Plane Development Plan

~: Episode 4: Fleur

【Plane Development Plan】【】

While talking, Xiao Jiang put the girl directly into the space device. He returned to the cockpit of the robot and continued to search for supplies. After a while, he found a huge ice floe and was about to go forward to pull the ice away. Freezing a woman.

"Uh... It's a pity to waste resources, but there is no need to get back the ice cubes that have been frozen for personal use."

Xiao Jiang shakes his head and intends to leave, but Xiaobai quickly zooms in on the corpse in the ice, and as the terrified face of the corpse is projected, Xiaobai compares a photo image with the deceased:

"Master, the comparison found that the corpse is 95% identical to Leiluoya Sara."

Xiao Jiang stopped and looked at the ice for a while, he quickly disintegrated the surrounding ice, and then sent the ice that wrapped the corpse into the space device.

Xiaobai asked:

"Why did the master collect this corpse? Do you have that hobby?"

Xiao Jiang smiled and said:

"Although I haven't obtained Di Shitian's Sacred Heart Art, Wuji Maha Wuliang is much stronger than the Sacred Heart Art. I plan to test whether the power of Maha Infinite can bring the dead back to life."

Xiao Jiang has already begun to have his own ideas about the existence of planes. Of course, he has relevant considerations in doing things. Getting stronger is the foundation, but on the way to becoming stronger, he needs to find answers from planes.

The resurrection of Lei Luoya is also Xiao Jiang's experiment. The more he changes the future of this world, the more he can understand the situation of the relevant plane.

Putting the ice away, Xiao Jiang continued to drive the robot to search for supplies. After a while, he found a large freezer in the supermarket. The frozen freezer was filled with seafood. He was happily dragging the freezer around the Archangel when suddenly An emergency call came from the Archangel communication station for those who were out to go back.

Xiao Jiang accelerated back to the cargo compartment, put down the freezer and opened the hatch, a soldier came over just after jumping off and said:

"Mr. Xiao hurried back to the rest cabin. Our far-space radar found the ZAFT spacecraft. We must leave here immediately."

Xiao Jiang nodded, pointed to the freezer and said:

"I have seafood today. I think it's still edible if it's completely frozen inside. I'm going back."

The spaceship quickly escaped from the debris floating zone. In a ZAFT spaceship fifty thousand miles away, a blond man wearing a mask stared ahead and said to a handsome boy:

"Aslan, I just received the news that your fiancée Lux's spaceship crashed in the debris belt. This time, we are not only going to stop the Archangel but also looking for Lux. Do you have any ideas?"

There was a trace of tension in Aslan's eyes and he said:

"Lax... I know the captain, I will act according to the order, and will never affect the battle plan because of Lacus's affairs."

The masked man is Cruze, one of the villains in this world. He nodded slightly and said:

"I hope she's okay, and I hope our mission can be completed this time. Strike and Archangel must not let them return to Earth, otherwise it will be very troublesome for Zaft."

"Reporting to the commander... The far-space radar has detected the signal of the Archangel. It is 300,000 kilometers away from us at this time, and it is moving at high speed in the direction of the earth."

When the radar soldier's report came, Kruse was slightly taken aback and whispered:

"The speed is really fast, it seems that they rushed to the debris field immediately after leaving the satellite, otherwise they would not have been so fast.

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【Plane Development Plan】【】

The warship speeds up, keeps up with the Archangel, and informs other warships to go to the outer space of the earth to intercept. "

Aslan opened his mouth but did not speak. He looked at the others with tangled eyes. A stern young man with shoulder-length white hair smiled and did not speak. A beautiful young man with green curly hair took a step forward and said:

"Captain, what about Miss Lacus?"

Kruse said without looking back:

"Zaft's rescue team will go there soon. Our main target is the Archangel. Other things can't interfere with our plan. You go to train and get familiar with those mechs."

The green-haired boy still wanted to speak, but Aslan grabbed the boy's hand and said:

"Nigal, let's go to training. The captain is right. We are soldiers and we must focus on our mission."

The boy lowered his head and glanced at Aslan, holding hands with himself, his face turned red. He nodded shyly and followed Aslan away. The white-haired man and another man with yellow hair and yellow eyebrows followed slowly. The two glanced at each other. Glancing at the two people in front of him, he whispered with yellow eyebrows:

"If only Nichol was a girl, I'm right, Yitzhak."

The white-haired boy whitened his eyes and yellow eyebrows and said:

"Don't talk nonsense, Diaka, don't worry about their affairs."

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Xiao Jiang was sitting in the room. He still couldn't revive Lei Luoya, and he didn't dare to get Lacus out. He looked out of the porthole with a cigarette in his mouth, a little bored.


"Can I come in?"

After knocking on the door, a sweet voice came into the cabin, Xiao Jiang stood up and opened the door in doubt, only to see a pretty little girl with a melon seed face and long dark red hair standing in front of her, staring at him with a pair of playful and lovely big eyes.

Xiao Jiang looked at the little girl and said with a smile:

"You are Frey Alusta, right? I heard from Maru that you are Kira's classmate. You are very beautiful and cute."

The girl smiled sweetly:

"Well...Mr. Xiao Jiang, I also heard that you can't intervene in the Archangel to rest here due to special reasons. I have nothing to do now, so I came to chat with Jiang looked behind Fu Lei Seeing that there was no one there, he remembered that this girl had a fiancé, Sei, who was always following her, why was she not here when she came to chat with the man.

But Xiao Jiang didn't care, he nodded and said:

"Come in, I don't know what you want to talk to me about? I don't know anything about your hobbies."

Fleur entered the room with a giggle, sat down and said:

"I've already contacted my dad, he plans to pick me up on a transport ship, and I will leave the Archangel in half a day at most.

Captain Maru said that you will leave too, do you want to go with us? "

Xiao Jiang was stunned and said:

"Why do you have to leave early? Now the ZAFT army is chasing the Archangel. If you encounter the Archangel, there will be Assault and Mobis who can resist it. The attack and defense of the battleship itself are also very strong. Those who intervene in the battlefield The transport ship may not even be able to withstand a single shot from the secondary battery."

Fleur rolled her eyes and spat:

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth, there are so many troubles, you mean you want to stay? It doesn't matter, Mr. Xiao Jiang, I heard that you are a weapon designer, what kind of weapons have you designed?"

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【Plane Development Plan】【】

In this world, Xiao Jiang himself is a Ms weapon designer. He is involved in the research, design and modification of special weapons for Gundams such as Strike. He is still a high-end talent, but a researcher must have a heart that loves research. Now Xiao Jiang is Not much interest at all, unless he still has a sense of his own weapons and equipment.

1 second to remember the fantasy house: