Plane Development Plan

~: Episode 7: Chang'e is not Chang'e

Guanghan Palace is still so deserted, and Wu Gang who was supposed to make a sound outside the palace has been beheaded by Xiao Jiang. The petals under the huge sweet-scented osmanthus tree are covered with a carpet. At the gate, a snow-white red-eyed bunny Jumping and eating the sweet-scented osmanthus on the ground. new

Suddenly the little rabbit stopped and raised its head, looking outside with red eyes. When Xiao Jiang's figure approached, the little rabbit ran up to Xiao Jiang, with its three-petal mouth constantly opening and closing, looking a little anxious.

Xiao Jiang knelt down and hugged the rabbit in his arms. He gently rubbed the rabbit's head and said:

"It's lucky that you can still remember me. You have been sealed with the power to change speech, but I can understand the language of all beasts, little bunny, don't worry, I know what's going on with your master."

The little rabbit nodded hastily, Xiao Jiang hugged it and walked to the gate to transmit a voice:

"Fairy Chang'e, Sun Wukong asks to see you."

The door opened slowly, and Chang'e's cold voice came from inside:

"Sun Dasheng, come in, although this Guanghan Palace has never been visited by male guests, the arrival of the Great Sage can be regarded as full of splendor."

Xiao Jiang did not hesitate to step into this Guanghan Palace that no man had ever entered before. You must know that even the Jade Emperor had never entered here. Without Chang'e's consent, men would be treated as bad people if they entered.

The Guanghan Palace is very simple and elegant, because the place is extremely cold, and there is not even a single plant in the palace. Chang'e was standing in front of the corridor. When Xiao Jiang arrived, she looked at Xiao Jiang and said:

"Sun Dasheng, what are you doing?"

Xiao Jiang stared at Chang'e with bright eyes and said:

"Do you remember when we first came to the mortal world?"

Chang'e nodded and said:

"Of course I remember, you and I went to the mortal world to lure Wu Gang, where we met your disciple Zhu Ganglie and Princess Ao Lingyin of the East China Sea."

Xiao Jiang smiled and said:

"Fortunately, you didn't erase this memory. I didn't expect you to be reborn as one with Chang'e's true spirit after escaping from the demon world. Mei, this is not bad. At least you can reduce your training time by a million years."

Chang'e's complexion changed and she turned sideways and said:

"I don't understand what you're talking about?"

Xiao Jiang smiled with one hand showing the Soul Haunting Sword and Seizing Soul Mirror and said:

"Your reborn Qian Meier is already mine. You can't hide from me. By the way, Luo Hu has disappeared. Do you know where he might be hiding?"

What Xiao Jiang said one after another caused Chang'e's complexion to change drastically. She stared at Xiao Jiang and said:

"Sun Dasheng, I don't understand what you're talking about. Chang'e has stayed in the Guanghan Palace all these years, so I don't understand what you mean."

Xiao Jiang grinned and wiped his hands, and Qian Meier, who had been practicing in the space, showed her figure. As soon as Qian Meier came out, she looked at Chang'e curiously, and Chang'e also stared at her curiously.

After the two women looked at each other for a while, Qian Meier took Xiao Jiang's arm and said to Chang'e:

"Sister, should you trust the master now? Although I don't know what happened to the main body, you represent the memory of the main body, and I represent the essence of the main body. Even if you and I are separated, we can sense everything about each other.

Don't worry, the master's strength is beyond what ordinary people can imagine. If Luo Hu hadn't disappeared, he might have been taken care of by the master. "


Qian Meier is not bragging, nor is she lying. Xiao Jiang went to the Demon Realm to find out Hongjun's plan, but after a few rounds and all the detection systems, he couldn't find where Luo Hu's real body was, or he would have already packed it up. Rahu.

Chang'e, should be the current Chang'e, the new Chang'e after the combination of Mei's true spirit and Chang'e's true spirit. She closed her eyes and remained silent for a while, then opened her eyes and knelt down to Xiao Jiang and shouted:

"Chang'e has met the master."

Speaking of Chang'e's eyebrows, a little light flew to Xiao Jiang. This is the true spirit imprint given by the strong who recognizes the Lord, just like the saint's true spirit entrusts the way of heaven. As long as Xiao Jiang does not die, the cultivator who recognizes him as the master Even if you die, you will be reborn with this true spirit and practice again.

However, all cultivators know the seriousness of recognizing the Lord, and it is even said that cultivators will not abandon their freedom unless life and death are at stake.

Chang'e made this choice after a little thought, not because she was in any danger, but because Qian Meier had already recognized the Lord, and because she understood that since Xiao Jiang came to her directly, he must know something, only Only by being absolutely loyal to Xiao Jiang can she be safer.

Xiao Jiang didn't mind having a few more men, he took Chang'e's hand and pulled her up and said:

"There's no need to kneel to me. Just look at Meier and you'll know. I won't enslave my subordinates, or even let her take risks. I just want to know where Luo Hu may be hiding."

Because Chang'e is a fusion of two true spirits, she has the special features of Chang'e and Mei. When Xiao Jiang holds hands, Chang'e will not reject her even if her face turns red. She said softly:

"Master, I don't know exactly where Luo Hui is, but before the Demon World came out, Luo Hui and Chi once went to a place, and Chi told me that it was beyond heaven and earth.

Although Chi didn't go into details, he told me that there was a small barren world, in the midst of chaos.

If there is a place he can hide, then this world, but... Chi doesn't know what's going on, because besides Luo Hu, only he knows where this small world is. "

Xiao Jiang nodded and said:

"Then I'll go find Chi, you still stay in Guanghan Palace, take care of this little bunny, she's still Chang Xi's body no matter what."

Chang'e embraced the little rabbit in astonishment and said:

"Chang's just a low-level fairy rabbit, how could it be Chang Xi's real body?"

Xiao Jiang stretched out his hand to touch Chang'e's face and said:

"Your Chang'e true spirit is actually Chang Xi's reincarnation, but when she was killed, her body was hidden by the sun, and she couldn't come out until you ascended to the sun.

Strictly speaking, just like your current Mei Zhenling and Qian Meier, you are sisters who belong to the same line, but you just have your own soul.

The blood of Jade Rabbit has been drawn out by me, you train her well, her roots will be your best help in the future. "

Chang'e suddenly The little bunny in her arms hugged her feet and kept nodding to Xiao Jiang. Xiao Jiang rubbed the little bunny and said:

"You can stay at ease. By the way, if someone makes Jade Rabbit go down to the world as a demon in the future, let her go down, but remember one thing, don't do evil, just wait until I find her."

Chang'e and Jade Rabbit nodded at the same time, Xiao Jiang put Qian Meier away as a gesture and walked out of the gate of Guanghan Palace. Just as he left the lunar star, a figure walked out from behind the sweet-scented osmanthus tree and looked at the gate of Guanghan Palace suspiciously.

Demon Realm, the mansion of the Marshal in the City of Heaven, a woman murmured with hollow eyes, while Xiao Jiang in front of her had a gloomy face, and when the woman finished speaking, he wiped his hand and the woman fell unconscious on the bed, his eyes kept shining After a while, he went through the wall and walked into a secret room. When he got to the table, he picked up a jade slip and observed it.

Dimensional development plan.

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