Plane Source Code

Chapter 272: Overbearing Destroyer

Shiv hurriedly said:

"Odin wasn't dead, he just fell asleep, Loki usurped the throne, and now Asgard is in chaos.? W≥W≤W≤. ≥8≈1≥Z≈W ≠. ≥C≥O ≠ M ≠ "

Thor was surprised, and immediately understood everything, everything was caused by his younger brother Rocky, but it was useless to go back without power now.

Eric was dizzy while listening to their conversation. He looked at Tang Yan stupidly and asked:

"Tang Yun ... do you believe this is true?"

"Well, it's true, of course, and it will prove more and more that you will see it soon," Tang said with a smile.

Shifu, who was persuading Thor, suddenly turned his head and walked to Tang Yue. The originally tall Shifu made a stop in front of Tang Ying. Tang Yan could only see the two bumps on Shifu's armor. He Looking up, Shiv looked at him curiously and asked:

"You are a human named Tang Yan?"

Tang Yan said unexpectedly:

"Huh ... human beings? Tang Yan? I'm indeed the earth's human Tang Yan. Is there anything wrong with the beauty?"

Shiv nodded and said:

"My brother Heimdal said, it would be better if you could go back with us."

Tang Yan asked curiously:

"Heimdal, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, why did he ask me?"

Shiv shook her head. She didn't know what her brother was looking for, but it was important that Heimdall asked her to take Tang back at that critical moment.


Just as everyone walked out of the dining room, there was another sound in the direction where they appeared, looking at the shrinking clouds in the distance and the dust pillars on the ground. Daisy, who walked a little smoother, asked:

"Is this coming again?"

Of course, it's someone. Just at the place where they appeared, a three-meter-long hollow warframe appeared on the circular pattern bombarded by the Rainbow Bridge. Coulson and others thought it was an Iron Man thing. Before he finished speaking, a box appeared on the face of the armor, and a layer of red light gathered inside him, and then a terror beam of light mixed with high temperature, magnetic force, electric ions, and electricity emerged from the box. .

This is the Destroyer Battlegear created by Odin. It can resist a group of **** soldiers of the **** group. At this time, it becomes a killing weapon and appears on the earth.

Coulson and others were frightened and fled away. This huge armor was leaping towards Old Bridge Town. As soon as he entered Old Bridge Town, the destroyer remotely controlled by Rocky sprayed the energy column at random. His only purpose was to force Thor to kill him.

"Let's get rid of him." Beard Walstag yelled with an axe.

The four fairy palace warriors rushed out, grabbed Walstalg with Vandal in both hands and threw them at the Destroyer. They are all top warriors, but they are like babies and Destroyer compared to Destroyer. Just tapping it, Walstag was knocked back like a fly.

Fandal and Hall also rushed up one after another. In the eyes of human beings, their powerful fighting skills and powers were instantly useless before being destroyed by the Destroyer.

Just as the Destroyer gathered energy to kill the three men who had been taken off, Shiv, who had already jumped up into the sky, knocked his spear through the neck of the Destroyer and set it on the ground.

Tang Yan helped Daisy to run around with others, and all the fragments that were approached were secretly removed by him. Seeing Heve stabbed the destroyer, he couldn't help saying to himself:

"If the Destroyer can kill, Odin will not build it."

Shiv, who was standing on the back of the Destroyer, saw the armor pieces on the entire body of the Law of Destruction constantly turning, but instantly turned in a direction, and a blast of destruction energy rushed out.

Fortunately, Shiv is a top tier warrior. She turned around and retreated to the other three. Vandal and Walstag were both injured internally. She and Hall hurriedly supported the two to Dodging again and again.

This battle lasted for less than ten seconds. It can be seen that the four people in the fairy palace were just two men in a mantis arm. Thor had a long-term combat experience. As the most lethal thunder god, he knew the fighting power of several friends. How big.

Tang Yan knew that they could not fight, but now seeing their fighting power is simply speechless. Every human body of the Celestial Warrior is extremely sturdy, but it is a bit worse than the heroes he knows. The destroyer now has the fighting power. But one thousandth of a normal, they can be dealt with effortlessly.

Thor saw that the Destroyer was still attacking, and although no casualties had been caused to the people, he knew that if he would not go out again, the Destroyer would start the killing and shouted:

"Sif ... you go back quickly, stop Loki, hurry ..."

"What about you?" Shiv asked.

Thor smiled bitterly and strode towards the center of the street, but Tang Yan asked Daisy to whisper while sitting on the ground:

"Everything is over. I have to leave after that, but I will call you if I have the chance. Of course, you can also call me. I had a good time last night."

Daisy's face turned red, Tang Yan actually said it in such a messy situation, but even in this crisis scene, she couldn't help trembling when she remembered it, she nodded her head without Speak, because at this point Thor had reached the Destroyer and shouted to the Rocky soul attached to it:

"Brother, what's wrong with me, you can kill me, but Asgard must not be in crisis."

The destroyer's gathering energy slowed down. When the surrounding audience thought that the other party was not ready to kill Thor, a red light flashed from the destroyer's body, and a pillar of energy bombarded Thor and knocked him off.


Thor fell to the ground softly and collapsed, and Jane Fei, who was already emotional about Thor, rushed forward and hugged Thor and became sad. ~ Shiv and others were embarrassed. Thor actually died like this?

Tang Yan stood up slowly, he smiled at the destroyer who was slowly turning and preparing to go to the connection point of the Rainbow Bridge. At this moment, Thor's seal was being opened because of this powerful impact. As the protoss king, Thor's body It will not die unless it is **** in an instant.

Jane kept crying. Suddenly she heard a howling, but when she turned back, she saw a black line flying towards her in the distance. Eric rushed forward and pulled her away from the nursery.

"Click ..."

The black line was Thor's hammer, and Thor flew in front of him to grab it, and the dense thunder and lightning in the sky began to gather on him, and a piece of metal was about to form an armor on him.

When the Destroyer sensed the resurrection of Thor, he turned and sprayed a pillar of energy, but Thor hit the Destroyer's head to one side with a flying hammer.

Just as Thor was about to take another shot, his hammer was blocked by one hand. Thor looked at Tang Ye's hand, and asked with a twitch on his face:
