Plane Development Plan

Chapter 835: city ​​of october

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Gu Yue and others all understand that the demon world is not Shushan. There are all kinds of powerful demons after the flood. If they don't leave, they will be in danger. Xiao Jiang is not a nanny and can't be by everyone's side at any time. No one will feel bad if something happens.

"Everyone is working to protect the body. This is through the interface, and the space pressure is very high. Don't look back when you enter the light array."

In Xiao Jiang's shout, the two patterns in the sky and the ground quickly released brilliance, a golden vortex appeared, Gu Yue hugged Xiao Jiang and said in a low voice:

"Brother, be careful."

After talking, Gu Yue rushed into the whirlpool and disappeared. Zun Sheng and others also disappeared into the whirlpool. Ten seconds later, Xiao Jiang closed the teleportation array and disappeared. He looked down the mountain with a cigarette in his mouth. Go, Xiao Jiang touched his chin and fell before the team.

With a wave of his hand, General Cheng restrained his horse and shouted loudly:

"You demon, are you still blocking our army's way?"

Xiao Jiang exhaled and sneered:

"If I didn't want to see you die in vain, I wouldn't come. There will be more and more demons in the east three hundred miles away. There are many demons in the south, and there are many demons in the west. Only the demons in the north are easy-going. If you want to survive in the demon world, you'd better go to the north, well, that's all, I have to go to the north to see, and you can decide for yourself where you want to go."

After speaking, Xiao Jiang disappeared in a flash, and General Cheng frowned. At this moment, a group of fast horses came from the north, and Cheng Letian, who was headed by the front, got off his horse and knelt on the ground to report:

"General Qi, there is a chaotic stone forest ten miles to the north. After we went in, there were various animal bones everywhere, and there were tens of thousands of them."

General Cheng stroked his beard and said silently:

"Letian, the spies from the east, west, and south haven't come back yet. I don't know what the situation is in these three directions, but the demon preached just now that the east, west, south, and three sides are dangerous, and only the north side is safe.

But you can see that there are tens of thousands of skeletons ahead, should we believe him or not? "

Cheng Letian thought for a while and said:

"With their ability, it's easy to kill us, and they don't have to use a knife to kill people, so I believe his words and go north."

General Cheng nodded and said:

"That being the case, the army will turn around and head north. If you encounter a monster, don't panic and attack. We have to make sure that the monster doesn't attack me and I don't attack the monster. First, we need to figure out the situation in this place."

When the Shu army was on its way out, in a small town a hundred miles to the north, Xiao Jiang walked on the street with a relaxed expression on his face. This is a demon city, and there are all kinds of monsters walking on the road. There are some pig-headed human beings with roe-headed mouse eyes, and some have been transformed into human figures but have wings or tails. There is no one in this demon city who can completely transform into a human.

At this moment, Xiao Jiang's popularity has subsided, and a faint demonic aura is hovering around him. Back then, he had to use the snake demon and demon pill to cover up his aura. After cultivating the nine-turn Xuangong, he only needed to use his art to simulate the demonic energy, even if the big demon was there. Don't even try to tell his identity.

To be able to fully transform into a human form, in addition to the cultivation base must at least reach the level of a big demon, which is the so-called fairy-level existence, but also to realize the special ability to be washed away by the robbery of the demon.

So at least this picture of Xiao Jiang appears as a demon. Generally, no one will provoke him. He asked along the way. This northern demon city called October City is not ordinary. Here is a snow fox named October. The establishment of the demon, when the demon world broke away from the 100,000 mountains in the immortal world, and the demons everywhere began to compete for territory. In October, in order to protect the weak and small demons from all over the world, she fought fiercely with hundreds of thousands of demons in the sand plain alone, killing several in one fell swoop. After ten thousand demons, the demons who were fighting for territory receded, and she established the city of October here. Because of her existence for thousands of years, the northern part of the demon world has a foothold for the demon clan who do not like to fight.

"Master, this October looks very good, and I have a good heart, but I don't know how the monsters in other places are?"

The Red Queen muttered, before Xiao Jiang wandered to a wooden building in the city, he glanced at the wooden building and smiled:

"What is good? What is strong? The appearance of the demon world should also be related to the battle of conferred gods, but I guess even the powerful demons in this world don't know the truth. Under the saints, they are just ants who have been manipulated.

As a demon clan this October, it is strange to protect the weak, because she actually fought against other powerful demons for the sake of hundreds of thousands of weak goblins. Don't you think it's surprising? "

"It's a little bit, even if the demon clan protects the weak, it should be protecting the demon clan of the same clan or close relationship, and it is impossible to take action for all the demon clan.

According to the connection between these worlds and the prehistoric legends, the demon clan originated from the three types of birds and beasts, but some special creatures did not enter the demon clan during the prehistoric times.

Such as the supreme beast of nine numbers, such as the beast of the most yin and mysterious, this fox clan is commanded by the nine-tailed celestial fox.

A fox clan who entered the demon clan later, even if they have benevolence, would not make such a move. With their supreme wisdom, there is no need to take risks, unless... the area where the city of October is located has something she must protect or find. thing. "

After the Red Queen's analysis, Xiao Jiang couldn't help but nodded. He walked to a braised pork shop opened by a pig head demon. He looked at the various braised pork on the chopping board. He grabbed a piece of braised pork with pig ears with his iron claws. Pig Head said with a smile:

"Boss, give me a pig's head meat and two catties of pork intestines. It seems that the boss's business is not bad. Your pork should be very fresh, right?"

A pig demon selling braised can also be seen in this demon world. There is also a bull-headed demon beside this braised pork stall selling beef bian wine, and a tiger demon not far away even sells tigers It's not surprising that the bone fell ointment.

The pig demon hummed twice in its nostrils and was known for being polite, then began to cut the meat, and said with a big mouth with fangs:

"Don't worry, my lord, this is a local black pig specially raised by my daughter-in-law. They all grew up on grain, and each one has at least three or four hundred catties. Every day we sell pork in the morning and braised pork at noon to avoid damage to the meat quality. , if I can't sell it, I will take it home and drink it, and I will never sell it overnight."

Xiao Jiang gave a thumbs up and took out the silver taels to pay. Sure enough, he was the one who knew **** each other best. He took the braised pork quickly mixed with the pig demon and walked to the cattle demon shop. After selling ten pounds of wine, he twisted the wine bag and left. Before going to a white jade statue in the city, sit down and start drinking and eating meat.

This statue is a beautiful woman with long hair and a long dress, holding a small hammer with a long handle, and looking into the distance with a pair of big eyes, she looks very immortal.

It's a pity that such a beautiful statue doesn't have the slightest feeling for Xiao Jiang. He found that the cow demon's wine is sweet and refreshing, and the pig demon's braised pig's head meat is very delicious. chain store.