Plane Source Code

Chapter 180: Stark's Reception

Otto heard that the words of the spaceship were all green. The unified consciousness of scientists is to get rid of the earth, and to fight for benefits on the earth is to fight for a piece of cake on a plate, and the universe at least now seems to be Human beings are huge, just like a planet-sized cake placed in front of two people. In this way, we can only say that greed has annihilated humanity, and human beings should be extinct as soon as possible.

"Creating a spaceship and developing interstellar development is a thing that humans dream of, but there are various technologies in the sky involving radiation, gravity, life support systems, circulatory systems, and propulsion. Do you leave them to others to study?" Austria Tu thought for a while and said.

"You don't have to worry about these, I have everything in place," Tang said.

There must be arrangements for Tang Yan to do things, and he didn't just let Otto study only that kind of automatic robotic arm. He decided to do this, and then his cute little secretary would be responsible for handling it.

For the tranquility of the company under his control and the inability of others to intervene, he even made preparations for going public after the clones became shareholders of several companies. As for the spacecraft, Tang Jun, who has the lowest-level design, can carry out interstellar navigation.

After arranging for Otto, Tang Yan began to gradually release more clones to appear. For a period of three months, all the tens of thousands of clones in stock all went to new places with their new identities.

Yihuang has been in the Marvel world for a whole year. In addition to Tang Wei, he has not yet developed a third-level evolutionary agent. Many Marvel technologies have absorbed the advantages and optimized his technology. Connor's Pharmaceutical Group, Otto's industrial group has taken shape, and the space plan company established by the clones has bought several adjacent islands in the Pacific and started construction.

In addition to studying the evolutionary medicament, Tang Yan still spends more time mastering the combination of martial arts, law, and abilities. Just one year after Tang Yan came to this world, he is using a chaotic magic to place a chair in the living room. He became a cat and was studying. Unfortunately, after ten minutes, the seemingly agile cat automatically turned back into a chair, which made him a little disappointed with this kind of causal magic.

"Uh ..."

As the phone rang, Tang Yan answered with a smile and said:

"Hey, Nina, why did you think of looking for me in just two days?"

Nina calls Tang Ye every month, but the day before yesterday, Nina called and talked for a while. To make a call again today, Tang Ye was curious.

Nina said with a smile on the phone:

"Tang, tonight is a reception for military companies. I am an electronic expert from Stark Enterprises, but I have no male companion, so I want you to accompany me to the conference."

Tang Yan scratched his head and said:

"You haven't found a boyfriend yet?"

Nina laughed:

"No, my identity is special. A few days ago, my sister Wanda told me that if I found a scumbag, she would definitely turn the other person into a mouse and throw it into the laboratory to test, but there are good men there, so I can only hold you back. "

A good man is really hard to find. Anyway, Tang Xuan is definitely not a good man, and even the two words in charge are not suitable for him. Ruiwen left half a year ago, and he did not respond.

Nina is looking for a top bag, but Tang Yan feels helpless. Other women have nothing to do with him. But Nina is different. She is too simple in character. Although she has learned many ways to deal with others in the city, she is emotional It's still Xiaobai, Tang Yan doesn't want to hurt this little Kawaii younger sister, especially ... because of him.

After a while, Nina whispered before hearing Tang's answer:

"Don't you want to? If I don't want to, I'll just go alone."

Listening to the loneliness in Nina's tone, Tang Yan rubbed his head and sighed, saying:

"Well, what time will I pick you up?"

Nina said happily:

"Come and pick me up at seven o'clock in the evening. The cocktail party will start at seven forty and say what award will be given to Mr. Stark at eight o'clock."

Tang Yan's eyes flickered and the award was presented, which meant that Stark was about to go to Afghanistan. The Khan of the Ten Commandments, known as the Manchu Khan, a hidden master of magic and fantasy martial arts. A hint of war.

Entering the Marvel world, low-level or high-level abilities do not pose any threat to Tang Yan, but high-tech weapons still have a lot of pressure on him, but before Marvel began, there was only one target that he really wanted to detect. That's the man.

The Ten Rings of Iron Man is just a small force being played by. The man is also a fake. The real man is a descendant of Mongolia, a master of magic and martial arts. He also has ten rings with special abilities.

There is no real Manchurian in the Iron Man movie, which does not mean that the Manchurian does not exist ~ ~ In the short story of Marvel Fan King, that guy came out, and Tang Yun thought about talking to Nina for a while In other words, this allowed the Red Queen to find a suit that fits well.

For a moment, Tang Yan looked at his increasingly handsome self in the mirror and said:

"No matter how handsome, it is expected that the mirror will be broken."

Tang Yan is indeed more and more handsome. Originally, he had uniform facial features. After training, the so-called appearance was born from the heart, and the toxins in the skin had been eliminated. He naturally looked more and more handsome.

Looking at the suit on his body, Tang Yan thought for a while that he had never worn such a thing. Before working, he was wearing sportswear and protective clothing. Most of the time after going abroad, he was in combat clothes and combat-friendly clothes. When he came to the United States It was taken away as a mouse and did not pass through the thing.

As Tang Yan traveled around the world, he spent most of his time working on his calculations. He had never attended a reception party, so he didn't even wear a suit and tie to wear an x.

After tidying his head, Tang Yan drove his sports car to go downstairs in Nina's apartment. After a while, Nina came out wearing a long skirt and kissed Tang Yan's cheek after he got on the car and said heely:

"Don, do you look pretty today?"

Nina was very cute when she was young and beautiful when she grew up. Now she is wearing a dress to show her shoulders and neck, and looks very elegant.

"Well ... it's beautiful, but I don't want to match you with a bare neck. I prepared a ruby ​​necklace for you and put it on absolutely gorgeously."

Tang Yan watched Nina whisper and took out a top ruby ​​necklace. He didn't remember where it came from, but later reminded him that it came from the treasure house of the undead city. This necklace He doesn't know who the original owner is, but the value is estimated to be tens of millions of dollars.