend, Bai Suzhen, who was crushed by Leifeng Pagoda in the West Lake, was her daughter, but she used her name.

Her former husband was a peerless genius of the Bu family. In order to break the fate of the family's early death, Bai Suzhen and Bai Suzhen each researched the world-destroying demon body and the heaven-shifting magic art. Both of these martial arts can make oneself achieve longevity, but they are much weaker than Maha Wuliang. .

As a peerless smart person, the ancestor of the Bu family was extremely selfish. He didn't want anyone to be smarter than him, even if the other party was his wife, so he secretly murdered Bai Suzhen.