Plane Development Plan

Chapter 870: Reproduction testimonials

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The girl was smoking a cigarette casually, her bright eyes like autumn water, and the red queen on her head marked the girl's identity information.

Barbara Gordon, daughter of Gotham City Police Chief James Gordon, is a future bat girl, eighteen years old, 1.70 meters tall, and 61 kilograms in weight. The scan of her physiological structure is still c.

Xiao Jiang didn't pay much attention to the data of the Red Queen, who did nothing to mark it. It doesn't matter whether the girl is a C or not. He is very interested in the Harley Quinn. The Bat Girl or the identity of the police chief's daughter has nothing to do with him. .

Barbara has a good figure and a beautiful person. There are many men who usually approach her because she likes to smoke. Occasionally, some well-known men will persuade her not to smoke.

Xiao Jiang spit out a bunch of smoke rings and said:

"The reason why they persuade you is that a man's mentality is considered. A woman's smoking will have huge side effects on her children. These men are subconsciously thinking that if you give him children, there will be problems, so they will persuade you preconceivedly. .

They don't necessarily want to sleep with you or even give them children, but as men, their minds will embed this aspect of women deep in their memory, so in a billion chance they will To persuade a woman who has a good impression on her. "

Barbara said curiously:

"Oh... so you don't have a crush on me, huh?"

"No... As long as a beautiful girl is a man, it will be liked. This is determined by biological selection. Men can like countless beautiful women at the same time, because the inheritance imprint of genetic description indicates that if you want to pass on more effectively and beneficially to future generations, then You have to breed with more good women.

As a man, I have the same idea of ​​reproduction of beautiful women, but I don't care about smoking. "

Barbara said in surprise:

"Uh... There is scientific basis for men to be so concerned about it for a long time, so why are some women so concerned? Is it also for gene reproduction?"

When Xiao Jiang was bored, he chatted:

"No, women will have the first chromosome left in their body after the first time, and the following people will only take over, even if they give birth to children, although the genes are mainly from the latter men, some chromosomes will carry the first person's.

And women are looking for men randomly, the purpose is only for entertainment rather than reproduction. In women's view of love, they only have cerebral cortex stimulation, but no rational thinking.

On the contrary, in addition to looking for chickens, as long as a man invests in various aspects, unless he does not like a certain woman in the first place, a man has a certain sense of responsibility for every woman, but women do not.

Of course, this is just the majority of categories, and there are also men and women who are extremely change t. For the chaotic private life, they not only ignore their own family, but even kill their own children in order to be chic. Such people can no longer be called human beings, they are not as good as animals. "

Barbara laughed dryly and said:

"Uh... There's actually a scientific basis. I said this gentleman, aren't you making an excuse for wanting to sleep with countless women?"

Xiao Jiang touched his chin and nodded:

"Men, how to live without excuses, but you can look up biology, especially mammals, to see what the facts are.

And women don't even need excuses, because men are perceptual cognition, women are blind cognition, don't say I slander women's boxing, the birth of life distinguishes between males and females, that is the division of natural laws between heaven and earth, and the outstanding aspects of women cannot be achieved by men. But what men control is not something women can do. If everything is equal, it can only bring about gender contradictions.

Many women disgust men with fertility. If the future technology achieves genetic integration and artificial breeding, and female robots or biochemical women appear, should men and women be divided into two hostile camps? In the end, it depends on whether the man kills the woman or the woman kills the man. Anyway, there is no need for each other to have children. "

Barbara said a little embarrassedly:

"Sir, it's too far... I'm just asking why you didn't persuade me to smoke. You've already talked about the decisive battle between men and women. If it really gets to that point, maybe human beings are no longer human."

Xiao Jiang smiled. His level is not understood by ordinary humans. He will relate to the most complicated or the simplest aspects of everything. Just like the matter of men and women, he is more for happiness, and he likes many women. In the past, he was also in charge, but he never had any unforgettable vows.

It's not to say that there is no such thing, there was such a paragraph in the depths of his memory, but he buried it consciously.

Xiao Jiang shook the ash and said:

"It's boring, it doesn't matter if you talk about it. Anyway, I didn't think about getting you, and you didn't think about dating me. As two strangers, talking about it won't affect anything."

At this moment, Bruce Wayne, who had the Red Queen's data on his head, strode over. He greeted the big guys from all walks of life in the lobby just now, and when he got to the balcony, he greeted with a stiff smile:

"Mr. Xiao Jiang and Miss Gordon seem to have a good conversation. I am Bruce Wayne. It is very rare for Mr. Xiao to come."

Xiao Jiang stretched out his hand and shook hands with Wayne and said with a smile:

"Mr. Wayne, I've heard the name for a long time and it's a blessing to see him today. Mr. Wayne is the most famous person in Gotham City. I'm just an investor and businessman, so being able to attend the reception here is also a compliment."

Wayne laughed and looked at Barbara and said:

"Long time no see, Miss Gordon is also getting more and more beautiful. I chatted with your father just now, he said that we must resolutely crack down on urban crime, but I am very supportive.

By the What did Miss Gordon and Mr. Xiao chat about so happily? I'll have a chat too. "

Barbara and Wayne knew each other, she said with a faint smile:

"We are talking about male and female breeding. Mr. Xiao's insights are unique and refreshing. Mr. Wayne is concerned with social and economic issues. I can't keep up with your rhythm."

Wayne was stunned for a moment, then he glanced at Xiao Jiang and said:

"I didn't expect that Mr. Xiao likes to talk about this. I don't have any opinions. You must know that I am still a bachelor."

Xiao Jiang almost started to despise Wayne. This guy is a little distorted. Apart from exercising and fighting crime to take revenge, he doesn't have many hobbies. .

Xiao Jiang laughed and said:

"Mr. Wayne is so busy that he doesn't have time to find a wife. It's really admirable. I can't do it. This life is life, work, and work. If you don't even have a woman around, people will think you're gay. That can have a big impact on the image.”