Plane Source Code

Chapter 250: Back to the World

"Five Spirits ..."

In Tang Kui's voice, three groups of essence blood condensed in Pangu's chest and the remaining essence of Pangu flew into the distance, while twelve groups of essence blood erupted in his heart and fell into a huge valley with Pangu's resentment. Hunting Network WwΔW. LieWen. CC


The constant decomposition of Pangu finally disappeared. It took Tang Kuo a few days to reach the place where Pangu disappeared. He glanced around, and now Pangu had no leg hair left.

"Pangu Great God goes all the way ..."

Tang Yu shouted in the sky, and at this moment a golden pillar of light on the top of the blue sky was shining directly on the top of Tang Qiu, but the instantaneous repair of Tang Qi's integration period directly broke through the robbery and the Mahayana successor Xian Xiu.

However, this golden air column was not created for Tang Ye's promotion. When Tang Ye Xiu made a breakthrough, all the golden gas was continuously compressed and eventually formed a two-inch black golden seal.


Tang Yan reached out and took the black golden seal in his hand. As a wave of fluctuations in the golden seal spread to Shihai, he couldn't help wondering. He originally thought that the Xuanhuang merit would condense what Xuanhuang tower, but how can I know how to gather this little The seal, and this seal is not a defensive magic weapon or an attack weapon, but as far as Tang Yi is concerned, this thing is billions of times more powerful than any congenital treasure.

He smiled and put away the golden seal. Tang Yan was planning to leave the world of Honghuang and go home to rest and rest. The 99th thunder of Honghong was just over, and the fifty pillars of light that penetrated the sky suddenly rose and gradually condensed towards the center of the earth.

Tang Zanran looked at the strange picture that was not in the legend. When all fifty beams of light condensed together, a wave of colorful qi dazzled around the narrow beam of light and then dropped in front of Tang Zhe.

A circular jade butterfly the size of a palm, the colorful flashes on it are filled with a vast and unparalleled breath, a feeling that you can control everything as long as you get it.

"A complete creation of the Jade Butterfly can be cultivated to become a complete heaven of this world ..."

The thought of winning this Jade Butterfly kept appearing in Tang Yong's mind. As long as he got this thing, he could completely control a multidimensional world for billions of years, thus controlling all life in this world.

Tang Yan's hand slowly stretched out. He is no longer an immortal. Even if the energy level in his body has reached the immortal, he can be far from the sage of the mixed Luoyuan Da Luo Jinxian level, not to mention far better than Hongjun The agent is more powerful and complete.

"Nothing ..."

There was a cool breath in Tang Ling's mind, which stopped him for a moment, holding the hand that was about to create the Jade Butterfly. In his mind, a force of contempt made him go back to God. He stared at the Jade Butterfly, muttering:

"This is something that Honghuangtiandi condenses under the principle of the avenue. To obtain him, he must always guard the world. Otherwise, he will be eaten back by the chaos. I don't want to stay in this world for hundreds or hundreds of billions of years to break through the heavens. Revise it. "

Being able to shuttle the endless plane is Tang's biggest hole card. If he does n’t know how long he has been trapped here because he has achieved a heaven, then he would rather choose freedom.

"Woohoo ..."

It seems that Tang Yan refused, and the naturalized jade butterfly swiftly turned and rushed to Tang Ye to prepare for fusion. He had made up his mind that Tang Yan would submit, and he put his hand on the sword directly at the center of the natural jade butterfly and prepared to start the source. The code leaves.

"Click ..."

The natural jade butterfly is jade, and there are fifty complete rules of floods condensed in it, but jade is still very brittle if no one controls it, but Tang Jian ’s knife is a wonderful work. He is the strongest metal Edman in the Marvel universe. The alloy also absorbs the strength of the four **** stones in the world of wind and clouds. Tang Yun thought that the nature of the jade butterfly was fierce and full. This knife's tip pierced the nature of the jade butterfly. Fifty white awns flickered and were inhaled by Xiaoyao. Fortune Jade Butterfly clicked into a few pieces and flew into the distance.

As soon as the good luck jade butterfly was destroyed, the heavens of this world would be incomplete. How did Tang Yan know that the jade butterfly couldn't help but collide and broke up? He pouted his lips and waited to check what the fifty rays of light absorbed by Xiaoyao knife were. A strong pressure rushed.

"I wipe ..."

The golden cross in Tang Yan's eyes made a rotation within one hundredth of a second this time. At the moment Hong Huang broke away from the world of Hong Huang because he crushed the jade butterfly, he said in the room:

"It's really overbearing, isn't it just breaking the good luck jade butterfly?"

It's just that the jade butterfly is broken. Tang Yun can say it easily enough. That thing can be regarded as the first level of Chaos Lingbao in the fairy world. If you get it, you can achieve heaven. But it is also difficult for countless practitioners. He refused to say that it would be broken, if Hong Jun knew that he would definitely work hard with him.

Taking out the Xiaoyao knife, Tang Ye scanned it with a sense of God but did not see anything. He knew that it should be because he hadn't cultivated enough. The fifty lights that Xiaoyao had absorbed into the Jade Butterfly must be related to the fifty rules. Jade started to examine her body again.

After fifty years of crawling on Pangu, other than that his energy and physical strength have skyrocketed. He did not pass by a more multidimensional world like Honghuang, and he knew not to look at him in other worlds. Powerful, if you enter a more advanced world, it is not necessarily strong.

A trip to the floodlands, Tang Yuan has a lot to gain, the world heart and cultivation method given by Pangu, the merit of Huangxuan merit, the promotion gained by climbing Pangu for 50 years, and of course the inexplicable benefits of Xiaoyao's broken jade butterfly.

However, the real benefit for Tang Yun was to determine one thing from Pangu where ~ ~ that is, the plane he experienced was nothing but an endless multidimensional and multiverse universe.

Although there are many benefits, Tang Yan's most useful thing now is to improve his cultivation and strength. He released the Red Queen and asked:

"For decades, has the space tolerance of floods been detected?"

The Red Queen sat down in Tang Bao's arms and said:

"The analytical result is 10 billion times the bearing capacity of the Earth's standard space, but the gravity standard is only Earth's gravity. The space energy is extremely pure, and it may be the kind of energy system generated when the universe bursts."

Real earth scientists have already had this inference. The energy of any world is the most stable and powerful when it is formed. With the expansion of the world and the loss of time, energy will decay into lower-level energy and eventually become a variety of miscellaneous. Energy system.

Whether it is a gamma ray or a beta ray, these energy structures are already decaying low-level energies, and the theory of the Big Bang or the theory of white hole formation of the universe cannot be achieved even by deduction of the original energy structure.