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Chapter 483: Catch the spider weave

Back at the station, at this time, it was still very lively. Sun Wukong became a demon hero. The king here also promised to give him half a country. If it wasn't for Sun Wukong to learn from the scriptures, he could mix a king here.

Before going to kill the golden retriever, Tang Yan went directly to stealthily and touched the golden retriever's purple golden bell. When the golden retriever panicked, Sun Wukong attacked the homeopath. This golden retriever was also a trick that relied on magic weapons. When the purple golden bell fell, he panicked , Was killed by Sun Wukong with a stick, and Tang Yan went all the way into the cave.

In a room, Tang Yuan saw the Lady of the Golden Saint Palace. It was pretty, but it looked just like that. Before Zhang Ziyang arrived, Tang Yuan directly picked up her protective robe and returned Zhu Ziguo. It's Sun Wukong, he just takes the baby.

Sun Wukong doesn't want half a country, but the king is not easy to break the trust, so he gave a lot of gold and silver jewelry before leaving, and Tang Ye didn't care about these things, but he had to pretend to be a pig, so he took a space bag and put These treasures are so famous that they don't need to eat white food anymore.

It ’s true that in the next journey, Sanzang of Tang Dynasty has not eaten white food once, and it ’s easy to find something to eat while staying. Tang Yuan spends money. This feeling makes Tang Seng feel a little less depressed, at least there is no one who only knows that he must be good. many.

Continuing westward, Tang Yan began to calculate. In front of this are the seven spider spirits of Pansidong and the hundred-eyed magpies in front. This is a group of monsters without a background, but they are all cannibalistic goods, walking to distance. Tens of miles away from Tangquan, it was too early for Tang Ye to look at the sky. He knew that if Tang Sanzang continued to travel because of some spare food in his bag, he would probably encounter the seven banshees in Pansidong even if he did n’t disappear. .

As long as it is encountered, even if it is a disaster, it is only a small threat. After thinking about it, Tang Yan looked at the mountain in front and frowned:

"Here, there are few people on the mountain high road, and there seems to be a demon in front of you. Sanzang Zen Master, you and Goku are walking slowly behind me. I will come back to explore the road."

Sun Wukong looked up, and his fire eyes and golden eyes could not see the enchantment around him, but when he saw Tang Yan blinking, he said quickly:

"Yeah, it's not easy to go ahead, master, let's wait a moment, and wait until Brother Pig explores the way."

After Tang Sanzang met Tang Yan, although he saw a lot of monsters, he was never arrested once, which made him still trust him very much. He nodded and said:

"Then we will walk slowly and protect the law early and return early."

Tang Yan flew up into the sky and rushed forward. In the middle of the road, he created a few gadgets, and then flew to the side of the Zhequan Spring. It is said that the Zhequan Spring is one of the Jinwus that was hung by the wasteland. In fact, It's just a hot spring, and there are no ten Jinwu in the flood. Why? After Di Jun and Tai broke up with each other, neither of them got married. Where did the ten Jinwu come from?

I watched it at the edge of the dirty dirt spring, a giggle came from a distance, when Tang Yan turned a flower bush, in front of the seven very dressed girls are playing, see Tang Yan, one of them The older woman twisted the big PP and walked forward and smiled:

"Where does this gentleman come from?"

Tang Yan looked at the seven women, took out seven eccentric runners and put them on the ground.

"My grandfather came from the east. Now I stop here. The purpose is to catch seven spider spirits and give me special weaving fabrics. The evildoers are not yet visible."

Tang Yan screamed loudly. The seven exposed women's faces changed. They hurriedly pressed their beautiful belly, and then hula lazed in their navel eyes, spraying extremely tough and dense spider silk.


Tang Yan connected seven runners with a single flick of seven spider silks. In his drinking, the seven runners began to spin like a sharply rotating hub.

The seven spiders spun silk is very powerful, but they met Tang Jun who planned to use spider silk to make clothes. However, after taking a few breaths, the seven spiders found that they could not plug the navel eyes at all. Although their spider silks are powerful, they are The essence of their own, but the wheel continuously extracting spider silk, they did not dare to step forward and did not dare to struggle, the delicate body continued to shake as the spider silk was drawn.

As the runner turned faster and faster, the seven spider spirits had become pale. The largest spider spirit watched Tang Yue constantly begging, but Tang Yan was unmoved. Seeing that these seven spider essences were about to be drained Essence, Tang Yan stopped the finger with a finger, and the seven spider spirits collapsed and fell to the ground.

After sealing all the seven spider spirits, he went to Pansidong and burned the little demon in the fire with a flame. Tang Yan flew forward again. He found the Taoist temple where the Jingjing lived. After a hundred-eyed dead, Tang Yan turned back to the road and merged with Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong.

"Protect the law, can there be a monster in front?" Tang Sanzang asked immediately when he saw Tang Yan coming back.

Tang Yan nodded and said:

"Yes, there are seven spider spirits and a hundred-eyed magpie, but they are all cleaned up by me. There are no monsters in the road ahead. Even if there are, Goku and I can solve them. Zen masters don't need to worry much. "

Tang Sanzang nodded and said:

"That's good, that's good, I hope all the way to peace and peace in the Western Lingshan to worship Buddha for refinement."


This time, I do n’t know if Tang Jing is worshiping Buddha, but the fairy with a large background on the road is true ~ ~ He uses various means to understand the legend to make the westbound road upside down. The plunge, it seems that a monster with a large background has arrived, and he must carefully consider these people's calculations.

Because he and Wukong killed even the golden bullhead of Guanyin, the boy of the green bull Maitreya, who was too high, these people must prepare for the calamity. If they wait until the near future, they may be prepared. The difficulty of the disaster is eliminated, but those powerful monsters cannot be killed. This is not the result Tang Tang wants.

Under the tone that demons and demons were removed when Sun Wukong was received, Westerners would never dare to say that he was wrong to kill monsters, and those in Daomen who wanted to take advantage of Westernism, or shot for a shot Yes, those who have been killed or helpers should be deserved, otherwise the indulgence of the people alone to blame the people and preach it, even if it is God, will be wiped out by human resentment.

Leaving from Zanquaquan, it was late autumn and Sun Wukong was leading the way. As he turned around a valley, Wu Kong shouted at a mountain in the clouds ahead:

"Master, sir, it's a big mountain in front."

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